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So I am scheduled for my first HT in 6 weeks from Dr. Pathomvanich in Bangkok, and was wondering if there is any update from anyone who has gone over there within the past 4 weeks. There were a few frequent posters who were supposed to have gotten there surgery there recently. I have PM'd them but have yet to get a response. The Red Shirt situation is getting me a bit nervous, and I'm considering getting a refund of my deposit and going for a local guy in Florida. Any news from someone recently in BKK would be greatly appreciated.

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I'm sure some other members with personal experience traveling to Thailand will have some additional info for you. But you may also want to contact Dr. Pathomvanich and ask what trouble (if any) his out of town patients have had and what he thinks the risks are.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

Hello NotUrAvg.


Well I live in Bangkok and haven't been affected. The main trouble spot is Silom, which is not so close to Dr Path. Admittedly, Victory Monument did have some issues before (1 station away) - but it never spread up to Ari station.


The grenade attacks on the BTS station the other day were quite worrying, but even that was kept to the red area. Because of this though, the BTS now stops running at 7pm (or 8, I can't remember, I use taxi most of the time anyway).


Where had you planned to stay anyway?

My Hairloss Website


HT#1 - Dr Pathomvanich - 2900 Grafts

HT#2 - Dr Pathomvanich - 1500 Grafts

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  • Regular Member

Thank you both for the reply. I have emailed Dr. Path, whose office seemed to downplay the situation, stating it did not affect things too much. However, the situation still leaves me a little apprehensive. Most people who have seen Dr. Path in the past recommended taking the BTS train, but the train was bombed 2 weeks ago. There is an element of domestic terrorism in that country, and they have time and again proven to target areas frequented by tourists (even though tourists themselves don't seem to be their direct targets).


As I haven't booked my flight yet, I have yet to plan the specifics of where I was staying. But given to risk of heavy traffic, and the unpredictability of BTS, I was thinking about staying walking distance from the office if that was possible. Thank you again monkey, it helps to hear the opinions of people who are there!

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The BTS bombing, whilst terrible - wasn't anywhere near Ari station. The reason that Sala Daeng station was hit is that it was within firing range of Lumpini Park (where the red camp was) - there has been no trouble on any other part of the lines :)


Supposedly on the 15th, the Red Shirt leaders will be surrendering, but this of course could all be a bluff...


Maybe hold off for a week and see what happens?


p.s. I know it's very easy for me to say "don't worry!", but then I have been here on and off for 2 years so am used to how things go down. For someone who has never been to Thailand before, I can certainly understand your apprehension - I would probably cancel myself in the same situation.


If you do decide to make the trip though and need any help, please let me know. Alas I won't be here in 6 weeks time, but if there's anything I can look up for you beforehand, I'm happy to do it.

My Hairloss Website


HT#1 - Dr Pathomvanich - 2900 Grafts

HT#2 - Dr Pathomvanich - 1500 Grafts

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