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To Cut or Not to Cut?


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Hi guys, it's me again... I have scheduled my procedure with Dr. Epstein, made the Air, Hotel, Car reservations, etc. Spoke with the Dr., his nurse, but do I cut my hair short pre-surgery?? or just wait and adjust accordingly. I am thinking that if I wear my hair shorter, the impact post surgery won't be as drastic at work. Unfortunately I can't wear a hat to work, but want to make it as smooth of a transition as I can.


I know that if I cut my hair short, that my lack of coverage will be more apparent pre-surgery as my forloc (sp) is long enough and full enough to blend to the sides, but not even close to covering the crown.


So, those of you in the professional world, what do you recommend? Any comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. icon_confused.gif

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Hi guys, it's me again... I have scheduled my procedure with Dr. Epstein, made the Air, Hotel, Car reservations, etc. Spoke with the Dr., his nurse, but do I cut my hair short pre-surgery?? or just wait and adjust accordingly. I am thinking that if I wear my hair shorter, the impact post surgery won't be as drastic at work. Unfortunately I can't wear a hat to work, but want to make it as smooth of a transition as I can.


I know that if I cut my hair short, that my lack of coverage will be more apparent pre-surgery as my forloc (sp) is long enough and full enough to blend to the sides, but not even close to covering the crown.


So, those of you in the professional world, what do you recommend? Any comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. icon_confused.gif

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Borderline, Let your hair grow 2-3 inches on the sides and back. I'm assuming that you are going to have some time off after your HT surgery. After 8 or 10 days the scabs will be off and it will look much better than you think it will at this point. Still a little red and people will know you have had something done if you can't wear a cap. If you cut it down where your scar is showing from your strip, that's what will draw attention to your head. I kept mine long until I had my sutures out then had my barber cut it as short as he could without the scar showing. I own my own business and just started wearing a hat before my transplant so people wouldn't notice me coming in all of a sudden after my surgery and start asking me about it. I know how it is though, I worried myself sick about what others would think or say about it. As it turned out it just wasn't a big deal at all. You'll be surprised at how well it actually looks after 8 10 days. Good luck

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to me the biggest question is will they want to buzz your hair down for the procedure or not? if not, then you should keep your hair long to conceal the work. As TBerry said, after 8-10 days (depending on your skin tone and hair color)it can be pretty easily diguised. If they require you to have the hair buzzed short for the procedure, I would not let my sides and back get too long (#6 guard at the longest) b/c the contrast to the buzzed recip area looks just plain silly, and will draw attention to your head.

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Hugh, That's exactly my concern... I need to find out if they plan to buzz it, if so, I need to start shortening it now, if not it will be DRASTIC. In the big picture, I guess it won't really matter. But since I am fixing this type of problem, it obviously does icon_wink.gif

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I'm scheduled for December 8th with Dr Shapiro. I figure I'll be doing pretty really well with what I had done the first time. I'm not looking forward to going thru it all again but I am looking forward to the result. I do take comfort in knowing that Shaprio is, without a doubt, at the top of his class. I think you said that you're scheduled for March, are you going to have roughly the same amount done as the first time?

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With FUE/FIT the donor area in most cases needs to be shaved down especially if it is a larger session. You are having a strip harvest right? If so, most surgeons do not require the donor area to be shaved or even buzzed. The ideal situation with strip is that you have enough length to hide the appearance of the sutures. I left no less than two inches in my donor area on all three of my strip procedures and the sutures were never visible.


Why not call Dr. Epstein's office back and ask before you get any haircut? At least you'll know for sure beforehand. Hey, congrats and best wishes Borderline! icon_smile.gif


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Gillenator, I am at least 1/2 step ahead of you... I left a message with his nurse this afternoon. Whichever way it needs to be is fine. But if I am going to come back with super-short hair, I think I may want to get it cut short a few weeks before so it won't be so drastic.

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I spoke with Matt at Shapiro's office about this very topic this week, in prep for my 2nd session, at least with regards to the recipient area. And he indicated though the docs have gotten good at going between existing hairs when kept longer, the session could potentially be more productive if short in recipient area, at about 1/4". That makes sense, which is what I plan to do. In a couple weeks it will just be a short hair cut. I may keep the back a bit longer due to the scar, though not much cause that would look stupid.

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I communicated with Dr. Epstein over the weekend and he said that he could do it either way, but he would prefer to do it with a buzz cut and felt I would be happier with the results. I told him to do whatever made him feel more confident about the results. I still have 4 weeks to go.

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