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Time to take HT?

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I am an Asian 32 male, start hair losing from 06. Hair receding but not crown.

I took action when it was really minor. Have taken Propecia daily since 08, Minoxidil since 07 and Nizoral 2% shampoo since 06. Lucky I keep most of my hair;it seems slowing down but not fully stopped at all . ( I wonder what's the definition for STOP? does it mean slowing down). Both of my brothers have no hair loss problem, even one of them is twin with me (Sucks). My father is Norwood 6/7.

From the photo and info above, do you guys think I will end up like my father? I am thinking to have a HT once I turn to 33/34 but still worry about the hair progress might go beyond my imagination. What do you guys think?? and how many grafts I might need?



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Frankly, I think the preventive therapies (Propecia and Nizoral) are doing a good job, and I'm unsure if you're a transplant candidate at this time. Keep in mind that this is simply my opinion, and consulting with one of our recommended hair restoration physicians will give you a better idea of where you stand and what therapies to utilize. As far as estimating the number of necessary grafts, I recommend trying the hair loss learning center graft calculator. I hope this helps! Please feel free to ask any additional questions!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • Regular Member

Hair looks great broski! I think you should keep on the meds because they are working for you :) Stay positive...some dudes would pay TOP dollar for a head of hair like yours my friend.

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I would certainly not be depressed about my hair if it was at your current level of coverage and density. At 32 I too had a good head of hair and only started to show signs of losing it around my early to mid 40s. At that time todays hairloss stabilisers such as Propecia were not available and I progressed to Norwood 5A by the time I reached my 50s. Unfortunately, I agonised over potential hairloss long before it was necessary. Can I suggest you do not be concerned anymore than is necessary. Monitor it and take approriate action as required, which is what you appear to be doing, and enjoy your life. If at a much later time you feel you require surgical intervention this site (and possibly others) should still be around to guide you in your decision making process. In the interim who knows what advances in hair restoration or loss prevention there may be available. In short I feel you do not need a transplant and hopefully this will always be the case. So I wouldn't worry just be happy.

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  • 5 months later...
  • Regular Member

Turning to 33 soon, and want to give myself a wonderful birthday gift seriously - to fix the hairline, and become happyman again. I know it is a minor receding, and people might think I am out of my mind wanting a HT for it /give self too much pressures etc. Its just difficult.. to be compared with my twin brother all the time. Plus medical is holding the receding quite nicely so far...


Anyway, before I decide to book any consultation or take the action, I need some suggestions.


Is it worth to have a strip for such hairline touch up? I mean, the scar. Will it be much smaller length /width scar than those one who needs 1000 grafts +? possible shockloss???


I live in Vancouver area ,H&W surely is my first choice. But on the other hands, leaving a scar for such small transplant seems not smart either... I will need to go out the town for a FUE . Will the transplanted hair thickness match with the existing frontal hair since FUE has higher chance to damage the follicles?? or not health enough to look Nature comparing with existing frontal hair?




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  • Senior Member

If that's all you've lost in a 4 year span, consider yourself lucky! The scar for the small amount amount of grafts you would need would be almost invisible. How far away are you from Dr. Rahal?

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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For how educated i am on this field now, i wouldnt touch it. It's not worth the risks at ALL!!! Keep in mind u will probabley experience shockloss along the hairline and may need another procedure just to fix that!! I am aware there are a some good docs but overall its not worth the risks.


This procedure is for bald guys who will be happy to gain any little hair on their head. For some of us who already have a descent head of hair its best not too take the risks...

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  • Senior Member
For how educated i am on this field now, i wouldnt touch it. It's not worth the risks at ALL!!! Keep in mind u will probabley experience shockloss along the hairline and may need another procedure just to fix that!! I am aware there are a some good docs but overall its not worth the risks.


I'm curious why you feel that way. As I recall (your pics don't appear to be available any longer), you had an HT with Dr. Rahal, and everyone (yourself included) thought the results were amazing, but you seemed to be dismayed that your hairline was *too* dense. Did I miss something? Did you experience a loss in your hairline further down the line?

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  • Regular Member

Thanks for the reply, guys.


If that's all you've lost in a 4 year span, consider yourself lucky! The scar for the small amount amount of grafts you would need would be almost invisible. How far away are you from Dr. Rahal?


Yes, that's what I have lost so far , its actually 4.5 years. . .not sure what's the average receding speed, but I guess I am a lucky one. Glad I took the proper medicine at the beginning, It sure helps.


I live in Vancouver , Dr. Rahal is located at Ottawa I believe. Its several hours flight time to get there.


Other questions; if I do suffer from the permanent shockloss, will Dr charges less money or free to repair those permanent shockloss? And will Dr remove miniaturing hair first before planting healthy hair follicle ? or Dr simply ignore miniaturing hair ,and put those healthy hair follicles?



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  • Senior Member



It's good to see that you're retaining your native hair. I hope you're still utilizing some of the preventive therapies we discussed earlier, because these will really help maintain your current level of loss and make you a stronger candidate for hair transplant surgery (especially for a case focused on restoring density to the hairline).


Frankly, I think the hypothetical hairline you drew in that image may be a bit aggressive, but this is definitely something to discuss and decide with your hair transplant surgeon. Finally, if you're leaning toward Dr. Rahal, let me just say that he's a fantastic surgeon and you'd be in excellent hands. However, if you'd like to consider consulting with other hair restoration surgeons, feel free to review our recommended hair transplant surgeons in Canada. Good luck!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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