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Impact of DHT Diagram


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As a biologist in the field, I've been doing some research on how DHT (dihydrotestosterone) actually impacts the hair follicle. I created an easy to read diagram depicting the potent hormone's effects on men. I've drawn it on this website so that there isn't anymore confusion on why you're losing your precious hair!


I found:



  • Decreased blood flow to follicle, causing follicle to progressively shrinks.



  • Decreased keratin (hair protein) production
  • Cell division is disrupted; hair stem anchors itself less firmly to follicle
  • Oil/Sebum invades less differentiated (disrupted epithelial cells) with toxins


Diagram URL: (promotional link removed - see comment below)


I am not promoting anything; I do diagrams such as these for a living and I thought it could help members out!

I don't like publishing them openly in domains other than mine as they are Copyright images.

Edited by lukman
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  • Senior Member

thats great and value able to us......


so by taking vits and mins and oils to support growth this could help improve quality of keratin......


minoxidil improves blood flow to scalp thus hair growth


propecia decrease dht which inturn reduces the above points also


nizoral disrupts dht conversion in scalp and reduces it and then also keeps the scalp healthy?


msm improves alround health and growth rates



is there anything you would suggest or advise to counter act the dht effects? that i havent mentioned?


also say if some one with 10times the amount of test in the system due to steroids but normal levels of dht due to dutas and finest....


would hair loss be exagerated or increased or normal.... i only ask on behalf of many body builder friends who this write up and study will also be very helpfull too


cheers for the time and effort to post;)

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  • Senior Member

What program did you use to make that page? It's excellent! And easy to understand. Thank you!

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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The link you presented contains promotional content and links to snake oil lotion and potions claiming to treat hair loss. If you'd like to share the diagram with us, please feel free to take a screenshot, save it as an image and then attach it to this topic. That way, the promotion is eliminated.


Thanks for understanding,



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