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Dr jones in Oakiville canada


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hello everyone .


I planned to go to visit Dr jones In canada .

Apparently this doctor has a very good reputation and i would like to hear about people who have a strip surgery and not a Fue surgery with him .

Would you recommend him for this type of hair restoration ?

Any comments are more than welcome .

Thanks in advance .



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hello everyone .


I planned to go to visit Dr jones In canada .

Apparently this doctor has a very good reputation and i would like to hear about people who have a strip surgery and not a Fue surgery with him .

Would you recommend him for this type of hair restoration ?

Any comments are more than welcome .

Thanks in advance .



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  • Senior Member

Hi Kienast,


Welcome to this forum! Since you are interested in strip excision or the FUT procedure, any reason why you are considering Dr. Jones for that? From what I have heard, he is doing more FUE cases than strip. Are you considering and/or researching any other docs? I am not a Jones patient but hopefully someone who is can respond here. Best wishes to you.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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hello Gillenator .


Thanks for your reply . That's right apparently Dr jones has a superb reputation for Fue , but once the graft are extracted the methos to put them back is the same than Fue no ?

I am sure Dr jones will be a good Dr , even for a strip surgery , of course any comments from people who had this kind of surgery with him are welcome .

Looking at his web site , the work is doing seems to be quite good , even with strip .

What do you think ?


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I had 2000graft strip surgery with him in Nov. of 2003. I was not satisfied with the results from the start and had told him so. Dr. Jones told me to be patient and i wait a year, sending him photos regularly to keep him abreast of the results. After assuring me that he would make good on the results, he them stopped reponding after my last set of pictures a year later. The resulting dissappointment was obvious but he choose not to follow up on his promise of assuring a quality result. Hope you rethink your choice or have more success with him. But, he's not a man of his word for sure.

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hello !!


No one else can comment ?



OK, I will comment, you need to do a LOT more research before making this decision in my opinion.

I would not be following your course of action based on what I have read on different hair sites but ultimately assuming you are fully informed you must then make up your own mind.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
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Kienast - hope you are still reading.


I used to read several of the forums. I've since really moved on and don't read them much at all (haven't been on this one in a long time). But I remember you from another, where they sing the praises of Dr. Jones. Careful man, he sponsors that site and the moderators delete any negative posts about him. He has an awful reputation and has had a series of extremely poor results, especially for strip. Low yield, wide scars, high scars, disregard for patient well being. As for his his FUE work it is more hype than results. He got booted from IAHRS, which should tell you something right away.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I just had a stip done 10 days ago by Dr. Jones (~2900 grafts). It was my first procedure and I thought he was very professional. Since it is so soon after the procedure, I can't really say the results. but it certainly looks like there is a lot of hair there now! It was a big cut up the back, but since it is not fully healed yet I'm not sure how big the scar will be. As with any surgery there are always risks, so you can't expect anyone to be perfect all of the time. But so far I am pleased.

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Frankly, I'm surprised. I've only heard good things about Jones so far and I'm considering him for scar repair so the above comments come as a shock. One of the most respected and trusted posters, Whoops, had 2 FUE procedures with Jones, was very pleased and now represents him. So I suggest you contact Whoops and ask for clarification. I hope he will read this. Booted from IAHRS? Again, I'm speechless.

3045 FUs with Dr Victor Hasson on 8 June 2004

1836 FUs with Dr Jeffrey Epstein on 2 March 2006

Regimen: 1.25mg Proscar every other day

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He also performed a strip on a young Army Capt. with minor crown loss, shocked him out and did the "blind" consent on him.I beleive that was the reason for him being booted from the IAHRS.

"The first cut is the deepest." Cat Stevens

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Not sure what the problem with advertising is. HT's are a business, what's wrong with a doctor putting the word out? For that matter what is the difference between a tv or radio ad and a polished website? It's all advertising.


Anyway, here's what made me most nervous about Jones - read the FAQ on his website and then read the FAQ on the Bosley website. If you're going to mimic a FAQ, don't pick Bosley's.


Hairworthy - if you have only heard good things, keep looking. He might be good for FUE into a strip scar, but my reservations are about his strip surgery results. Laker, hope it works out for you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can only vouch for his great work in FUE, but I've had 2 good experiences with him myself.

I know whoops and bverotti had great FUE with him as well.


Frankly, I'm absolutely shocked about these bad experiences with strip.

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