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23 yo nW 2 temple restoration surgeon

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I agree with hair_care, see a derm - look in to finasteride and minoxidil.


If your loss can only be seen while brushing your hair back it's real to early to consider a transplant, even if it wasn't, limiting your choices to 1 area isn't the way to go and deciding on a surgeon because he is the cheapest in that area would be a massive mistake.

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well i take anabolic steroids which increase DHT a ton ... so its semi prevantative. transplanted hair is not DHT sensitive.


appreciated reccomendations on surgeons nearby/around PA/NYC and approx cost per $unit




i take saw palmetto to inhibit DHT. finesteride will cause too many sexual side effects with anabolic steroids.

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  • Senior Member

Aren't there steroids available which don't cause hairloss?




(I don't know if this is accurate information or not.)

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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I agree and if that is the reason ausieman22 is taking them, then he is making the choice to go bald as he knows the damage it is doing (No respected surgeon will treat someone doing that - if given the facts)


Ausieman22, if it's for medical reasons speak to your doctor and address your concerns, a transplant isn't the answer.

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im not sure how much you are into what you are taking, but..


if you are absolutely 100% decided to use roids, try looking into those that do not aromatisize to testostorone, but estrogen instead (and use estrogen blockers post-cycle)


i lift weights myself, but drug free so my advice is what it is.


Personally, i would rather gain muscle slower and keep my hair. Most people can get pretty big naturally, it just takes longer..


Anyway, good luck.


11/04-07 - 800-1600 ish grafts - danish clinic - poor results


12/02-08 - 2764 grafts - Dr. Devroye - good result but needs hairline density


03/12-10 - 1429 grafts - Dr. Mohmand - result pending


Feel free to visit my picture thread


My Hair Transplant Photos - Surgery with Dr. Devroye


Young lads below 25 unite!

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anabolics build muscle mass yes. not using anabolics isnt the answer. DHT resistant hair is.


I totally disagree, you are choosing to take drugs that are causing your hair loss or at least speeding it up. Most of the guys on here who are REALLY suffering with hair loss would do anything to go back to a NW1 and have the chance to stay there - where as you're content to let it get worse.


Anyway, Dr Feller is in New York... his prices are on his website.


I don't think he will recommended a transplant to a 23 year-old NW1 and if you tell him about the steroids, I'd hope he wouldn't treat you at all (I'm not sure which doctors operate on patients knowing they are taking drugs that increase DHT, personally I think it's wrong that they would).


Also, you are losing your hair at 23 so there's a good chance of you becoming a high NW case, if you continue to take steroids which "increase DHT a ton" then your plan - "not using anabolics isn't the answer but DHT resistant hair is", is a flawed. There isn't enough of these to cover your head if you do become a high NW case. You should also bear in mind that by the time your first transplant has grown out (1 to 1 and a half years) there's a good chance you will need another to fill in the area behind the first. The massive levels of DHT and the fact you have decided to have a transplant at such an early stage of loss, coupled with your choice not take Finasteride may mean you will always chase your hair loss in this manner.

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ty all for advice


dr feller looks like a win!



yes winstrol/dht derivatives i stay away from. and SawP is much like finesteride.. ive taken finesteride the sexual side effects were intolerable for a h***** 23 yo.


at a young age. i had to take 3 courses of Accutane and a self dosed course of 100,000 IU vitamin A a day for acne treatments..this resulted in temple hair loss that will grow back with rogaine but Post cycle therapy, Clomid/nolvadex always knock it back out.


Transplanted hair will not be affected by DHT spikes... and I try to control DHT levels with Saw P.


So I believe a transplant will fix the vit a/accutane lost hair permanently. if it lasts 10 years great! then ill shave my head


Ty all good luck!

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