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I am currently 24 years old. Since I was 20, my hair started to fall off. Now I still have a full hairline but it has been thinning drastically so under the light or i I put water on my head, the gaps in my hair will show very clearly.


I am very hesitant about doing the surgery now as my hair is still ok but I really dont want to get to a stage where I am bald to do the surgery.


Any advice plz? Have the people who did the HT surgery regretted it or they are satisfied with the resluts?


I have attached a pic of my hair below.


I am currently working and living in Dubai...so u know of any good surgeons here?


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  • Regular Member



I am currently 24 years old. Since I was 20, my hair started to fall off. Now I still have a full hairline but it has been thinning drastically so under the light or i I put water on my head, the gaps in my hair will show very clearly.


I am very hesitant about doing the surgery now as my hair is still ok but I really dont want to get to a stage where I am bald to do the surgery.


Any advice plz? Have the people who did the HT surgery regretted it or they are satisfied with the resluts?


I have attached a pic of my hair below.


I am currently working and living in Dubai...so u know of any good surgeons here?

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  • Senior Member

Get on Propecia. Its the only known drug that can stop/slow down hairloss and possibly grow back some hair.


Propecia is a life long treatment so if you stop using it after a number of years, you will most likely loose any hair that you have kept due to propecia.


The best thing to do is read up everything about propecia on here and see what next steps you can take.

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Originally posted by Oussssss:

Thanks for the reply but I heard that procepia has serious side effects...is that right?


The main side effect that stops men from taking Finasteride/Propecia/Proscar is decreased sex drive, which may be a blessing in disguise since that's all men usually think about. This may allow us to get things done instead of thinking about our dicks all of the time. icon_smile.gif


Some other side effects that may occur are:

- decreased volume of ejaculate

- impotence

- breast tenderness or enlargement



Side effects don't occur nearly as much as people think. If they do, just stop taking it and things will go back to the way they were previously.


I've been on Proscar for 1 1/2 years. I experienced a loss in sex drive for a while but it came back.


It may be worth a try. Talk to your doctor about it.

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Propecia DOES work.

It was created in 1mg tabs because studies of proscar (finasteride/fincar - generic) in 5mg form had a side effect of regrowing on the back and front of the scalp. It didn't actually grow it but prevented the DHT that thins your hair follicles and makes you look like you're balding from doing more damage. Hence it is known as a DHT blocker.


SO you stop losing further hair and you might regrow or grow more fully the hair which is thinning.




Reduced sex drive (actualy figures 2%) by using propecia (buy proscar from http://www.inhousedrugstore.com for $89 for a years supply - just need a pill cutter $10) OR be bald and have NO SEX.


Your choice.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks for all your replies...


I have a question regardingthe surgery itself...if I decide to go for it, when is the best time to do it? Should I start restoring my hair now or wait till I am noticably bald?

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  • Senior Member

From what I've been reading on these forums, get on Propecia first (for a year or more) in order to stabilize your hair loss (if possible). The problem with getting any type of work done at your young age is that you really don't know how much more hair you'll lose. You may end up chasing your hair loss and run out of donor hair.

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Oussssss, do a search for the author name Robert_ (note the underscore at the end of his name). He is about your age (25) and he has had work done that looks really good! He can probably give you the scoop!

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You actually will not get better density than you have now from a HT. Sure, they might give you a better, less receeded looking hairline but what you see from the above shot - if the hair is indeed wet - is probably the best case scenario post HT.


A HT will look good dry, but you won't have the hair you used to when you were a kid. So my advice is wait it out, because the benefits are marginal.

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Ugly man


these pics r with dry hair not wet....with wet it shows a lot worse.


I think I will go for the surgery eventually but still have to decide the best time to...


I will keep u posted


thanks again

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I heard there are no good doctors in Dubai. I met some people here in India, who came all the way from Dubai to India for HT because they can not afford to go to US. If you are planning for HT, I suggest you to get it done in US. Not anywhere in the world.


- Jagdish

Ravi Vide

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well gettin an entry visa to the US will be almost impossible as it is very hard to do. Gettin a visa for europe will be a lot easier. Are there any good surgeon's in europe?


There are in dubai some clinics where US doctors visit monthly or every other month to do the surgery like nu/hart but what I got from this forum is that nu hart is not recommended

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