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Give me a break!

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Going through these forums, I cannot believe the stuff people are taking to try to grow their hair..it seems to me like some of you are dedicated ur lives to regimens that are supposed to grow hair...even after getting a ht, people are still taking medication...is this really a way to live just to grow back hair.


The hair systems that are out on the market today look unbelievable and completely natural..ex. toplace or coolpiece...why take risks of surgery and pills when you can just get a piece...and people who think that you have to worry about your hair system all the time are wrong...the adhesives available today can be applied with a great degree of confidence.


why keep wasting over $50 on propecia every month for life! Think of what you can do with that money. Just my opinion.

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  • Regular Member

Going through these forums, I cannot believe the stuff people are taking to try to grow their hair..it seems to me like some of you are dedicated ur lives to regimens that are supposed to grow hair...even after getting a ht, people are still taking medication...is this really a way to live just to grow back hair.


The hair systems that are out on the market today look unbelievable and completely natural..ex. toplace or coolpiece...why take risks of surgery and pills when you can just get a piece...and people who think that you have to worry about your hair system all the time are wrong...the adhesives available today can be applied with a great degree of confidence.


why keep wasting over $50 on propecia every month for life! Think of what you can do with that money. Just my opinion.

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I like having my own very natural looking hair growing out of my head, thank you. No rugs for me. I don't care how good they look. I'd rather be bald.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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I think I'd rather wrap a musty bathroom carpet around my back before I'd wear a piece. Those things look absolutely ridiculous. And when you see a man wearing one, you feel embarrassed for them. It just makes them seem weak and pathetic.

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Slowlythinning You haven't answered my question. Do you wear a Hairpiece. If so how does it feel. Fill me in on the particulars of a Hairpiece. The wind, the elements. Etc...Etc... I am not trying to be smart, because I have considered it myself. But all I see is advertisements and no proof that a Hairsystem is usefull, unless maybe your a Lawyer, Accountent, Doctor, or someone who does not have to work for a living. Tell me about it. Show me real people who are wearing them and how it coinsides with there everyday lives.

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From what I've read, pieces are more expensive that HT's by far......in the long run.


For me, it's never been a consideration. Like pushing 40, I too, feel for those who wear them. Maybe there are ones so good you can't spot them..........I dunno. However, there are too many that look like an animal just crawled up on your head and died!


I was self-consicous about going bald but I think I would be more so about wondering if someone could "spot the piece" on my head. What about wind, rain, swimming.......and loads of other situations where the piece would inevitably be spotted? I, for one, am very glad I chose to have HT's.


I'd definitely would have shaved the noggin' before wearing one.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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A Tale of a Hairpiece I shouldn't bring this up, over and over. But, I guess since my Hair loss is a bit more extensive than most others, I have looked at the option of Hairpieces. But, I have had a HairTransplant,packed tighter mostly on the front with some on the back. So, I am not sure exactly how it will look when it starts to grow in. 1500 grafts, or FUT's. I have noticed some growth, light growth after 2 months, and the red spots are getting lighter where the FUT's were put in. I started washin my hair with Hotter Water and doubled up twice on the shampooing for one session of showering. I'll have another procedure of 1500 fut's hopefully in the near future. Have to see how my current situation turns out. Now, I may consider a piece for the back of my head, if I think I can't get enough density on the front from my first procedure. I have heard that some with extensive hairloss do this. A transplant for the front and a piece for the back. Still not sure on that. But, I wanted to make a comment on the "Toplace" and "Coolpiece" Hairsystems. I did go to the site, and I got no answers. I EMailed them and got some really bad comments. Now Toplace is not the only ones who have new technology. Most Hairsystems these days use thinner base systems, and they all still use Glue and Tape to stick them on. I have did some of my own research and I do think that the real hair systems may be better than the synthetic systems. Oh well, this is a "Real Hair" site and most people here I think may be wanting Transplants. That is what I did, but I have to wait and see how mine comes in.

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"Why do you want to know" His name is James Frazer. The Hair Transplant Center of Tulsa Oklahoma did it. They have a web site. He is a member of the IHRS. They seem to have a good reputation. A lot of people go there. But why are you wondering. He never mentioned the Rug on the back of my head, if that is what your thinking. I read about it on a web page for people with extensive hair loss, or Maybe I didn't ask enough questions. But, basically, they told me 1500 FUT's front to back. Packed tightly more upfront, less in back. Due to lack of Donor Hair. They said I might get 1500 more, but more like 1000 more. When I first went in I was thinking, wow, 1500 FUT's seems like a lot. Then after I had it done, I started looking at my Hairloss, and reading more about Transplants and I said, "Yikes" Maybe I don't have enough Donor Hair to look good. Well, I think they must know what they are doing, I hope. Actually they put the Hairline rather low, since I was expecting a Mohawk look. They didn't put it low, but high for my age, but I thought they would put it back toward my crown. But I was happy they put it lower than I expected. The back of my head is what is really Bad. My Donor Hair is low, and a wide Bald Spot. So that may be a little difficult to disguise. I am starting to grow some hair. It has been to months. So, not sure right now what to expect, but you probably know more than I do. Let me know why your interested. I think I may be going through some anxiety now, waiting for the Hair to come in. But on the other hand, I may have a lot more to fear than fear itself! "Yikes" Scary thought!

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MtBaldy, before the days of internet forums like this, HT doctors had to answer to no one. They went about their business, some butchering, others, doing poor work with little to no medical regulation of their industry. Well, there is still today little to no regulation of their industry. So, in essence, we the consumers are the regulation by exposing poor work. The only way doctors can be held accountable for their great, good, mediocre or poor work is by knowing their name. The great ones will obviously stand out in a positive light, while the poor ones will be exposed to the world.


BTW - there is a subject in another area of this forum about Hair transplants in front of a hair piece, which I think is what you are referring to.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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Good Topic fella's!!!

Mt Baldy-- since this forum is mostly about sharing information, most of us like to know about other clinics that are performing good surgeries. In addition to that, it is always good news when someone has a positive experience when making that scary first step. The post Gorpy is mentioning is a quite a novel approach by Dr. Konier, who is located just south of Chicago. Dr. Konier transplanted a severe NW6+ and designed a hairline that would appear natural and age appropriate. We all understand that regardless of surgeries, severely balding men will never achieve a full look, so what Dr. Konier did was restore the hairline, with the idea that a hairpiece could cover the rest of the balding areas, and the hairline could provide the hairpiece with a completely natural hairline without that "strange" hairline look that EVERY hairpiece as. I think this is a pretty viable option for those of us who suffer from severe baldness.

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Has anyone heard anything bad about "The Hair Transplant Center of Tulsa Oklahoma" Dr. James Frazer. The Nurse practicing nurse is Betty Studier. She and another nurse put the Hair in. Dr. Frazer took the strip of Hair out of the back of my head. I haven't heard anything bad about them. I asked if I would have good coverage, and that I wasn't expecting to look like a 30 year old man or a 20 year old man. But I wanted good coverage and if they could not provide good coverage I didn't want them wasting there time. They assured me of good coverage, so I hope they were telling the truth. I know I can see hair growing, and it has been right at two months. But, I have also noticed something a bit strange. I have been growing my own hair also. Around the top middle of my head. That is not transplanted hair. If I get a significant amount of my own growth where a photograph will pick it up, I'll post it on this site.

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I've not heard of the "The Hair Transplant Cnter of Tulsa Oklahoma" nor have I seen results for them so I can't comment on their quality of work. If you had 1500 grafts placed from front to back covering your whole head, coverage will likely be thin.


You really need to wait a year to see what the end result looks like before planning your next move. At this point, you've had the HT so there's really nothing to do but wait for the results.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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