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22 year old male transplant, laser, propecia?

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hello everyone this is my first post here, i'm a 22 year old male with a pretty severe receding hairline, my parents are willing to get me a transplant, i went and talked to the doctor, his name is Dr. Richard Giannotto, located in tyson's corner, near washington D.C, he said 1000 crafts, for $3,100, they also said it's likely with me being so young, i'd probably need another transplant in 5 years, my major questions are, they want to do the transplant and ONLY laser therapy to prevent further loss, but from my understanding the only way to prevent hairloss is internally, to neutralize the hair loss hormone by means of propecia, they don't recommend this, but should i get this done, with the free laser therapy thrown in, and get propecia from another doctor, i actually already have the perscription, just haven't filled it.

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1st of all, take a step back and thank your lucky stars you found this forum BEFORE undergoing any transplant!


Now, with that said, any HT clinic trying to sell you on laser treatment and steering you away from propecia (ESPECIALLY at age 22) is a scam -- period !!!


22 is a very young age for a HT. Most of the ethical clinics that do great work will not even perform a HT on a 22 year old, especially if you are not on propecia. So that should tell you something right there.


You should spend at least 6 months on this forum (and others) researching about HTs before undergoing any procedure. It is the most complicated cosmetic procedure out there today, and only very few clinics can do it correctly. Plus you need to be aware of what can go wrong down the line even if your first HT is a great one.


Tell your parents to look at this website with you. HTs are NOT the simple solution they are packaged as today by the scammers. MANY have been butchered and lives have been ruined, so you do not want to be the next victim!

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First off, allow me to welcome you to this forum. You really have come to the right place. The advice that EpilepticSceptic has already given you is exactly right.


First off, hair transplant surgery is rarely performed on patients in their early 20's unless their hair loss is so advanced that they are not likely to experience further balding.


Secondly, any reputable doctor will tell you that the only two clinically proven and FDA approved treatments for hair loss are Rogaine (minoxidil) and Propecia (finasteride).


The benefits of laser therapy for hair loss are a hotly debated topic but most hair restoration physicians agree that its affects are minimal at best. If anything, lasers may aid in post-hair transplant healing.


Medical treatments for hair loss are not likely to restore your hair line but may stabilize your loss and allow you to maintain what you still have.


I recommend you consult our interactive map in order to locate the recommended hair restoration physicians nearest you and then schedule one or two free online consultations.


You will find that our prescreened doctors are reputable, knowledgeable and highly skilled.


If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to post them. Our knowledgeable forum member are here to help.


All the best,

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Your far too young and your parents should not be helping you to get a hair transplant at 22.


This Dr. Richard Giannotto is not a good doctor, lots of complaints about him, DONT GO TO HIM!





(promotional link removed)


I dont like to provide links to other forums but I really want you to read about how bad this doctor is, he will ruin your life mate.

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Dr. Lindsey is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network and is also a regular contributor to our discussion forum. As such, you will find that Dr. Lindsey is highly skilled at performing ultra refined follicular unit extraction.


If you have not yet done so, I recommend you read about our criteria for recommending hair restoration physicians.


I recommend, before doing anything else, you contact Dr. Lindsey's clinic and schedule a consultation. Again, you are most likely NOT a candidate for hair transplantation but Dr. Lindsey will be able to evaluate you, perhaps recommend medical treatment and help you formulate a plan to deal with your hair loss over the coming years.


Best of luck,

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Go to Dr. Lindsey in Mclean. I think Dr. Feller also goes to his clinic on certain days or week, at least he used to.


Dr. Giannotto is a hack. He was the first doctor I saw back in the early '90s.


You are very young like I was when my hairloss started. If Propecia were available back then I would be in much better shape today! GET ON IT!!


Lots of luck! I know exactly how it feels to be in your 20's and suffering hair loss. I missed a lot of good times because of it.

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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