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taking away the freedom of posters


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it has been brought to my attention that posters on this site are being banned from this site for telling their stories and giving their opinions. ive been contacted by several forum members that have been banned. botchedinatl and 16inchscar have recently called me with what they feel has been an attack on their freedom of speech. i must agree. reading through the post on this site im sure john36 will be banned soon if he hasnt already. as i see it this site is a tool to recruit patients for these so called doctors. i personly think the hairtransplant industry is a farce . i recall dateline nbc having this as a topic. the truth was exposed on dateline nbc that the hairtransplant industry is no more than a money making scam. id love to debate this with bill the moderator and expose him for the money making fraud he is but im sure this post will be deleted as soon as he sees it becase that seems to be the action he takes to insure that his crooked livelyhood isnt effected. their seems to be thousands of repair jobs being done on the most recent techniques. comman sense tells me that if hairtransplants were a great thing as bill says then 99% of these procedures wouldnt have to be corrected. heres an idea bill instead of banning posters debate with them unless you are affraid of being exposed for the fraud that you are.

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ANY industry has incompetence and fraud, this site exists to steer posters away from this fraud.


There are people like john36 who have had a bad experience, but he is not the only one, and that does NOT give him the right to come onto a private forum and hijack it for his own personal reasons, be it a vendetta against particular doctors or making barely coherent, long winded rants against the industry or a group of particular physicians.


Its annoying, its tiresome, and when it happens it lowers the level of discourse. Trying to tell that to certain posters is usually impossible, as they see a conspiracy lurking in every post. They often leave forum owners no other choice but to remove them.


You used very poor examples of people "silenced", when in reality they were disruptive posters, like john36, (who had EIGHT threads posted, in two forums, on the SAME subject).


These people, perhaps like yourself, are never going to understand this. You seem content to troll here, and are trying to play the martyr and get yourself banned. Truth is, no one will miss you or your opinion of this site

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seriously legaleagle?? until you know what the hell you are talking about, simply go away!!


If you and others like john36 are simply here to spread your propaganda, leave. Find another place to spread your negativity.


People are here to learn, ask questions, share their experiences (good and bad), view results and get advice/opinions. It is a patient run forum.


People here including Bill and others have simply tried to help john. He won't accept it, so he brings in someone like you into the fray. If you don't like it here, fine. You clearly don't know what you are talking about by your post. Yes there are bad surgeons out there, however, this is a place to help guys not make the mistake of going to them.


Do a little research before posting next time!

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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Legal Eagle I was just curious how these posters had your phone number to contact you. Did you post the phone number to your office for everyone?

4374 grafts-7/2/2008-Dr Rahal

485 singles

2336 doubles

1526 triples

16 quads

9809 total hairs

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legaleagle; Creditablity amongst doctor is earned. Creditablity amongst posters is also earned when somebody posted a strong statement on their very first post it is hard not to wonder if there is alternative motives. For all we know you could be botchedinatl or 16inchscar

Although your comments have some basic it is easy to tell that you lack experience and knowledge when it comes to hair transplants. People research to make sure that first a transplant is what they want and then to find a quality doctor to perform it. I agree that 90% of the doctor that perform hair transplants are horrible, that is why we are in the age of imformation. It probaly only take 30 minutes of research to figure out which doctor is good and which ones are bad. The good doctor have made a BIG DIFFERENCE in many people lives including having the repair the crap that these horrible doctor have performed.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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There are people like john36 who have had a bad experience, but he is not the only one, and that does NOT give him the right to come onto a private forum and hijack it for his own personal reasons, be it a vendetta against particular doctors or making barely coherent, long winded rants against the industry or a group of particular physicians.


I ask Bill ,this site moderator,is this forum private?


If it is how do you promote freedom of speach?


If it is private and claim Alvi Almani does not have ethics of a doctor.Does he not have a claim for Libel when this forum as a private legal entity ,comercialised and supporting certain "recomended doctors",acuses one of the very same things they consider standadr of care in HT med field (or as they call it industry,) which is BRAKING THE LAWS such as :abandoning patient in midle of surgery,delegating medical tasks to unlicenced personel etc (read my post)


Then Alvi Armani has a claim against this forum and go ahead bann me promoting not freedom of speach but exposing your selves for what you are.I am waiting to be left alone and discuss with people like me,victoms of HT surgery topic such as:

Ht doctors here ,posting on this web site,recomended by this web site.I need repair.Before I decide please tell me that you don't abuse patients rights.Please tell me that you answer NO to this:

1.How many of you personally evaluate the patient sufficiently so you could formulate an appropriate pre-operative diagnosis, and how many of you use "consultant" non medical person to do it for you? In adition and related to thishow many of you explain pros and cons of HT surgery so patient inteligently can decide about his options (informed consent) and how many of you give that to the "consultant" as well?

2. How many of you perform or personally supervise all aspects of the surgery?Including placement of the grafts in the receptor sites?And how many of you carve the patient,take the strip,suture the wound,make incisions (holes) in patient head and then leave the surgical room and patient and leave the rest to the "surgical technicians"?Do you have in other words, aspects of the surgery outside of your supervision performed or supervised by another qualified surgeon with the consent of the patient?

3. How many of you fail to personally perform post-operative medical care?How many of you delegate post-operative medical care to a non-qualified medical professional or to a non medical proffesional at all?

4. Do you recklessly delegate medical tasks in violation of the Administrative Codes in your states?

5.Does any of you negligently and recklessly delegate the tasks of selecting the donor site to harvest the hair follicles for transplant in the preceptor site by letting the "surgical technicians"choose the location of the same by shaving and preparing patient just before surgery?

6.Do you and how many of you negligently and recklessly and ILLEGALY delegate the tasks of administering anesthesia to patient to persons not qualified under your state law? (everywhere in USA it is a law only DOCTOR can administer anesthesia)

7. How many of you negligently and recklessly delegate the tasks of preparing the donor grafts, and insertion of the donor grafts into the surgically prepared receptor sites ,with your supervision ,to your "surgical technicians"?How many of you negligently and recklessly delegate the tasks of preparing the donor grafts, and insertion of the donor grafts into the surgically prepared receptor sites ,WITHOUT your supervision ,to your "surgical technicians"while you chill outside the surgical room for hours?In violation of your administrative laws of your state

8. How many of you have never seen the patient untill just before surgery and therefore Lack Informed Consent in Violation of the Law in your state?

9. How many of you have "surgical technicians" engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery without the appropriate certificate from the State Medical Board in your state,in violation of the law in your state?

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john- quit posting the same questions in ten different threads!?! The majority of the posters on this site are NOT doctors. Get on the phone and call docs and ask these questions until your heart is content. Otherwise, please keep these redundant questions in one thread. THANKS, much appreciated!!

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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