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guidance please - which hair transplant doctor?

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  • Senior Member

money is not an option for me but quality is! ive had 1 terrible HT by rogers medical now westminster medical uk and strongly advise people not to go to him! i did this before i new about this web site. nice scar just no growth!!!!!!!!!!


i need to get my hair sorted now i waited the 1 year period for gains but no cigar!! no i need the real deal


what do you guys think of








im looking at a dense packed mega session as many grafts as can be extracted and as dense as can be grafted in one sitting! i really dont want to go through the hassel again after this next time!


if you could go to any one of the above who would it b and for what reason? i know they are all good dr's but one must be better at carrying out the surgery i require.........


please help


thank you for reading and for any constructive replys cheers

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  • Regular Member

Well I can't speak personally for any of the doctors you've mentioned, but by all means they are all very fine doctors and whoever you chose will give you a result. What NW scale are you?? Judging only by results posted on here by the specific clinics I would favor Hasson and Wong followed very closely by Dr Feller if you are of a high Norwood scale.


Also have you ever considered the farjos in Manchester?? I had repair surgery with them just under 8 months ago and everything about them is quality. Great ethics, great customer service and quality refined work that is a match to anywhere else in the world. And they'd be on your doorstep too, if you felt more comfortable about that aspect.


Good luck in whoever you choose, your doing the right thing researching on here first

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  • Senior Member

what do you guys think of










if you could go to any one of the above who would it b and for what reason? i know they are all good dr's but one must be better at carrying out the surgery i require.........


please help


thank you for reading and for any constructive replys cheers


Hi, I had a bad UK HT as well back some time ago...sorry to hear Rogers has left you disapointed.


I can not comment on all of the other Dr's that you have mentioned as far as personal experience goes, but I have had my repair with Dr Feller and I can highly recommened his work. He is not only a great Dr but also a very good guy that wants whats best for you and will put you at ease straight away.


The most relaxed I have been through the whole process was when I was in his office, the anxiety suddenly disappears knowing that this is something that will give you a part of you back again thats been missing for a while.


There's only a handfull of top HT Dr's that I would consider, but I am very happy with my decision and wish you all the best with yours :)


A really good idea, if your based in the UK is to contact Spex... at least he can then put your mind at ease and help you assess what is the best way forward to pack you out in the safest way possible.


All the best ...and good luck.

Edited by BadhairUK
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  • Senior Member

hi dude sorry to hear about your situation, i too was in a bad way thanks to a poor UK clinic, I was lucky enough to go to SMG in the states who have done many UK repairs.


If you look around the forums im sure you will find plenty of former UK patients willing to meet up. Good luck in the future and i hope you get sorted

2 poor very poor UK ht's

2 world class repairs with Shapiro Medical Group

original thread


Dr Paul's procedure http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1710

Dr Ron's procedure


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All the doctors mentioned above are excellent choices and definetly have the ability to improve your situation. Unfortunetly there are many other people out there that have had a similar negetive experience. Hopefully, they to will realize like you that there is new technology available.

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  • Senior Member

first of all im very sorry i have not been able to reply sooner. thanks for taking time out to read and help. its much appreciated.


distance or money is no longer an issue the only thing i can think about now is sorting out my hair. its very depressing and i know many of you have been through the same thing so thanks for helping.


no disrespect to dr feller or spex but i think i have decided on dr hasson? purely on the amount of good feed back and patiant pictures on this site its overwhelming and the results speak form them selves???


im after as many grafts as can be extracted and dr hasson seems to be doing many large number surgerys which hopefully means i will get the maximum yield possible.


my situation is making me very depressed and is spoiling the best years of my life as im the baldest i have ever been right now and its affecting my social life. Rogers is a fraudster only intrested in taking your money. im just so thankfull i was left with a good scar at least. but paying 3500 pound for a good scar with no hair is a bummer and i cant get over how dull and stupid i must of been.


i cant afford to take chances at this stage as it has been affecting my life so bad to date. this is the last throw of the dice and it needs to be a pair of six's or im out!!!! of the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ive sent my pictures away and asked to book a date!!! fingers crossed

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