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Being More than our Hair!

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Are you unhappy with who you are as a person? Do you sometimes let that occasional or frequent lack of self confidence prevent you from enjoying relationships and everything good that life has to offer?


Spending a lot of time on this community, it's sometimes easy to fixate on and think of people only in terms of how much hair they have or how much they'd like to restore. But the reality is, each individual surfing this forum and social community has a story that extends far beyond this community, hair loss, and hair restoration. You are encouraged to share this story on your social profile.


Each member of this community is a complex individual with unique feelings, thoughts, ideas, and longings. But there's one thing everyone shares in common. This is the desire to be deeply and unconditionally valued and cherished and to feel that their life has purpose. What is your purpose?


Each person's experiences affect them differently. What people take and learn to believe from these experiences can often hurt their confidence and sometimes prevent them from taking those risks that could lead to meaningful experiences and beautiful memories. Most men and women who peruse this community are seeking solutions to restore not only their hair, but their lost confidence. This confidence enables people to think and feel better about themselves, to live out their purpose and experience an even deeper connection and joy in relationships. Do you have confidence in yourself?


Whether you have concerns about hair or something deeply rooted in your past or memories, undealt with issues can prevent you from truly experiencing life and enjoying relationships. True self-esteem and the ability to enjoy life always comes from within. Life can hit hard, knock you down and sometimes your very world and heart can be shattered. A confident person will grieve and mourn but will always get back up by their own volition. What has brought or is bringing you down? What's preventing you from putting the pieces of your life back together and moving forward?


While not everything is 100% controllable, each person has the ability to pick up the reigns of their life and guide it. Hair restoration is a way to begin taking control over your hair loss. What then would it take for you to take control of your life?


Although it's not always easy, I'd encourage anyone who's unhappy with certain aspects of their life or themselves to consider making the necessary changes that will eventually cultivate confidence and happiness. We only go around this world once and it's up to us to make the best of it.


You are encouraged to share your story and/or offer your input on this topic.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

Well said Bill ! In my case, I do not have some dramatic chains of events in my life which i feel i can share with you guys but i thought i wanted to comment that most, if not, all of us, HT goers, definitely has some form of confidence loss, no matter how much anyone of us would like to deny.


I used to be a sporty guy in my 20s, doing what 20yr olds do, well, booze and skirts aside, studying in college, Uni, etc. I was just one of the dudes, and suddenly realized i was the only one experiencing hair loss


It transgressed to a point whereby i do not swim or go beach with the guys anymore. And even when i take part in sports, while the guys go bath, i goto fake some reason like i forgot my shampoo ( i was on concealer ) as obviously i cannot wash my hair. I cannot go out without concealers, even if its just a few steps out of the door to retrieve something from the car. Yes, u guys might say its nothing much, but fact is, u feel really lousy. You are constantly on the watch out, harsh lights, wind, etc. It seriously impedes my confidence. I was asking myself, what has happened to me?? I know confidence should come from within, but face it, in this world nowadays, looks play a huge part, no matter its in the dating game or corporate world. It was so important to me that i knew, i had to do it, unless i am an unsuitable candidate.


Luckily, i was :) and i had a successful ( as in no complications ) and i am one month post op only, but i knew i had the courage to do something about my life and that alone, did actually boost my confidence a bit :)

View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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hello bill,excellant post,we only get one crack at life on this little sphere and lots of us are a lot more fortunate than others,while lots of things influence the time we have here and yes to some of us [myself included]hairloss is a issue, but at the end of the day i'm one individual out of billions and maybe i should stop worrying about my thatch so much and show more concern for the really neady people of the globe,selfishness and greed must be two of the worst human traits and i think the world would be a beutiful place without them,all the best keep up the good work and have a nice day.....

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