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Do all or do some of the transplanted hairs shed?


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Do all or do some of the transplanted hairs shed?????


Its been 3 weeks post op 3250 grafts. I have not really seen any evidence of large amounts of hair being shed. What I have noticed is small little tiny tiny sprouts surfacing all over with many folicles still intact from the early initial growth now 3 weeks post op that are now pretty long, lifeless and whispy type. Is this normal???


Am I right to say a stage will eventually come when the hairs will actually fall making way for new stronger hairs later.

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  • Senior Member

Do all or do some of the transplanted hairs shed?????


Its been 3 weeks post op 3250 grafts. I have not really seen any evidence of large amounts of hair being shed. What I have noticed is small little tiny tiny sprouts surfacing all over with many folicles still intact from the early initial growth now 3 weeks post op that are now pretty long, lifeless and whispy type. Is this normal???


Am I right to say a stage will eventually come when the hairs will actually fall making way for new stronger hairs later.

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Most if not all the grafts will most likely shed in the next few weeks. Some of the transplanted hairs will grow for awhile until they shed while others have probably already disconnected from the follicle beneath. These hairs won't grow since they aren't connected to the follicle and will eventually shed. This is all normal. All the follicles underneath however are alive and well and all the hair will rise again starting 3 to 5 months after surgery.


I hope this helps icon_smile.gif



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You *might* be one of the lucky ones that just keeps on growing, but don't absolutely count on it as this is rare. The fact that you say these hairs are lifeless and wispy makes me think it is a possibility, but don't be disappointed if they do in fact start to shed as Bill pointed out. That is what is most likely to happen. Are you positive these new hairs aren't your original native hairs growing?


I had a procedure on the hairline and general top/frontal area and some of the ones on the very front hairline just kept on growing and are now the same length as the buzzed native hair, maybe 50 or so but all the rest started hopping out about week 2 and almost all were gone by week 3. We all shed, sprout at different timescales.



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Hi! Bill & guys since our last discussion, my newly transplanted hair that began to grow, has now started to fall. It does not seem to fall with any roots attached to it, but seems to be kind of snapping or breaking of very easily and I can see the scalp re-surfacing once again. I must admit I cant help feeling a little uneasy about it, any advice.



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Shockloss occurs when the native hair is weak and isn't strong enough to resist the trauma thats going on around it. More often than not the hair that has gone into shock will grow back but after 3/4 months - after the resting phase

Hair that goes into shock and doesn't return is hair that was inevitably on its way out anyway and wasn't strong enough to return.


Abby, Another member Spex wrote those tips but when he refers to *native" hair, that means hair that was growing in your scalp before the HT procedure, so yes, it is possible that you could lose some of those either permanently or temporarily.


I has a little shock loss near the donor area which have come back. I believe I may have had some in the recipient area but not many.


Permanent shockloss can for the most part be prevented if you have an experienced surgeon do your HT.

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Hi Rambler


Since our last chat must admit you were right, a good 90% of my newly planted hair has been shed. maybe I was kidding my self thinking the hair that began to grow was going to be there for good I must admit I felt good, no more concealers caps hats etc as it just kept growing.


My wife also rubbed some tee tree oil into my donor area diluted with water this morning very gently that caused some of the scabs to fall and caused the hair that had become matted wit blood to the scalp to become free allowing me to give that tender area a good decent wash that it needed.


Im also definately collecting the pics every 4 weeks with a digi cam for clarity and shall post them all in one go for every one to see and to get some feed back.

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Everything you are describing is very normal. "Shock" is commonly only used to describe existing hair (natural or previously transplanted) fall out however, most if not all of the newly transplanted hair will shed also because of the shock of being removed from the donor area and transplanted into the balding areas.


My only advice to you at this point is, try not to look in the mirror and let yourself get down in these early stages. It's easy to be discouraged, but keep your chin up. In hair transplant surgery, things often get worse before they get better, but in the end, you will have a much improved look!


Best wishes,



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I think ill take the good advice buddy, because I must admit I have been looking in the mirror quite frequently to the point when you start noticing anything and everything. I think im gonna back off for a while instead of getting obessed or paranoid and concentrate on my exams as they are due very soon.

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hi abbey


my worsed time for shedding was at the 2 month mark , up till then i believed i was one of the lucky ones hahahahaah i think that is an urban myth that we all cling too hahaha


i lost most of the implanted hairs with as little as 20% remaining with , i'm pretty sure did grow from the day they were implanted .


Just find something to do , or as Bill said you will drive yourself insane haha


good luck bud


2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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