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No Motivation for HT


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I've thought about a HT for years now but never gone through with it.


I'm 36 and I would say I'm NW3 - I've only just started Propecia so I know I'll have to give it a year to see if I respond. At the moment I grow my hair long and use some toppik and I have to say it looks like I have a full thick head of hair.


The problem is the style I look like I have a really old fashioned crappy haircut. This has never bothered me until recently. I used to think as long as I look like I have loads of hair thats all that matters.



I have thought recently that wearing a very small hairpiece mainly along the hairline that I would use with my existing long hair giving me much more options to style it would be a good way to change my appearance before a HT (If I ever have one that is).


I know theres still a stigma with wigs but I wouldnt be wearing a big wig or even a small aprial wig it would almost be acting like hair extensions.


Anyway back to the HT.


I often wonder why i havent taken the plunge I have the money, done the research. I believe the travel on my own is a big part of it, if I lived near a top doc I'd of probably had it by now.


Sometimes I'm angry with myself that I havent taken the plunge. I also relaise theres more to life than hair and also realise that just worrying about 'why' I havent had one is pretty insignificant in the whole scheme of things.

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You can pay for mine and I will travel with you. Then you would not have to do it alone :)

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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If you're able to get by without going through with a HT, then hold off as long as possible. HT should be your last resort so don't feel badly that you haven't gone through with one.


Spanker, I don't know your hair story/history. I see that you haven't had a procedure. Do you have a blog?

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You get a whole team of people to go with you if you paid for their procedures. An entourage.


If you can still look like you have plenty of thick hair then can't you also have it cut in a style that you like? You say you keep it longer. Surely there are endless styles you could choose.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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Because I have to grow it long brush it forward there is pretty much a limited amount of styles I can put off. I should thin some areas cut it abit but I'm then afraid that I will mess up and look worse or not have enough hair to cover the bald thinning areas lol. Thats why something along my hairline would really change my look. I just dont want to look back if I dont have a ht and think I did nothing. At least if I do wear a small piece along the hairline I could change my look until the HT.


I dunno maybe I'll be rocking this look for years and no-one would know I'm balding lol, kinda funny when I think about it.

Edited by standbyme
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Ha, I understand that. I havent tried a hairpiece yet but the fact it will be very small with my own hair mixed it isnt too bad.


My thought is, why not try it, if I decide to have a HT in the future at least in the meantime my hair will look better.


It would be nice if a top doc was vailable in the uk, that would make things easier.

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I understand what you are going through Standbyme. I have a similar opinion...i've done the research, have the money, etc but there is something holding me back too at times. I use Toppik so that quiets me down from thinking my hairloss is really that bad but it def does get in the way of life in that it is tough for me to leave the house without it esp on vacations where there is water involved and girls I date too...I am worried they will see the toppik or if I go away with them it is hard to apply bc they are in the room with me. I say to myself I could perhaps live with the look Toppik gives me as it just makes me look like i have a mature hairline but I then say to myself that NOW is the time to get the HT so I can have my real hairline back to enjoy while in my 30's as opposed to waiting for it to get worse to the point where i will have to get a HT but then I'll be in my 40's and life would have passed me by (I mean this in that my hair loss would have hurt my social life so why not get it when I am in the main heart of my social life and making life changing decisions). I'm still doing my final consultations now but hopefully I will make my decision either way. Do you have any pics?! Do u use Toppik? I would use that waaay before a hair piece...as I can only imagine how annoying and difficult that would be to pull off as friend of mine had a piece from Hair Club and although it looked decent it was a nightmare to maintain.

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Hey Capelli11.


Kinda nice to know theres someone else in the same boat (I'm sure there are many more).


Obviously before I can have a HT I need to at least get some response from my meds, if I dont the best I can hope for is perhapes restoring my front bit.


If I respond well (fingers crossed) it will probably delay my HT as at least then I will able to cover it up to a satisfactory way.


I do use toppik sometimes quite a bit other times only a little, it really is great stuff and makes my hair so much thicker.


I understand that your dating etc...And worried about maybe a girlfriend finding out, I dont have that problem so again thats probably another reason I haven't had a HT.


I also work from home which takes away bad hair days, well at least bad hair days in public lol.


I'm in my mid 30's, I feel I did all my partying and girl chasing from about 14-25, over a decade and as I got to my mid 20's I really didnt want to carry on anymore I wanted other thngs, this was before my loss...only a little before though.


So I guess you have to weigh up all the pro's and con's, if I was after a girlfirend/wife or I was younger and out going to parties I might be more willing to have a ht. If maybe I was looking for a job and thought it would help my confidence I might be more willing, but those things arent relevant too me all leading to me wondering do I really want one?


As far as a hairpiece goes I'm not talking about a full wig or even a partial just a very small strip along my hairline to help with my parting, it would be mixed in with my real hair just to make things look better, give me a more natural style.


I guess you only really know you want a ht when your sitting in that chair having it done. Whatever you decide I wish you the best.

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