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Have I Damaged My HT Grafts?? (Help Wanted)

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Hi,Im new to this forum,my names James & im 30 years old.

Basicly i was wondering if anybody can tell me if there is a chance i could of done any damage to my HT Grafts. Basicly i have a Ziering UK H.T on the 23rd this month,i had a total of 3067 done,so into my 5th day now.

Few hours ago,i had what was all i can say was an involuntary itch on the the crown/top area of my head & for some dumb stupid reason i kinda softly tapped with my the palm of my hand the top of my head onto the grafted area. I will add Strongly add thou i didn't/or at least it felt like i didnt,touch the scalp itself,ONLY the tips/ends of the grafted hair.

Now im really worried because i only had the transplant on Monday,is there any chance i could of done any damage and if so what do i look out for?

Or,am i just worrying over nothing?

Its just i keep thinking to myself that im not aloud at all to touch the grafted area at the moment so even the slightest touch to that area is freaking me out.

If somebody could put my mind to rest i'd be ever so gratefull.

I look forward to anybody who replys & thank you all beforehand.

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The grafts are fairly secure at day 5 and it's ok for some light touching at this point. Based on your description, I don't think you have anything to worry about. It is normal the first week or so to worry about everything but try not to. If you have any more questions feel free to ask

5700 FUE in 3 procedures with Dr. Bisanga


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You can wear hats day after surgery if it's slack.

Bonkerstonker! :D




Update I'm now on 12200 Grafts, hair loss has been a thing of my past for years. Also I don't use minoxidil anymore I lost no hair coming off it. Reduced propecia to 1mg every other day.


My surgeons were

Dr Hasson x 4,

Dr Wong x 2

Norton x1

I started losing my hair at 19 in 1999

I started using propecia and minoxidil in 2000

Had 7 hair transplants over 12200 grafts by way of strip but

700 were Fue From Norton in uk

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Thank you BonkerStonker &

Thank you everybody else,its put me at a little bit of ease now :0)


There really are some wonderful helpful people on here :0)


So what if i bang my head or something?


Would it have to be quite a solid bang to the head for me to lose grafts after 5-6 days?? Or could someone do a bit of a tap to my head?


Only reason i ask was that i hear so many conflicting views on the type of contact to my head i dont know what to think :0/


Ok,so the day i had my Grafts,Doctor Katona explained he had a patient a previous week who hit his head hard on a car door 2 days after surgery & only lost 20 grafts,yes considering a hard bad knock like that it was only 20 but he said he told me about as more of a scare tactic.

Can you see why i so confused??? Im feeling like a guy needing to be wrapped in Cotten wool lol


So what should i look out for then? what are the signs of Damaged grafts?

& if i were to damage them,how would i know i had?

Would it be a case of waking up one morning & finding little bits of hair on my pillow or something?


Im not someone stupid but its just so much to take in it the moment, and because i want the best to happen in the end result im trying to learn so much. I was given a fair amount of paperwork to read which i have, but some parts are quite vauge or not explained properly. Thats why im being a pain to all you lovely people asking & learning.


Im sorry if im annoying anybody either.


Oh,& a reply to to anyone who replyed to me,when it happened,there was no blood of any kind , nor was there any on my pillow too.

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The bottom line is that it's better not to bump your head. But if it happens it usually not a problem unless it's a real hard bang. As far as dislodging a graft, you would normally see fresh blood if that happens. I hit my head a couple times post op but didn't have any issues. You are far enough post op at this point that the grafts are pretty secure. Just be careful but try not to be paranoid and you will be fine. Many of us on the forum have been where you are so don't hesitate to ask any questions that you have.


5700 FUE in 3 procedures with Dr. Bisanga


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Thank you Levrais,


Yeah,the paranoia is bad lol.


I will start taking pics soon so anybody who is interested can see how i get on.

I had 3067 grafts,is this a lot or the standard?

My level is very simular to how the Celeb Jason Gardner was,just slightly more. Is there a chance i could see quite a great result over the next 12 months??? i am very excited to say the least.

On a side note,if anybody was interested how my time with Dr Katona was at Zeiring in London,i will admit himself & his team were fantastic. Very professional,always made me feel like a V.I.P & most of all,listened to any concerns or questions i had. I never had any pain or discomfort. Couldn't ask for more Operation wise,obviously my opinion will be different if something goes wrong,but after listening to you peoples kind sharing information,my out look at the moment is one of much promise :0)

Im not going out my way to promote Zeiring as im sure there are a lot of amazing surgeons on here & out there in the profession,i,just figured i'd share how i felt my operation went with the company i used with everybody.

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I would say that your procedure is towards the large size. I mean there are certainly larger but that's a pretty decent number of grafts for a single op. We would love to see the pics when you get a chance to put some up. Don't worry, the paranoia will fade, lol

5700 FUE in 3 procedures with Dr. Bisanga


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So im due back in work Tuesday night,is it safe to say i can start wearing normal T-shirts & tops,im getting bored wearing the button shirts at the moment,really doesn't suit me lol

And yes Levrais i will start taking some pics for you & everyone to watch over :0)

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  • Senior Member

I had HT w Ziering in LA recently - 2100 FUT, great experience as well. About the grafts, I have banged my head accidentally several times I think after day 3 or 4 both the 1st and second time (2 HTs total), but didnt feel the grafts were affected at all. basically they are secure after day 2 in my opinion. Human body heals wounds really fast (this is what the incisions and the donor really are, large and small wounds).


FUT #1, ~ 1600 grafts hairline (Ron Shapiro 2004)

FUT #2 ~ 2000 grafts frontal third (Ziering 2011)

FUT #3 ~ 1900 grafts midscalp (Ron Shapiro early 2015)

FUE ~ 1500 grafts frontal third, side scalp, FUT scar repair --300 beard, 1200 scalp (Ron Shapiro, late 2016)




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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Ian512017155

Well what does your doctor say? did you call him or her? If your so worry about it you should take the time to contact them instead of wasting time posting questions on a website.

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  • Regular Member
Well what does your doctor say? did you call him or her? If your so worry about it you should take the time to contact them instead of wasting time posting questions on a website.


Theres Always a Complete Morron On any Forum you!


Hey,Idiot....Last Time I remember,that was one of the reasons forums were created for!!!!


Dont Like me asking,go write your complaint on an A4 bit of paper & send it by pigeon to me ok :P

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Hey Levrais,Thianks for asking how things are. As of now,i think everything is fine. I've just this moment Uploaded some picture for 3 weeks Post Op. On a side note,Could you yourself,or any of our fantastic posters,have a quick look at my pics and tell me how they think im coming a long?? As you can see the graft hair is coming out now but you can see exactly the area the transplant covered (3067 Grafts). Also,the little fresh red spot you notice,that was basicly like a white spot or "zit" about an hour ago,i burst it cus i read you should bust these. Was i correct to do this or have i now done damage to the graft? I will add that it only bled for a few moments and i couldn't see anything at all in the tissure Except the white Pus & a tiny trickle of blood. Hope i haven't done the wrong thing :0(

Many thanks for your amazing replys an advice. I look forward to reading anyones replys to this comment plus my new pictures :0)

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Forgot the link to my pictures lol......Click This Blue link below for them


Post Op 3 Weeks


Hi Jimmy,

The link to your pics doesn't seem to be working. At least not for me. So say bust them some say don't. Probably ok

5700 FUE in 3 procedures with Dr. Bisanga


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Hi Levrais.......not sure why its not working :/

Just Click on my screen name instead then and that should take u to my profile,im pretty sure you can find the pics i uploaded yesterday. Let me know what u think. :-)

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It's hard to tell which area you had treated from these pics, at least as I see them on my iPad. In #6 I can sort of see the outline of the front. So, I guess the good news is that the color is normal but it's hard to assess the work other wise. If you have a pic with the preop drawings followed by an immmediate post op pic, we could get an idea of how the work looks. Aside from that the best indicator will be in a few weeks when the growth starts. How was the transition back to work?

5700 FUE in 3 procedures with Dr. Bisanga


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Yeah,sorry,i knew i should of took pics straight after but things have been hectic to be fair my friend,viewing these pics on a PC thou,because they were taken on a decent Digi cam,zooming in shows up a bit more.


But thank you anyway,what about the red spot?


I spoke with Dr Katona & he seems to think its fine,just 2nd opinion is always good too in my View.


Will defo post more in Future & keep up to date as best i Can.


Work was ok,its a very Physical job so even being off for 7 days,going back the 1st day was hard but has got better. They still dont know i hAd it done cus i always wear by hat ;0)......hopefully,if the transplant is a success,ill suprise em :0). Still,lets hope that 3067 grafts will give me some great coverage. I can but hope :0/

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Congrats on your procedure. I was just as paranoid my first two weeks (I had mine 5.5 weeks ago) as I had a similar experience but as others have mentioned you would generally see bleeding if the grafts were completely dislodged. I was told that even at day 3 the grafts are pretty secure but many say day 5 to keep it safe so to speak.

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  • 3 years later...
  • Regular Member

I banged my head mildly 17 hours after having fue. I was in a car and I reached for something by my feet and gently banged my head on the sun visor wich pushed my hat against the graft area. A trickle of blood produced. I'm really worried now in case I've damaged/lost grafts. Has anyone had a similar experience and had problems in the weeks and months after?

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