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They left in a stitch!

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Hi all,


Well, those Bosley haters are going to eat this one up!


I have had a sore spot on the back of my head, behind my right ear for a few weeks. I am about 5 weeks post op of a 2700+ procedure (donor area was 32cm). I didn't handle the stitch removal particularly well (passed out twice) and I know the tech was anxious to get RID of me! He had to stop several times removing the stitches and I know he was doing his absolute best, I do not fault him. My hair is the same color as the thread of the stitches.


Anyway, I was feeling around this very sore spot and I felt what was almost like a scab. No way would I have a scab on the donor area this far out, and as I felt around, sure enough there is still a nub of stitch coming out. I think I have found where it comes back out but not 100% sure...


So here's my question...do I just grab at it and pull or do I call them and go see a doctor? If I screw it up and break the nub that is sticking out off then I am really screwed. If I do go see the Bosley folks, it is about a 3 hour round trip, given traffic. I could go see my GP Doctor, I suppose.


Thoughts? Could use the advice folks. Thanks,



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I'm a fan of playing it safe. I'd call my physician and ask their advice before attempting to remove it myself.


Good luck!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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do you think Bosley would pay for your trip since they missed a stitch?


I would say to be better safe than sorry with this. You don't want to mess up this procedure since you spent lots of money on it :)


Keep us updated on your progress.

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It might be a deep suture working its way out. I tell our guys it happens about 15% of the time....and if it does, to call me and I'll take it out. I posted a similar event on one of our patients last week I think.


Its a pain when those sutures extrude, but I'm convinced that my scars are better with those in place.


Now once in a blue moon it is possible to leave in a skin suture. I recall about 10 years ago taking out some sutures and talking with the patient about something or other. We were laughing and having a good time about some topic.



An hour later the patient calls me on the phone and asks when I'm going to take out the other sides' sutures....I simply forgot as we were talking too much. That is the only time its happened, and fortunately they lived only a few miles away and came right over.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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