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Laser Hair Restoration, Fact or Fiction?

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Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone has had this done and what were your results? I've had two HT's, both successful, but I feel borderline with satisfaction in terms of fullness. I don't want to go through another one, but I'm still not totally satisfied either. So I was looking into this but I haven't found much on it on the internet...


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Low Level Laser Therapy (laser hair restoration) is a pretty controversial topic within the hair restoration community. Some experts believe there is some efficacy to laser therapy, and even offer laser sessions in their practices. Other experts believe that the research behind laser therapy is greatly lacking and also bring up some very valid issues with the mechanism behind laser therapy, the way the treatment is marketed, and its validity compared to hair transplantation. At this point in time, I think it's probably safest to stick with proven techniques - Rogaine (minoxidil), Propecia (finasteride), and, if necessary, surgical hair transplantation. Additionally, if you'd like to read more information on the laser debate, please feel free to utilize the forum search function and review various, older discussions.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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My own experience, following the ideas from Lazerfish, with a relatively high powered home made device, was no effect at all after 6 months.


However, as I mention in my profile, there is some medical theory that LLLT can work and a homemade device will only cost about ?100 / $150 if you are a little technically minded.


What I would not do is spend much more than that on the commercially available devices which are normally of very low power, particularly the lasercomb - which is NOT FDA approved as having any beneficial effect on hair loss.

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Actually I believe that a powerful laser treatment (as in not hairmax) can be beneficial in the treatment of hair loss. I am not saying it will regrow all your hair, but rather maybe help to slow down the rate of loss.


I've read a lot of stories online where people reckon it has been beneficial - and as it seems safe enough I incorporated it in my regimen which now consists of finasteride, minoxidil and a 350 diode laser helmet that I use 3 times a week for 20 minutes per session.

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Sparky; As I don't have a clinic set up in my home providing pictures of clients that does not come from companies could be difficult.

However here is a study of lasers as a stand alone treatment for hair loss that includes som pictures:





The main reason I believe in lasers however is the fact that a few years ago when I was told by a laser clinic that they could halt my hair loss and give me regrowth that lasted for at least five years, all I had to do was pay up $7000.

I was young, desperate and didn't know better so I paid them.

And the truth is that I experienced a lot less shedding after a few months. But as soon as I started going less frequently than two times a week, my hair started falling out again. And in the end after one years treatment my hair was worse than before.

However I am certatin that as long as I went twice a week - the lasers did have some kind of effect on my hair loss.


Now I have my own laser helmet with 350 diodes that I use three times a week in conjunction with finasteride and minoxidil. I'm not saying this is going to magically regrow all my hair, but I believe the lasers have a role in slowing down my hair loss, just like fin and minox. But of course, just as with all hair loss treatments today, different people are going to react differently to it. For some it may work well, for others it might be useless.

Edited by Gubter
Fixed the link
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Well I can't click on your link as I wouldn't take the risk of clicking on a link on a forum.


You paid $7000 to a clinic to use lasers on your head? Unlucky mate, I just used Proscar and my hair stopped falling out. That cost me about $100 a year.

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It worked for me to an extent & if you want i can prove it as i have pictures .If you have very less hair and if you evaluate it carefully then you will notice results.Worked for me.William Rassman also recommends it.

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  • Regular Member
Well I can't click on your link as I wouldn't take the risk of clicking on a link on a forum.


You paid $7000 to a clinic to use lasers on your head? Unlucky mate, I just used Proscar and my hair stopped falling out. That cost me about $100 a year.


Great reply!

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It worked for me to an extent & if you want i can prove it as i have pictures .If you have very less hair and if you evaluate it carefully then you will notice results.Worked for me.William Rassman also recommends it.


Sorry but no WR doesn't recommend it. I think he had a lot of questions from patients about it and ended up putting a helmet in his waiting room that he doesn't charge for. It must be a couple of years now and none of his patients have reported any benefit. WR has always been open about this and his opinion is there is no evidence of efficacy.

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