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Soliciting business ???????????????

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I am a bit confussed about advise and information that I have had and why it is not on my thread and sent to me personally


Sorry to the people that sent me messages but I would like other people to answer my worries.


The two messages I am upset about the most I have copied below.




balody Posted May 09, 2008 04:06 AM

hi,ive spoken to mick about your case and he has suggested you email him at mick@fajjo.com

ive explained your situation both repair and financial and he has said he can sort something out for you.drop him a line as he helped me immensley with my first ht.



mick m chugh Posted May 09, 2008 04:06 PM May 09, 2008 04:06 PM

Sorry to hear about your hair.if you want me to show you products which will definitely disguise anything i will be happy to do so.Even if you do not wish to "officially" come in for a consultation with one of the doctors i will be more than happy to demonstrate the things which would help.

Research is crucial but just try to make sure that you see an actual doctor to discuss your specifics and insist on meeting several patients from your chosen clinic. My email is mick@farjo.com

Good luck





I maybe wrong and I am sorry if I am but do many clinics get promoted by personal messages and not on peoples threads publicly.


Balody. I am a little upset that you gave my details to a salesman, do you work for this man ?


I am very upset by all this and feel like this industry has not changed since I was last talked into a cure for my problems with my hair. I did not look for an answer on the internet before as I thought hair transplants were still the same as they were 14 years ago. I then found this forum and thought my prays had been answered but I think all I have made myself is a target for salesmen.


I hope I am wrong but in my head I now think that all this hair stuff is a world wide conspiesy for money and not happiness and all the posters here are in on it.


I never asked anyone to show my pictures to anyone and I also didnt ask to be contacted in private by Mick Mchugh or Balody.


Can someone please explain? Why this was not on my topic and hidden. I think this happens a lot and I think many others will think this is inappropriate.


What do any of the other members think of this and the Farjo clinic.


Thank you

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  • Regular Member



I am a bit confussed about advise and information that I have had and why it is not on my thread and sent to me personally


Sorry to the people that sent me messages but I would like other people to answer my worries.


The two messages I am upset about the most I have copied below.




balody Posted May 09, 2008 04:06 AM

hi,ive spoken to mick about your case and he has suggested you email him at mick@fajjo.com

ive explained your situation both repair and financial and he has said he can sort something out for you.drop him a line as he helped me immensley with my first ht.



mick m chugh Posted May 09, 2008 04:06 PM May 09, 2008 04:06 PM

Sorry to hear about your hair.if you want me to show you products which will definitely disguise anything i will be happy to do so.Even if you do not wish to "officially" come in for a consultation with one of the doctors i will be more than happy to demonstrate the things which would help.

Research is crucial but just try to make sure that you see an actual doctor to discuss your specifics and insist on meeting several patients from your chosen clinic. My email is mick@farjo.com

Good luck





I maybe wrong and I am sorry if I am but do many clinics get promoted by personal messages and not on peoples threads publicly.


Balody. I am a little upset that you gave my details to a salesman, do you work for this man ?


I am very upset by all this and feel like this industry has not changed since I was last talked into a cure for my problems with my hair. I did not look for an answer on the internet before as I thought hair transplants were still the same as they were 14 years ago. I then found this forum and thought my prays had been answered but I think all I have made myself is a target for salesmen.


I hope I am wrong but in my head I now think that all this hair stuff is a world wide conspiesy for money and not happiness and all the posters here are in on it.


I never asked anyone to show my pictures to anyone and I also didnt ask to be contacted in private by Mick Mchugh or Balody.


Can someone please explain? Why this was not on my topic and hidden. I think this happens a lot and I think many others will think this is inappropriate.


What do any of the other members think of this and the Farjo clinic.


Thank you

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its called messaging....not that big of a deal, espically when you come here asking for advice.


you also made a public post, so your information is available for everyone to read and respond either privately or publicly with you.


do you really feel upset about this?

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I'm with something on this. Shoot, this ain't like a visit to a psychiatrist. Sometimes posters feel an emotional attachment to their doctor because they've given them a new lease on life; or hell....a totally new life. Mick did give you some excellent advice with his last sentence. You've got to be careful with this procedure, but he did say to talk with the dr. and several patients of any clinic you choose. That doesn't sound like the typical "hair mill" sales pitch.


I'm sure Dr. Farjo will do just fine if you, me or a hundred other posters here don't use him. Sounds like those guys were just trying to help.


Personally, I've spent a lot of time corresponding with people about my doctor...but I certainly don't gain anything financially or otherwise from it. Sometimes it feels good just to help, and like balody, I feel confident he will take good care of them.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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Please see your post containing the lines

I have searched for Topik and also found another thing called Nanogen. Can anyone recommend which could be better and also the best place to buy it from.


From your post it seemed that you were both unsure of which products to consider and how best to apply them.Also it seemed that you were not in a position to do anything other than research your next move, which of course is the best thing to do.I was willing to spend time and show you what may help, no pitch, no money being exchanged ;just one person trying to reach out to another in need.

E mail me if you wish to see the products and dont read anything further in to it than that as i have helped countless others over the years.I sent you a private pm as i thought it was more appropriate.



Patient coordinator for Dr. Bessam Farjo who is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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i feel if you are going to try and discredit me and the farjo clinic again,then at least post the full interaction that took place.

as "something" said it is common practice to pm on here,and i have had countless pm,s sent to me concerning me and the farjo clinic.

i did not give any of your details to mick mchugh(who is not a saleman).i told you to contact him which i assume you did.

below is the full conversation that you chose to leave out,and as everyone can see ive advised you to take advice from everyone on this site.





sorry should have mentioned mick mchugh is patient co-ordinator at farjo.





Thank you balody.


Very kind of you to do this for me.


I will also try to get some better pictures. My sister has borrowed a better camera from a friend, the one I bought was very cheap and I think is rubbish.


Thank you again.





no problem,mick is a very helpful and understanding guy who has been through it all before.





Again thanks.


One thing I will say, and I know I have only been on here a few days.. but I am feeling much better about my situation. Wish I had joined ages ago. I know I repeat myself, but sitting on the sidelines did me no favours.


The comments about my situation not being as bad as I had said has given me a real boost.


Thank you





Forgot to mention.


I suppose there is no way to change my name I used. Feel a bit stupid being Hairnutter. If not, never mind.







thats good to hear,well your off the sidelines now and hopefully moving towards a happier future whatever you choose to do.dont hesitate to ask the guys on here for help no matter how stupid you think it sounds, most are on here to help guys like you especially Bill.





the name thing,i dont know.you must be able to go into your profile and edit or something?

probably best to pm Bill if you cant do it.






Bill,if you could investigate this as i am sure this poster has an agenda,i have done nothing more than try to help here and feel i am trying to be caught out somehow.

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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Sorry for my delayed response on this thread, I am just reading through it now.




This forum is made up of a great number of patient members, physicians and clinic members, and a multitude of guests. When you post your information and pictures on a public forum, anybody can reply to you both publicly and privately.


From what I can see above, Balody (a Farjo patient) and Mick (patient coordinator and consultant for the Farjo Clinic) were trying to be helpful by sending you private messages that are seen by your eyes only. As a free agent, you are free to accept or reject the help at anytime. The only way these private messages are viewable by any third party is if you post them like you did here on the public discussion forum.


I hope this helps explain the difference between the public forum and private messages. Feel free to send me a private message if you need more clarification. Additionally, I can help you with a name change if you need it.




Try not to overexaggerate. I think hairnutter is just a little confused on how the onlines services work. Hopefully he understands now.


Best wishes,



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I see you are being a diplomat here, so its all good, but damn, Balody is just trying to make sense of this bipolar post.


Either way, the first time i read it i just thought that the guy has no online experience, but the mood swing is troubling.

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My worries are about things done in private. I thought everything here is done in the open.


and also I said sorry for upsetting people.


I sent my replies back to balody to be polite as I am a very polite person. I was raised that way and not to be sneaky about stuff.

But I was worried and then a salesman contacted me in private.


THAT is what upset me MORE


This whole thing has upset me and now upset you.

This whole thing has now make me think twice about using these chat rooms.


Lots of people are happy but I am very upset now.


Thank you and goodbye

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I'm sorry that you are upset, but this is the nature of the beast and not only did nobody do anything wrong, Balody and Mick (one patient and one consultant member of our community) were trying to be helpful.


If you go through and look at many public forum posts, you will see that consultants and doctors alike will participate, answer questions, and offer contact information for a consultation.


There is no difference between this happening in private or public. Mick is a member of this forum community so the fact that he contacted you is perfectly acceptable.


As I stated, you can accept or reject any help given to you in private or in public. But there is no reason to make a public spectacle out of something that is typical.





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First of all I do not work for anyone.. I often receive private messages from people with questions and I respond accordingly.. Many people on here truly care about the poster and their best interest.. It is not abnormal to private message someone .. I think you should judge the intention on the content..



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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