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Has anyone gotten a HairStemcel Transplantation (HST)?

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  • Senior Member

Just curious. I don't hear much about it anywhere, and its a patented technique.


Here's its claims



  • Guaranteed regrowth in the donor area
  • Absolutely no scarring. Not just "no visible scarring," this means no scarring at all!
  • Treatment and anaesthesia are completely painless
  • Recovery of donor area: within two days
  • Recovery of receptor area: within five to seven days
  • Completely natural result
  • No cutting, no stitches: HST is a treatment, not a surgical procedure!
  • Suitable for both men and women, young and old
  • Because donor area is preserved, follow-up treatments are possible
  • Our specially developed liquid ensures that the grafts are replaced in optimum condition

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  • Regular Member

I believe this is the same thing as FUE.


"I would like to know your opinion on this procedure:

The procedure is called “HairStemcell Transplantation” and promises near complete regrowth of the donor site. It seems way too good to be true but I want to have an expert opinion on it before I jump to any conclusions."



Dr. Rassman's Reply:


"It seems what they are doing is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), but they try to differentiate from FUE with what they call a Hair Stem Cell Transplantation. It is especially confusing when they show both side by side, yet they look the same. From the photograph they provide, they are using a standard dental drill head piece.

In short, stem cells are not readily identifiable even under a microscope. So to claim stem cell transplantation is likely a misnomer or sensationalism at its best to exploit the buzz word of “stem cell”.

Finally there are no doctors mentioned on this website that is associated with “research”. I find that highly suspect."

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  • Moderators
Just curious. I don't hear much about it anywhere, and its a patented technique.


Here's its claims




  • Guaranteed regrowth in the donor area

  • Absolutely no scarring. Not just "no visible scarring," this means no scarring at all!

  • Completely natural result

  • Because donor area is preserved, follow-up treatments are possible





I don't know anything about their technique, but just because someone claims something doesn't make it true. I had a HT years ago and was concerned about my sides beginning to thin. I wasn't going to go through with it if all they were going to do is move some hair around from one area to another. So they gave me a guarantee of increasing the amount of hair in the donor area, no scar whatsoever, and unlimited amount of donor hair so that I could never run out. They charged me $150 per HT session for the guarantees.


I now have multiple strip scars, worse than depleted donor area, and very little hair on top to show for it.


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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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  • Senior Member

I checked their site and they have a lot of before and after photos.


Apparently they use a really small needle and only take part of the follicle where I believe a Standard FUE or strip takes the all of it.

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  • Senior Member

BTW, not too impressed by the before and afters. They can only perform really small sessions and it seems some of the patients overextended themselves.I think it might be good to fill in temples, hairline, and some of the crown. But slick bald is wrong for this technique judging by the pictures

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