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6 Month Update - 3900 Grafts Dr. Rahal.


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Hello Everyone - I was a member of this forum earlier this year. I wasn't around much over this summer. I thought I'd share my 6 month progress from a procedure performed by Dr. Rahal - which was about 3900 grafts.


I'm pleased at the results but do have a few concerns. I contacted Dr. Rahal's clinic last week but have not heard back - but that's probably due to an issue with my email system. I'll try again in the next few days.


I know six months is still early. My hair feels rather thin. I'm not sure if this is common or just due to my hair texture. Growing up my hair was always fine - but I had a LOT of it. LoL.


Dr. Rahal worked on the front and top of my head. As you can see I am thinning on my sides and still slightly in the crown. I assume I'll be going in for another session next year to help with my thinning sides.


My question I have now - will the transplanted hair thicken up in the coming months? I'd really like some more density to my hair. And how many grafts would I need to repair my sides?


Also - I notice I'm losing hair whenever I wash it or even comb it. Like I said, my hair is a lot thinner than what these photos make it seem. Not many hairs and not long ones like before my HT, but I see them in the sink. Is this normal? This isn't my transplanted hair falling out - is it?









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  • Senior Member

Very much doubt your transplanted hair is falling out as it's DHT resistant. Your hair will thicken up loads of the next 6 months and more hair that you can't see at the moment will sprout aswell. At 6 motnhs your only at 50% growth and maturing, long way to go yet.

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  • Senior Member

Hello Nate,

You look to be doing well for the 6 month mark. (Do you have pre-op photos? I couldn't find any) I have passed on a message to Dr Rahal to get back to you.


It is highly unlikely that you're losing transplanted hairs. Are you taking propecia or any other hairloss meds?

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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Hi Nate,


Thanks for your post. Sorry we haven't got back to you as we had some technical difficulties with our email system last week.

I will review your images with Dr. Rahal today and get back to you shortly.

Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Thanks for the replies. Knowing I have more growth and thickening to come is reassuring.


MattJ - yes I am on Fin. Over 2 1/2 years now.


Adrian wrote me back this morning and mentioned that Dr. Rahal feels I should wait the full year before operating on my thinning sides.


How many grafts would you guys feel I might need?

Edited by NateF
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