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propecia side effects


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Hi all, I have a question regarding the side effects of propecia. Ive been taking it for about 6 months now. I have experienced side effects from this drug, however they have been mild I guess you could say, but i believe it isnt enough to continue taking the drug especially bc of the fact that I am only about to turn 22. So i guess my question is, I was wondering what kind of alternatives I have while taking this drug to help lessen the side effects. I had previously started taking it every other day, which worked OKAY for a while. Then i started taking it mwf. which didn't work because after the first week passed and i took it on monday i had side effects. I also have read on here about taking a lower dosage. such as .5mg of propecia. i think propecia is 1.25 mg? Anyways, I know I am rambling on but has anyone ever had this same kind of problem and solved it with lowering the dosage or whatever.. Also keep in mind i have stopped taking the drug and i have been off it for about 2 weeks... within a week of not taking it I returned back to normal..


thanks for any of your help..

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  • Senior Member

I had adverse effects at first when I started finasteride. I developed what was considered the beginning of gynecomastia after less than a week. I have been on it for more than 6 years now and I'm all fine, no problems. Your body gets used and the sides should disappear after a while.


My 2 suggestions:

1- Start again after stopping for a while, but with a gradual dosage.


2- In the future if you experience what you think is an adverse, just skip a day of medication.



Buy a pill cutter (5$ at any pharmacy) Start finasteride again with a lower dosage, and few times a week. i.e. cut propecia into 4 pieces (0.25mg) and take that 1/4 pill every 3 days for the first 2 weeks. Then gradually upgrade to 1/2 propecia every 3 days.... then 1/2 propecia every 2 days, then a full propecia every 2 days, and eventually a full dose every day if you feel you need it and that you're ready.


That seems complicated, but trust me, it should cancel chances of adverse effects, and after a month and a half you're back on track.


Again, if you ever feel adverse effects after that, just skip a day! You will be surprise how fast the body will get back on track, just by skipping a day of medication. (But keep in mind that "stability" of dosage is important, since playing with dosages can create a hormonal fluctuation that can trigger shedding phases which means hairloss for a while. But skipping a day or 2 from time to time is not a problem).


Hope this helps


Best of luck

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I think it helps to discuss what the side-effects are because we all are susceptible to different conditions.


I, for one, attest to experiencing side-effects in my ejaculate. To be honest, prior to taking finasteride/propecia, I had much more volume and intensity.


But after a few years on this medication, the volume and intensity have diminished. I still feel great orgasms, but the resulting ejaculate is much reduced then when I was in my 20s.


Now in my mid-30s, I strongly suspect the prostate anti-inflammatory properties of finasteride have worked to change/downgrade the amount and intensity of my ejaculations and no amount of varying the dosage has really changed this.


I look forward to advances in cloning and other means to produce lots of grafts. I would then have my second HT and wean myself off the meds altogether.


For now, I can live with the output I yield and do not have any other major side-effects from the medications. (perhaps just a little dry scalp from the rogaine which i have taken care of my using lots of herbal/natural conditioners).

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  • Senior Member

ive experienced weaker erections, also it is harder to get one and maintain it... tho i still wake up with morning erections.. its quite weird and makes no sense to me.. it all just really sucks.. and its nothing physcologically.. once i stopped taking the meds i went back to normal about 2 weeks after i stopped taking the drug. now im only taking .25mg and first 3 days were fine.. then i drank alcohol and the day after it really messed me up... Im going to give it a few weeks and if nothing changes i'm just going to give up.. its not worth it at all.

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  • Regular Member

brentipold, I disagree. From what you have said it sounds very psychological. Especially as you can achieve morning erections. The thing to remember is everyone is different. I personally have been on the stuff for almost 4 years and my sex drive is very high! I can get spontaneous erections on demand and never in 4 years have I had trouble. The only time I felt that finasteride might be having a negative effect on my sex drive was for a period of one week when it was taking me longer to reach an orgasm. Coincidently, it was the week in which I had been reading posts on propeciahelp.com (about potential side effects). After forgetting about it and meeting a pretty girl I was back to trying my hardest to delay my orgasms!!

It is very easy to become fixated on things. I honestly tell you that sometimes I feel that if finasteride decreased sex drive it would not be such a bad thing (for me anyway)??¦.

I don't think it is necessary to reduce or increase doses etc. What is necessary is do something consistently. That way you body will adjust itself to what you're putting in it.




PhD (Experimental and Clinical medicine)


1.25mg Finasteride

Minoxidil 5% (EOD)

Nizoral 1% (x3/week)


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  • Senior Member

I understand what you are saying, but trust me it is not physcolgical.. im not someone who would let that get to me.. the side effects are just mild... however, I do not enjoy having them and they are quite distracting and have prevente me on my usual sexual escapades for the past 6 months.

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  • Regular Member
you are saying, but trust me it is not physcolgical.. im


I do understand your concerns. I'm just trying to highlight the importance of the psychological state of mind. The placebo effect always amazed me??¦


It is understandable why some people would suffer the side effects that you have. The truth is it is unlikely that you will be able to relax until you stop taking propecia. When you quit, it will obvious impact your body's chemistry and in the short term things may get slightly worse before your body returns to your pre-propecia state. Let us know how it goes. Hope you feel better soon buddy.




PhD (Experimental and Clinical medicine)


1.25mg Finasteride

Minoxidil 5% (EOD)

Nizoral 1% (x3/week)


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I got sides from it, too.


I know you can keep taking it and they might go away (like mmhce says) but I stopped taking it altogether, because it's not something I wanted to push through, nor risk permanent damage.


I know Merck says everyone goes back to normal, but Propeciahelp forums are bloody scary. I'm sure some of those guys are suffering from psychologically induced impotence from the scare, but a lot of them are also getting bloodwork done and getting strange results even after months or years off Finasteride.


I just didn't want to risk it. Even if it is psychological, it doesn't mean you can just snap out of it.


It's really regrettable as Fin seems to be an awesome hairloss treatment for people who react well to it, but some of us are just unlucky.


I'm now on Rogaine alone, and I'll see how that works out.

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I don't want to link to other forums on here, but basically it seems like the finasteride permanently altered the endocrine systems of a few of the guys.


Like their testosterone levels are wrecked and out of whack and they've been off Fin for ages. I guess that's what's being investigated by those Swedish(?) scientists now.

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  • Senior Member

I tried everything to stay on propecia but the sides never went away. I agree that at times it can be physiological but for many people they are real and can be very nasty.

It took me 5 weeks to get back to normal after stopping the drug. Its ashame because I wanted to keep taking it to delay any future hair loss as I recently had a HT.


If you do experience sides, they may be temporary. Try lowering the dose, skipping a day etc but if it doesn't work then you're not responding well to the drug. Also talk to your doc, I spoke to both my HT doc and GP but unfortunately nothing worked. On a positive note i'm very happy that the sides have gone and have not experience anything permanent like some users have.

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