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Everything posted by TexAg

  1. Thanks for the comments everyone. I really do appreciate y'all's opinion, even if it is very blunt and to the point haha. I can respect that. Since Bill took the time to write out such an elaborate response, I figured the least I can do is address some of his points: For starters, let me say that I'm not claiming there isn't any growth. I know there is, and I think it's a marginal improvement, but there is no way this is the result of 3640 grafts. It appears as though half of that actually grew, which is what I'm truly worried about. That, and the fact that my donor hair supply has now been cut in half. Eh. With all due respect, if I wanted subtle I wouldn't have opted for such a large procedure. I was planning to restore my hairline as reasonably as possible, and felt that 3640 grafts should have done so. Also, to address Spanker's concern, I wouldn't say it's a super aggressive hairline. If Kira can provide the post-op pics, I think you would see that it's pretty conservative. However, I would have to respectfully disagree with Bill that it looks natural. You don't even have to zoom in on these photos to clearly see the individual hairs along the hairline in both the front and 3/4 view. In the temple area, I can literally count the grafts under any variety of lighting. The same can be said about the temple points. That's not natural.
  2. In a strange way, it somehow helps to know that others agree I've had a poor outcome. I'm coming up on 11 months now and it looks pretty much the same as 10 months, so I really don't expect much improvement. I'll try to keep a positive mind about all this, but I'm also a realist. As others have said, this is not the kind of result I should have expected for this size/type of procedure. I'll be the first to admit this is clearly below expectations, and with all due respect Kira, I would rather you and Dr. Arocha just be honest and tell me there isn't going to be much improvement rather than try to sugar coat it and tell me it could still get better. There will likely not be enough of a difference in the next 4-5 months to warrant a change in opinion, but like I said, I'll try to remain positive about all this as the extra stress doesn't exactly help. Sparky hit the nail on the head. I should be at essentially full growth. I understand the concept that some patients grow more quickly than others, but it's a little extreme to say that could still apply to someone at 11 months. I've seen patients at 5 months have better results than I have at 10-11. I would also agree the result does not look natural, hence why I feel it's necessary to wear concealer to avoid further embarassment. To address Sparky's concern about operating at such a young age (which I completely understand - that was a big factor for me); I consulted with two other recommended surgeons on this forum, and they both also agreed to move forward with the procedure if I had decided to go with them. I guess they had come to the same conclusion that I was still a good candidate, regardless of my young age. As pointed out by Cant decide (by the way, excellent result, Rahal does amazing work), I was also under the impression that I had above average donor hair. However, as it stands, I am aware it was risky to operate at such a young age. I don't entirely believe that would be the main cause for the poor yield though - if anything I would think the donor hair would have a greater chance of success being in a younger state that someone who is 40+ years old. As I said, I'll try to keep a positive outlook on this situation and give it the benefit of the doubt in waiting the full 18 months, but I won't get my hopes up. I hope I haven't come off as rash or unreasonable, but I'm sure there are plenty of members on this forum who could imagine the frustration of going through this entire procedure with a recommended surgeon, only to have a result that not only is way below expectations, but also looks fairly obvious at the same time. Not to mention the large expense of such an operation... I will have to reassess my situation at 18 months. If there isn't much improvement by then, hopefully an agreement can be met between the clinic and myself that will please both parties. I know Arocha wants the best for his patients and for them to be happy, but at this point that is unfortunately not the case for me.
  3. That's me in the photos. I was worried I might have had unrealistic expectations going into this procedure, but it appears I'm not the only one who thinks I had poor yield. I guess that makes me feel a little better. I wasn't planning on having any touch-ups any time soon, hence why I opted for such a large procedure. I might not have a choice though - my hair doesn't exactly look natural at this point. I was really hoping to be off Toppik at 10-11 months, but still don't feel comfortable without it. It's very see-through even in moderate lighting. However, I agree about putting these photos out for the forum to see - I'm sure future candidates will appreciate documentation that not all procedures turn out excellent. I really don't expect much improvement in the next few months or so. It's looked more or less the same from months 6-10. It's a shame because I feel that I made a good choice in my surgeon. Finally, for those wondering - been on Propecia for 1.5 years now (every day). I really don't understand the poor yield. I followed all of the post-op directions, have been taking medication, eat a healthy diet and excercise almost every day. Just goes to show not all results will turn out as expected, I suppose.
  4. Arocha actually travels back and forth between Dallas and Houston. If you're from the Dallas area it would be something to consider. In fact, I requested my one month post op photos the other day but they were in Dallas. No worries though - they got back to me once they returned back to Houston. I had my procedure with Arocha back in the beginning of October of this year. If you have any questions I would be more than happy to help. I also experienced financing issues with Chase/CareCredit, but opted to get a personal loan from my bank instead. I'm surprised Arocha's office didn't mention anything about not supporting the 0% financing route - they told me ahead of time that they only do the long term finance plan because, as mentioned previously, they pay more to support the 0% option and I guess it's not feasible for them.
  5. Thanks for all of the advice guys. I actually decided to take the plunge and do the procedure last week. I understand the argument about being too young, but figured it's worth the risk. Guess it's just my overall aggressive lifestyle haha. If I have to go under again (or 3 times for that matter) a few more years down the road, then so be it. I've accepted that likely scenario. I decided to go with Dr. Arocha, and he seemed to create a hairline that balances an aggressive age-appropriate approach as well as a conservative and long-term design. I've also added Propercia for the past couple of weeks in addition to my current Minoxydil 15% and Nioxin regime. I'll make a blog and attach it to my signature for anyone curious in seeing my progress. Thanks again guys! I owe MUCH to this forum.
  6. Hey ladies and gents, It's about that time. I've been losing my hair for a solid 4 or 5 years, and I'm only 23. Not cool. I've tried Rogaine and Minoxidil 15% for the past year or so, without promising results. I recently graduated college and got a pretty decent paying job, so figured it was time to put that degree to use and restore my look to your typical 23 year old. I realize many will argue I'm too young, but I think these pictures should speak for themselves. I've consulted with Dr. Arocha in Houston - which is VERY nice location-wise, considering I live about 5 minutes from his office. However, as I've been browsing this site, I've learned location should not be an issue. Honestly, money isn't a HUGE issue either, but I'd like to keep it in the 15K or less range (aiming for 3000-3500 grafts). I believe I have pretty decent donor hair, and would like to be fairly aggressive (also once again, most likely to the dismay of many members here). Hopefully, by the time I need another transplant, there will be a more effective means to battling hair loss. Permanent wigs that grow onto your head, I don't know. I'm trying to keep my options open. I haven't been able to find Dr. Rahal's current prices, but last I heard it was $4/graft plus a discount after 2500? Can anyone verify that? And a 10% discount for traveler's outside the country? Arocha is a little more expensive - if I remember correctly, $5/graft up to 2000, then $4 for 2000+. Could be wrong, but I think I remember that right. Seems a little expensive for strip. So, obviously Rahal wins on that aspect, but I have another consultation with Arocha and might be able to talk him down a bit. I think Armani does excellent work too, but have read a few negative comments about his ethics. Not trying to start problems or anything - he provides excellent results for sure. But, I've read/seen that Rahal's work can compete just as well. It's just very convenient having Dr. Arocha literally 5 miles from my apartment - not having to worry about travel, easier follow-up appointments, etc. ANYWAY...just wondering if anyone would be so kind to give recommendations - not only on surgeoun experiences and overall results, but what you think I could expect and if 3500 grafts will get a full hairline, etc? I've tried getting in touch with a few of the top choices - Shapiro, Hasson & Wong, Rahal, Armani, Arocha, but so far Arocha is the only one to get back to me outside of an automated response email. So, +1 for him. Also, I plan on taking Propencia once I get this surgery completed, as well as continuing the Minoxydil. I never had a "doctor" in college to prescribe Propencia, just your common practice doc, so haven't had the chance to start on that. I'll attach a few photos, but all the pics I sent in for online consultation can be found on my page. I've also attached a .pdf with my goal in mind. I realize it's not likely, but I want to get as close as possible. Thanks guys, y'all are awesome. Hair Goal_2.pdf
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