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How do you know if your ready for transplants?

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Hello All,


Sorry if this is a stupid question. Is there a certain age you need to be to get transplants? I went to a doctor a few years ago and he told me I wasn't ready yet because of my age. I was 29 at the time, and he told me I would continue to loose hair after the transplant.

How do you know if your ready? I am sure it is preference but I wanted to improve my hairline and the doctor denied me. Thank you and sorry for my ignorance.

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First and foremost you should stabilize your hairloss to avoid future loss after the HT of native hair. Age is relative but the goal is to prevent people who are quite young ( and have more loss ahead) from going under the knife.



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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cool name. Sounds like a metropolitan restaraunt with a slick bar where you can chow down a filet and pound bottles of cabernet. Anway, what were we talking about?...What doctor did you go to? I think most coalition doctors would perform a ht on a 29 year old, but then again you said you wanted to improve your hairline. If you want the hairline of an 18 year old, then that is a different story.


What is your current hairloss situation? If its limited to the hairline with a typical v shaped pattern then I would definetely hold out a while.

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Why do alot of you recommend holding out on hts?



Atleast if you put hairs at the front of your head, you can do a comb over, Whats the point of trying to put off a ht for so long?


Isnt it better just to do it? and get another one later?



Cant you transplant fake hairs? Or pubes, leg hair? arm hair, back hair etc? to your head?


Plus they will have cloning in the future - so why bother spending your life being miserable - just get a ht and be happy?


Whats the point of waiting, thinking that u only have a few donor hairs when there are other options?


My theory is transplant alot of hairs from the back of your head to your hairline.

Then do comb overs. and to thicken your hair get body hair or fake hair to fill in the middle of your head to thicken it up.


Is my theory faulty?




Is it money? limited donor hairs?

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I strongly recommend starting your own thread to ask any or all of these questions so we don't take focus away from the thread starter which in this case is macavelli. That way you can be sure that people will address you specifically and we don't hijack macavelli's thread.


Best wishes,



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Bill, your the boss.


He was talking about holding off getting a HT?

I was saying why wait for? I was trying to expand and explore on the points already raised.


I dont know alot, but i thought my questions might stimulate conversation and that may benefit makaveli.


that was my logic for posting here


Can you please respond to my post above? about your views on the risks of getting it now rather than later?


Even if you run out of donor hairs? cant u use body hair or fake hairs to make up the short fall? so why wait?


I think this is related to makevali, But im very happy to repost it in my own thread, your the boss, what would you like me to do?

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No problem guy...


I understand why you would post follow up questions here. I just thought it would make sense starting your own thread because more people would reply icon_smile.gif.


Here are my general answers but the "why wait" or "why get a hair transplant" is always patient specific rather than general.


There are certainly reasons to wait to get an HT such as age, level of hair loss, waiting to see if medication would be of benefit, etc. The younger the person and the lesser amount of hair loss, the better reason to wait and try hair loss medication.


Centered aroud the above - a finite donor supply and risks of native shock loss are in my opinion, the two strongest reasons to consider waiting for a hair transplant.


Body hair transplants have not been perfected and hair growth yield is often poor. Artificial hair transplant is a whole other ball game - and though I haven't seen them, I've heard there is great risk for infection and often doesn't look natural.


Best wishes,



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Thanks for the replys everyone!!! I really appreciate it. I am 32 years old. I take propecia everyday, use rogaine at night and also use the Nioxin shampoo and conditioner. Most of my loss is at the corners of my hairline which is now a widows peak. I also have some thinning at the crown. I would like my hairline stronger and not just restored to when I was 18.

My consultation was with Dr. Rosenelli in San Francisco. Bill- are there any Docs in S.F. that you would recommend? Thanks again, this forum is really helpful!



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not going to go bald.


calm down buddy.


I find this stuff complicating, particularly because everyone is different and has had different experiences, I think you can appreciate that.




Dont be a dick, however if you have anything constructive to say, i am interested in your opinions.

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Be nice. You once asked a number of questions too - I'm sure you wouldn't have wanted to be greeted with such hostility.




There are a number of first-rate hair restoration physicians in the state of CA - however, if you do not want to travel outside of San Francisco, I'd consider consulting with Dr. Kabaker who is one of our recommended hair transplant physicians.


Best wishes,



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here- no insults. just some common sense...


constructive? I find it very counterproductive (to say the least) to see you asking the EXACT same qestions, which are entirely irrelevent to the thread your posting them on, over and over again. Most of the questions your asking can be answered by simply taking a look at one coalition doctors website page and reading some basic info.


Everyone on here asks questions, myself included that is why were all on here, but I mean seriously. Come on. Look at your post on someone elses thread. Its entirely composed of questions. Twelve to be exact. Why dont you print up a page of the answers this time so you dont ask all of the EXACT same questions again, and again, and again. Im doing you a favor here pal. I never see anyone answering your questions, because they probably take one glance at it and think the EXACT same thing I do.


So here ya go, these are my thoughts on your questions.

1. Two combined variables play a fundamental role to this answer: (i) age; (ii) future hair loss. (i) is a given, the younger you are then the more loss you will probably experience and one does not want to use up valuable donor hair on a low hairline to end up chasing hair loss in the future. (ii) is somewhat unpredictable. Some people end up losing all of their hair in a relatively short period of time, while others lose it gradually.


2. same as above and most guys dont want a comb over.

3. & 4. same as above. donor hair is limited and one must be fully aware of all of the risks and have a future plan of attack in mind.


6. Fuck no! do you want the hair from your balls on your head?

7. Body hair transplants are still in the experimental stage.

8. they have talked of this for years. No one knows if and when they will be succesfull.

9.what options?

your "theory" is precisely the reason why people discourage this line of attack: transplant alot of hairs to the hairline making it dense, but then what? Body hair transplants are still in the experimental stage so then what? You end up with a thick hairline and a bald top.

10. yes.

11. no.

12. yes.


I bet ANYTHING you will still ask at least eleven of these questions again. Then I will be a smart ass and we will go through this whole riduclous, time comsuming superificial soap opera again...Cant wait!

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You have a point but you can say it more constructively without insult.


It can be very overwhelming with a plethora of information available and it's hard to know where to start. We should be here to direct him and not to add insult.


I have already recommended that guy start his own thread and ask any question he likes. Most new people come asking questions that have been asked a dozen times before. But the beauty of this forum is that we HELP new people find the answers.


So instead of telling someone NOT to ask a question, post a link back to where they can find the answer. Or make a recommendation that is constructive and helpful.



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  • 12 years later...
  • Regular Member

Wow!  I haven't been on this forum in a while and just saw this thread I started 13 years ago!  I still want to get a transplant and would love some good doctor recommendations.  I understand I shouldn't limit my search to the bay area but if there are some good doctors here I will check them out.  I am willing to travel for a top doctor. I am mostly interested in my hairline.  

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