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Dilemma! which Dr. to Choose for my HT

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Dear All,


I'm a new member. First of all, i'd to thank the founders and members of this amazing forum, with your help I learned alot about HT. I've been reading and trying to evaluate different surgeons near Saudi arabia. The closest are Dr. Humayun Mohmand, Dr. Melike Kulahci (transmed), and Dr. Jean Devroye. I contacted the three clinics to get an online consultation. After that step, my choices were reduces to two, because Dr. Humayun's clinic didnt impress me by not replying. However, I was impressed with Dr. Devroye consultation. He sent me a detailed PDF file with his proposed plan and his staff seemed professional. Also, Transmed were good but didnt impress me like Dr. Devroye did. In addition, I searched this forum and found more positive feeback about Dr. Devroye.


Until now i haven't decided which clinic i'll choose. And I'm in a dilemma. Is Transmed a good choice? Is Dr. Devroye a better choice? are there any members who had an HT with those clinics recently? Please help me with these questions icon_smile.gif

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Mahmood--- I would not comment on this thread, other than to say that I think you already answered your own question.


Dr, DeVroye is very respected and does great work... you should certainly feel comfortable choosing him.


Good Luck!


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Mahmood - I had my Op at Transmed a month ago.


I also consulted with Dr DeVroye - there is no doubt that he is highly regarded and you can see his impressive patient pics here and on his own website. He does a very good consultation and provides a comprehensive report for you.


There are some positive comments about Transmed on this site, but like you say, there is more on Dr DeVroye. This may put you off, but let us also assume many people who go to Transmed may not be English speakers, they say they do get many clients from the middle east.


In the end, I opted for Transmed as I felt they met the criteria for being recommended. Whilst it is not a consideration for all, but cost and budget did matter to me and having just over 3000 grafts was approximately 30% cheaper than other clinics in UK, Europe and North America.


If you do a search of "Transmed" you will find my post on my experience, which was positive.


I am in the shedding graft phase, which is normal, before the waiting game for new growth, ideally I should be 12 months post op and confirming my initial impressions !

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Choosing a physician is as much personal as it is about finding a physician doing state of the art work. In my opinion, Dr. Devroye, Dr. Kulahci, and Dr. Mohmand are all doing excellent work. However, you also have to choose the physician that impresses you the most.


You can see a number of results posted by each of the surgeons you mentioned in the "Results Posted by Leading Hair Transplant Clinics" section of the forum.


Best wishes,



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Thanks for the your replys guys icon_smile.gif


Jason i think you are right


Mop I just read your post and let me say it was very detalied. You didnt miss any single detail which is great, it seems like i dont need other reference when it comes to transmed. But, i didnt get what u mean by "This may put you off, but let us also assume many people who go to Transmed may not be English speakers, they say they do get many clients from the middle east."



Its752 well there's an if in your question so i'd pick the best no question about that. However, in reality there are many factors to consider like geographic, financial, and job related commitments. So my choices are limited to those closer to where i live.


Bill thanks for your words and all your efforts god bless you icon_smile.gif I checked the section you told me about and it's also in favor of Dr. Devroye.

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Both clinics gave me a rough estimate of the grafts needed that's 3000 to 3500 grafts. Almost the same proposal regarding the distribution of those grafts. Overall, that's a good thing to me because it means there's some sort of consistency in the way to perform HT between different Doctors. I want to choose Dr. Devroye but there are other factors to consider here mainly job realted. So, I'll go for transmed and I hope it's a good choice. Who knows may be i'll have an HT done by Dr. Devroye in the future I'm still young and may require other HT. Thanks for your support Guys

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Mahmood - let me clarify. What I meant by that statement was that there may not be many comments about Transmed on this forum compared to other Clinics because of the language barrier. A clinic in England will be English Speaking as will many of its Clients so a high number may post here, however the main Language spoken at Transmed is Turkish, although some Technicians and the Doctors also speak enough English to communicate all important matters in two way conversation. I imagaine many of their Clients are from that part of the world and not English speaking and not likely to post here.


The lack of posts did not put me off - Transmed have performed many thousand ops and have been going since about 1994. There is nothing negative about them here, not even when I search on google.


If I can help you with any questions - please ask if about Transmed. Zeynep Turkmen is the english speaking rep from Transmed who I spoke to on the phone and emailed dozens of times before my Op. She will answer all your questions usually the next day.


Good luck if that is where you go.

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i get your point now icon_smile.gif thanks for your support. I have a couple of questions for you. Are you satisfied with transmed experience? and were you asked to take any blood tests before the opreation? because Dr. Devroye asked for a blood test(Hepatitis B, C and HIV) but transmed didnt. Is it a common thing to as for those tests? if yes then why transmed didnt ask for those test? should i be worried here??


Petchski DDD03,

you make it sound like I'm having the HT with an amature. Dr. Kulahci is recommended on this website. I made my decision based on researching results and feedback from this forums, google and both surgeons websites. I dont know any other way of research about HT. If you know any other way please let me know?

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After lots of research over years and seeing Transform Medical and Dr Fargo in Manchester, finally decided on either Dr Beinstein or Dr Feller - both in NYC.


Opted for Dr Feller due to the number of examples of his work and reading that Dr Beinstein is pretty conservative with what he does

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I am about 5 weeks and at the stage where most grafts have shed as expected and in the long 3/4 month wait period before they pop up again.


Am I satisfied - well I need to wait 6 to 9 months to see the end yield. However, the placement and hairline creation was pleasing. If they grow like that then I will be well chuffed.


The scar is healing very well. I had a trico closure and it is almost white with some slight hints of pink. It is hard to detect even so early. Went for a haircut this weekend and my hairdresser did not notice !


I was not asked for blood tests. The staff at Transmed all wear surgical gloves and normal theatre attire so I guess they follow protective measures. Transmed have a full operating theatre on site as they also do some other cosmetic procedures. Whilst some people on this forum may tell you to stay clear of such clinics - I actually drew comfort from the fact their doctors were experienced and skilled in many other areas. If they had only done a few hundred HT I may have been worried but I think it is over 6000.

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