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shedding after 5 months

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I believe I am shedding transplanted grafts at 5.5 months post op. The shedding seemed to start at 3 months. Before that I didn't notice hardly any shedding at all.


The shed hairs are very long since they have been growing for 5.5 months, and they are also very thick, like an original graft that is very thick and black. The grafts also have that kink in them that is the tell tale sign of a transplanted hair.


Much to my surprise, I also shed an actual non-growing graft at 5.5 months post op, meaning a graft that was still sitting there, not growing, very short black kinked hair. Something I would expect to see in month 1 post op. I wish I would have saved it and taken a picture. I was quite surprised to see this now.


Has anyone else experienced this delayed shedding of grafts?


I think some of my grafts started to grow without shedding, and now they are shedding. I am very hard pressed to make sense of this.


I really hope I am not one of those people Emperor mentioned he learned about from Dr. Wong who don't retain grafts.


Has anyone else noticed a very delayed cycling of their transplanted grafts?


I have only seen one other post here of a person with a similar experience to mine, who started shedding at 8 months, Carra-Legend1, but I am not sure if he is still around as he has only 1 post.


any advice or thoughts are most appreciated

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  • Senior Member

happend to me almost exactly the same as you got ok growth at the right side of head and started looking nice but then 5 months ish started shedding like you describe. i had some hairs fall that had the bulb attached too but not many like that. i did have alot that were very thick and curly almost like wire and they never did return and my results are now worse 18 months later than they were at 4-5 months crazy realy how the transplant didnt hold up very well for me. i am at a constant battle now with my hair. but i did go to Armani before reading on how bad he is. so no wonder.

Dr A. Armani 2500 Fue

Dec 2008


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  • 3 years later...
I believe I am shedding transplanted grafts at 5.5 months post op. The shedding seemed to start at 3 months. Before that I didn't notice hardly any shedding at all.


The shed hairs are very long since they have been growing for 5.5 months, and they are also very thick, like an original graft that is very thick and black. The grafts also have that kink in them that is the tell tale sign of a transplanted hair.


Much to my surprise, I also shed an actual non-growing graft at 5.5 months post op, meaning a graft that was still sitting there, not growing, very short black kinked hair. Something I would expect to see in month 1 post op. I wish I would have saved it and taken a picture. I was quite surprised to see this now.


Has anyone else experienced this delayed shedding of grafts?


I think some of my grafts started to grow without shedding, and now they are shedding. I am very hard pressed to make sense of this.


I really hope I am not one of those people Emperor mentioned he learned about from Dr. Wong who don't retain grafts.


Has anyone else noticed a very delayed cycling of their transplanted grafts?


I have only seen one other post here of a person with a similar experience to mine, who started shedding at 8 months, Carra-Legend1, but I am not sure if he is still around as he has only 1 post.


any advice or thoughts are most appreciated


Hey cortex I am also experiencing the same thing 5 months post op. Did you have any improvement?

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  • Senior Member

you guys on any hairloss meds like minoxidil or Fin? starting & stopping meds can sometimes cause sheds

also, using any harsh shampoos like Nizoral? or have any scalp issues like acne or dandruff?

those could be things to look at in addition to the HT work and results


I think the OP is just shedding hair that hasn't shed yet at all, and will grow back

I experienced a small shed of transplanted hair in one area from early last month and some have already grown back so could be just sign of new growth cycle

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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