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Any advice appreciated!!


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Hey ladies and gents,


It's about that time. I've been losing my hair for a solid 4 or 5 years, and I'm only 23. Not cool. I've tried Rogaine and Minoxidil 15% for the past year or so, without promising results. I recently graduated college and got a pretty decent paying job, so figured it was time to put that degree to use and restore my look to your typical 23 year old. I realize many will argue I'm too young, but I think these pictures should speak for themselves. I've consulted with Dr. Arocha in Houston - which is VERY nice location-wise, considering I live about 5 minutes from his office. However, as I've been browsing this site, I've learned location should not be an issue. Honestly, money isn't a HUGE issue either, but I'd like to keep it in the 15K or less range (aiming for 3000-3500 grafts). I believe I have pretty decent donor hair, and would like to be fairly aggressive (also once again, most likely to the dismay of many members here). Hopefully, by the time I need another transplant, there will be a more effective means to battling hair loss. Permanent wigs that grow onto your head, I don't know.


I'm trying to keep my options open. I haven't been able to find Dr. Rahal's current prices, but last I heard it was $4/graft plus a discount after 2500? Can anyone verify that? And a 10% discount for traveler's outside the country?


Arocha is a little more expensive - if I remember correctly, $5/graft up to 2000, then $4 for 2000+. Could be wrong, but I think I remember that right. Seems a little expensive for strip. So, obviously Rahal wins on that aspect, but I have another consultation with Arocha and might be able to talk him down a bit. I think Armani does excellent work too, but have read a few negative comments about his ethics. Not trying to start problems or anything - he provides excellent results for sure. But, I've read/seen that Rahal's work can compete just as well. It's just very convenient having Dr. Arocha literally 5 miles from my apartment - not having to worry about travel, easier follow-up appointments, etc.


ANYWAY...just wondering if anyone would be so kind to give recommendations - not only on surgeoun experiences and overall results, but what you think I could expect and if 3500 grafts will get a full hairline, etc? I've tried getting in touch with a few of the top choices - Shapiro, Hasson & Wong, Rahal, Armani, Arocha, but so far Arocha is the only one to get back to me outside of an automated response email. So, +1 for him. Also, I plan on taking Propencia once I get this surgery completed, as well as continuing the Minoxydil. I never had a "doctor" in college to prescribe Propencia, just your common practice doc, so haven't had the chance to start on that.


I'll attach a few photos, but all the pics I sent in for online consultation can be found on my page. I've also attached a .pdf with my goal in mind. I realize it's not likely, but I want to get as close as possible.


Thanks guys, y'all are awesome.







Hair Goal_2.pdf

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  • Senior Member

At your age with the degree of hair loss you're experiencing you should use propecia and rogaine for one year and then reevaluate how the medication is working before taking the plunge of having a procedure. There is a good chance you may continue losing more hair and it's very important to know if the medication is stabilizing or regrowing your hair prior to having the transplantation. This may also save you quite a bit of money in the long and short term especially if you go on to regrow dormant native hair.

I am a consultant for Dr. True and Dr. Dorin. These opinions are my own.


Dr. Robert True and Dr. Robert Dorin are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Hey dude,


It sounds to me like you're being pretty realistic. You already know the risks and seem to understand the basic concepts, components and expectations of HT. Here are my thoughts on your situation...


First off, what is your family history like? Are there many bald men in your family? If so, how severe?


It makes sense that you want to look your age and not lose your twenties to baldness. Nobody is going to blame you for that. So in order to get the ball back in your court, I think you should start Propecia and Rogain together and consistently for a year. From what I gather, people seem to get better results when the two are used in conjunction with each other...


Since you're only 23, and you've progressed easily to a NW3, if not NW4, I would definitely start on the meds first. You really have to focus on saving what hair you have left because to have that much loss at your age is not a very encouraging fact of life.


The thing you really have to prove to yourself is that medication works for you and you're willing and able to stay on it indefinitely... possibly 20 years or more assuming nothing else comes along. Let's face it, if the meds don't work for you, then I would say hold off on an HT until your late twenties / early thirties so as to be able to better predict your future loss.


However, if you see improvement with the meds, I don't see why you can't get your frontal third taken care of in a year or so, at the age of 24 or 25. It's usually best to wait until 25 though. Just make sure the meds are working for you and that you're stable and persistent enough to take them every day like you must... there is no on-again/off-again with Propecia.


As far as shooting for 3,000-3,500 grafts in one session, I do think that is being aggressive, but also necessary for your amount of hair loss. The good news is that you appear to have favorable hair characteristics so that those grafts will go a long way in terms of coverage.


My only word of caution would be to make sure you have the donor supply to afford it. You're going to need at least 8,000 grafts in the bank to safely put 3,500 into your frontal third, though some might argue more... The important thing is that you have enough left over to address your midsection and crown, should they go...


I disagree with the notion that you should not let travel influence your decision. That may be true if you live in Nowheresville, Kansas, but you live 5 minutes from a reputable doctor. As I've mentioned several times before, I cannot emphasize how beneficial it's been to be just a brief subway ride away from my clinic, I can make there in 20 minutes. I go in for check ups every two months. Any questions or concerns I have can be answered immediately. It does a lot to ease my anxiety.


Lastly, I suggest you check out Ahairdown's profile. He had his procedure with Arocha recently. He's pretty active on the forums and is a straight shooter.




Edited by corvettester

My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Dorin


1,696 FUT with Dr. Dorin on October 18, 2010.


1,305 FUT with Dr. Dorin on August 10, 2011.


565 FUE with Dr. Dorin on September 14, 2012.

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  • 3 weeks later...

On 9-1-2011, I had a 3000 graph hair transplant procedure performed by Dr. Arocha. I highly recommend him. His staff was excellent, attentive, and even appropriately humorous at times. Dr. Arocha is an artist. He will work with you to create the look you want.


Like you, I looked at traveling to other doctors in and outside of Texas. But, also being a Houstonian, I wanted the convenience of a local doctor. I am exceptionally glad that I went with Dr. Arocha. You are welcome to see my results after only 30 days at the following URL:

Hair Restoration Site for Steven


I will continue to update pics of my progress, but I am extremely happy with my results thus far. I saw Dr. Arocha yesterday (10-1-11), and he informed me that at this point I will be experiencing gradual new growth. From my last picture, you can already see small, tiny fine hairs beginning to grow. And, I have had almost no discomfort. My donor area scar has healed well, and I have complete sensation in the transplant area.


I really don't know how a HT surgeon could have done a better job than Dr. Arocha. I will keep updating my progress at the above URL. My recommendation to you is to continue to do your research, as I did. And, feel free to take your time, as it took me 5 years to finally make my decision. You really need to feel confident when you decide on a doctor.


In case you have not seen it, here is the URL for the Houston CitySearch reviews on Dr. Arocha:



I wish you the best.



BTW, my daughter was in the Corps at TAMU---Whoop!!




Houston, Texas

Edited by Steven
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  • Senior Member

I agree with corvette

I think you should really get on meds for at least a year or so before a transplant! I live in AR and Im traveling to Canada for a procedure with DR Rahal in January..So obviously I didn't let travel determine my decision. Dr Rahal does not have his prices on a per graft basis(as far as I know) he does his pricing on a per case basis..BUT I can tell you Im shooting for 4000 grafts and it is under 15K. Im also 37 YO and have been on meds solid for about 9 months and have seen a lot of improvement. I too was losing my hair at 19..if ONLY I would have been consistent in taking meds for the last 19 years!

Get on medication ASAP and then consider a transplant!


Dr Rahal in January 19, 2012:)

4808 FUT grafts- 941 singles, 2809 doubles, 1031 triples, 27 quads


My Hairloss Website

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all of the advice guys. I actually decided to take the plunge and do the procedure last week. I understand the argument about being too young, but figured it's worth the risk. Guess it's just my overall aggressive lifestyle haha. If I have to go under again (or 3 times for that matter) a few more years down the road, then so be it. I've accepted that likely scenario.


I decided to go with Dr. Arocha, and he seemed to create a hairline that balances an aggressive age-appropriate approach as well as a conservative and long-term design. I've also added Propercia for the past couple of weeks in addition to my current Minoxydil 15% and Nioxin regime.


I'll make a blog and attach it to my signature for anyone curious in seeing my progress.


Thanks again guys! I owe MUCH to this forum.

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