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depressed and frustrated


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Hi guys. i have just turned twenty three and have very thin hair over the front and top of my head. i first noticed this at around the age ove 17 for a few years i didnt really think about it until others started to notice the thinning hair. at this stage i consulted a doctor and went on rogaine. after around two years of a painfull scalp and a messy ritual of putting this crap on my head i stoped using it ( i also belive that my hair ended up like pubes in the process ) know i have started using advecia for the last three months im not sure if i am having any great results yet but time will tell.I know you younger guys can relate to my situation. I have just moved to sweden from australia to be with my beautiful girlfriend and to play the music i love. its terible being a heavy metal guitarist that only has long hair around the sides and back. my family and girlfriend say that its natural and i should not be ashamed of it and just let it happen....... WHAT !! if they new how this feels they would never say such a thing.

anyway after doing hours and hours of reaserch on the net all i have found is alot of people and companys trying to take advantage of use people in a very horrible situation. this pisses me off and just makes me feel worse. it seams that the only thing to do is take propecia to slow it down then get a hair transplant when ya realise how much hair you will lose.. if i were in my fortys i would not care so much, but being in my early twentys and trying to make a happy life for myself really makes me feel preety down when i look in the mirror..


p.s i have not found any info on this site about advecia, has anyone had any success with this product ?

metallic cheers and lotsa beers. smithy

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Hi guys. i have just turned twenty three and have very thin hair over the front and top of my head. i first noticed this at around the age ove 17 for a few years i didnt really think about it until others started to notice the thinning hair. at this stage i consulted a doctor and went on rogaine. after around two years of a painfull scalp and a messy ritual of putting this crap on my head i stoped using it ( i also belive that my hair ended up like pubes in the process ) know i have started using advecia for the last three months im not sure if i am having any great results yet but time will tell.I know you younger guys can relate to my situation. I have just moved to sweden from australia to be with my beautiful girlfriend and to play the music i love. its terible being a heavy metal guitarist that only has long hair around the sides and back. my family and girlfriend say that its natural and i should not be ashamed of it and just let it happen....... WHAT !! if they new how this feels they would never say such a thing.

anyway after doing hours and hours of reaserch on the net all i have found is alot of people and companys trying to take advantage of use people in a very horrible situation. this pisses me off and just makes me feel worse. it seams that the only thing to do is take propecia to slow it down then get a hair transplant when ya realise how much hair you will lose.. if i were in my fortys i would not care so much, but being in my early twentys and trying to make a happy life for myself really makes me feel preety down when i look in the mirror..


p.s i have not found any info on this site about advecia, has anyone had any success with this product ?

metallic cheers and lotsa beers. smithy

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Smithy, I had never heard of Advecia until today. I looked at their website. Seems Advecia is an all herbal product designed to do what Propecia does. I would beware of it. I think Propecia is a better bet. Maybe we'll get some member feedback on this one. Terry.

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I would get on Propecia right away. Also, you could always just put rogain in at night and then wash your hair the next morning. That's what I do. The best regimen is to use propecia AND rogaine. You should also use a therapeutic shampoo a couple times a week to fight the itching from the rogaine. Nizoral and Neutrogena T-Sal are both good therapeutic shampoos. Nizoral also has mild anti-DHT effects on the scalp. By the way, sounds like you have an awesome girlfriend.

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I agree with both Terry and GuitarPlayer. I never heard of the product you are using, and since I have tried a number of herbal remedies over the years without any success, I am not on the only medicine proven to combat hairloss, which is Propecia and Minoxodil. I agree with GuitarPlayer....try using it only at night and then wash your hair in the morning. I personally use Nizoral and Nioxin...two different shampoos. Note: The shampoo I use is not designed to regrow hair, but it helps cleanse the scalp to make it optimal for hair growth. And believe me, I understand your pain man...but it does sound like you have an awesome girlfriend...a woman who will love you even if you go bald. What more can you ask for? My wife is the same way...but in the midst, I still feel that I want my hair back. So I feel your pain.



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You have recieved some good info already from the posters above me but I just wanted to throw in my own 2 cents:


Read up on Propecia as much as you can and then talk to a physician about it. It sounds to me like your hair loss is very rapid and you can use all the help you can get. Right now you are throwing a cup of ice at a 4 alarm fire. You need to add some strength to your arsenal.


Here is a recent post that I made with information from the Propecia website:


Propecia 101


Rogaine (minoxidil) is a growth stimulator and does not inhibit the 5-alpha reductase at all. Its' benefits also quickly dissipate upon discontinuing the medication. Basically, if you use it and get any benefit, it will go away right away if you stop. Either use it and be consistent or do not use it at all because it can play havoc. The solution that I found to work around its greasy nature is to apply both applications at night. It is true that the ideal application times are 12 hours apart but if it is putting such a damper on your schedule and life as to be counter-productive thentwo applications four hours apart per day is much, much better than nothing. Just make sure the applicatiuons are at least four hours apart and to remain consistent.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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If Minoxidil irritates your scalp then look for a brand without Propylene Glycol (you probably have to order this, most brands use PG. Some guys find PG to be very irritating.


Nothing is as effective as Propecia, except maybe combining Propecia and Minoxidil. What these two drugs do best is help you keep the hair you still have. It's harder to regrow hair than it is to save the hair you still have. On the positive side you are still young and your hair loss is still recent. Maybe you will be an excellent responder. It may be worth trying Propecia for a year or two, then re-assess your situation.


Also LOTS of musicians shave their heads nowadays, including LOTS of heavy metal guitar players. You always have that option too. Don't let hair loss interfere with your music or anything else you do in life.

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Thanks guys!!! yeah i might look into some of the things you guys talk of. what i really want to know is if any young guys have had any hair actually grow back when on propecia as they say that it is possible ? or is the only hope for having a head of hair again to get a transplant ? i do belive the advecia has stoped my hair from faling out because the hairs are getting some color back in them and are getting longer rather than staying around 10 - 15mm long.


and yeah my misses is bloody great. she plays a six string bass! so thats cool. i know it can always shave it of but i wont do that without a bloody good fight first.

if anyone has had luck with propecia growing hair back then i would love to see the photos.

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