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Transplant with Dr Wong 10.05.10


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Hello everyone,


This is my third attempt at starting a new thread. The previous two were both relatively detailed accounts of my transplant experience with Dr Wong on 13 May 2010. I submitted both earlier threads by hitting the "submit new thread" button below and lost both drafts?? As a consequence I shall keep this short.


I created a Hair Loss Website, which provides transplant details and photos. Should you wish to take a look I shall be pleased to recieve any comments and to answer any questions.





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Bill, I just checked out your profile and the work Dr. Wong performed on you looks to be top notch. The 3,000+ grafts you received should provide you with pretty good coverage but I wouldn't expect it to be extremely dense due to the large area that needed to be covered. I'm going to copy and past the link to you hair loss website below so it makes it easier for the community to access. Good luck and happy growing!


Bills website --> http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1691

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Thank you for your comments Fingers.


I agree with you that there wont be a high level of density. Dr Wong originally estimated 3500 graphs so to get 3739 (6502 hairs) was a bonus. He said I had very good laxity but clearly not the density to match. The bulk of the graphs were placed in the front and crown sections to provide the best density possible. Nevertheless, I am a realist and the expectancy remains as we have both stated. My view is that I should be much better off than where I started from and if all goes well with have a noticeable hairline again and coverage over the crown.


It was good of you to put a direct link to my Website in your post and very much appreciated, as are your comments and kind wishes. Had I not lost previous thread attempts you would have seen that I tried and failed to put a link into my posts - unfortunately I'm a technophobe so none to surprising at my various failed attempts.


Best wishes to you as you continue your journey - not that I feel you will need them!



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Congratulations on your hair transplant with Dr. Wong.


I'm sorry you had problems creating a new topic. Since there's no limit on the number of characters that can be added into a post, I'm not sure why this would occur. Did you receive an error message?


I took the liberty of adding your patient website to your forum signature. You may also want to fix the link to your patient website on your social profile.


Best wishes,


Bill Seemiller

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Hi Bill, well done on the website the pics look great and I am sure you are going to be very happy with the final results, Your hair looks much better with the shorter look at the sides, I hear you had some trouble finding someone willing to take the staples out.


Sorry to hear you lost your original longer post that has happened to me in the past....it's very annoying.In the end I typed it on a word document and then cut and paste it into the thread that way you can save it before you push the post button.


Obviously I am following your case with much interest as I got to see you in person before, during and after surgery (Bill was having his surgery with Dr Wong same day as I was with Dr Hasson).


Grow well!


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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The work looks great. I wish you all the best.


I'm struck by how thin your donor area looks towards the temples and right above the ears when your hair is shorter. By chance, did you cut that hair to a shorter length? I notice a lot of men your age and older with a thinner donor area, and I'm curious as to whether that is occurring with you.

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Thank you for your message and good wishes.


Regarding my lost posts I'm confident the fault lies with me and not the system given my technophobic nature. If memory serves me well, when I lost the first draft a blank text screen appeared containing an error message in the bottom left of the screen? For the second draft, the same blank screen but with the message "Done" appeared? Ah well, seems I'm getting it right now - better not speak too soon!


Thanks so much for taking to the trouble to link my Website to my posts. If it was left to me I'd have hippy length hair again before I managed it!





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Hi David,


Thank you for your message and kind words, I agree it looks much better with the short back and sides.


Was going to give you a call this week to update you on my progress, including the great staple debacle! Seems the NHS in my area are most reluctant to remove staples relating to a "private" medical procedure. After much tooing and froing I contacted the Fargo Clinic who were very helpful, in the guise of Sarah, and she put me in touch with a Doctor in Harley Street whom was happy to do the job. The Doctor (not a cosmetic surgeon) was very complimentary of the (scar) work done by Dr Wong.


Yes losing the first draft was bad enough but the second!! Good idea of yours to create a "word" document and paste it. Will do that for any future lengthy posts. But for now am responding to messages individually rather than chance putting all responses in one reply.


Do hope all is going and growing well with you - will be pleased to keep you updated with my progress.



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Thank you for your message and good wishes.


The hair in the area above my ears has always been thinner than the rest, even when I was much younger. Would imagine it has also thinned with age. Think that generally speaking hair gets thinner as we get older - of course there will always be exceptions. When my hair is much longer it isn't that noticeable.





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