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Hair Manipulation (HM)


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I just read a post from "Guy" who stated he has just completed Hair Manipulation with Dr. Gho. This technique has been talked about for years but is starting to heat up again-- but this time from patients. I have heard of stars-- Like Tom ARnold talk on TV about having HM done which saves your donor hair.

I think this is something that we should look into and get more information for the members of this site for educational. Pics and results would be very benefical for evaluation.

Robert and Pat, maybe you can get a interview script from Dr Gho about this technique and edit his clinic promotional statements and post just the informative statements.

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  • Senior Member

I just read a post from "Guy" who stated he has just completed Hair Manipulation with Dr. Gho. This technique has been talked about for years but is starting to heat up again-- but this time from patients. I have heard of stars-- Like Tom ARnold talk on TV about having HM done which saves your donor hair.

I think this is something that we should look into and get more information for the members of this site for educational. Pics and results would be very benefical for evaluation.

Robert and Pat, maybe you can get a interview script from Dr Gho about this technique and edit his clinic promotional statements and post just the informative statements.

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While I think the jury is still out on Dr. Gho (this is my opinion) his constant exposure never fails to raise a few eyebrows. Unfortunately, I personally think that his results leave quite a bit to be desired. That is those that I have seen in pictures, anyway. I have not met a Gho patient in person (that I know of). I will be seeing what I can dig up on this topic.


I am planning to update forum readers with news on this topic as it arises.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Just having HM done and seeing the proof are two different things altogethor. We continue to be promised with results but nothing material delivered. Hopefully we will see it in our lifetime, until then it's only talk like it has been for the past 50 years. I can't wait to be proved wrong!


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Hopefully the poster named "Guy" will post some pics of his results over the coming months-- it would be insightful. I have read several articles lately about HM in Europe-- I wonder if Gho is involved. REgardless, it sounds like it is picking up more airtime,=so maybe they have improved the techniques or have more patient results-- It would should help vets like me>

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  • 1 month later...
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Nobody is doing real hair multiplication at this point.


What Dr. Gho does sometimes is to purposely split the donor hair when he removes it (Gho uses FUE, and harvest each graft individually). Some of the follicle is left behind, where Dr. Gho believes it sometimes regenerates a new follicle.


Read that again (!) Gho BELIEVES that SOMETIMES a follicle is regenerated, at the spot where a follicle was removed in the donor area. He doesn't know for sure how often this happens, it is all extremely vague and I am not convinced that this actually works very often (if ever).


Also, when you split the follicle, it's typical that the resulting graft grows in wispy and thin (if it grows in at all). It's very possible that instead of getting "2 hairs from one" you wind up with a grafted hair that has NO GROWTH.


Ever hear the term "transection"? What Gho does is transect the follicle in the root area on purpose. In my opinion transection (splitting a follicle) is a bad thing and should be avoided.


I haven't seen any (!) impressive photo results from Dr. Gho and I think it is risky (and foolish, possibly) technique to be splitting hairs in this way, without solid proof that the split graft will actually grow.


Guys, anybody can MOVE hair grafts from the back to the front, but unless those grafts yield GROWTH then you have wasted money and precious donor hair.


My advice is to let Dr. Gho practice his theory on other guys, and go with the doctors with proven results instead.

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Not to start any kind of drama, but Dr. Gho's outfit declared bankruptcy recently also.


I agree 100% with Arfy: the results just weren't there to maintain the hype and secrecy.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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I forgot to mention that Dr. Gho is not the first doctor to try getting a "2 for 1" by splitting the hair follicle...


NuHart used to advertise that they did a similar process (not via FUE, but splitting a follicle after removing a donor strip) and I believe that one of the MHR doctors did some research into splitting follicles, with mixed success. (Avoid any clinic that has "mixed success"). I don't know if MHR ever offered it on a widespread basis, I doubt it.


None of these clinics mentioned are recommended, in my opinion...

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