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Visit with Dr. Hasson

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  • Senior Member

Hi all.


I've been lurking on these forums for a while, and posting for a while too. I've been around and learned which physicians people seem to think are the best. From what I've read, I've narrowed my choices to two very talented doctors.


The first, Dr. Hasson, I have an appointment to meet with on Oct 1st. I'll be flying out from Tampa, Florida to Vancouver, Canada.


It's not a cheap trip, but a HT is a decision that will affect the rest of my life and I want to make absolutely positive that I have done every bit of research I can.


As a side note, I own a web design company and plan to make a website to document everything I've done from research to taking the big plunge, if and when I decide that's the right choice for me.


I've even talked to a few of the regular forum members, and some of them (like Bill) have been kind enough to agree to meet with me in person and share their experiences.


This trip is a month away, but before I went I wanted to ask the forum: does anyone have any questions they would like me to ask Dr. Hasson when I am up there?


I'm bringing my digital camera and will be sure to snap lots of pictures. I hope to view at least 2 live surgeries (although I will probably not be able to take pictures of those, understandably, without the permission of everyone involved).


Also, if anyone has already made this trip and has any travel advice, I'd be much appreciative.



I don't work for a doctor.

Got 2700 fu from Ron Shapiro, 11-30-7

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  • Senior Member

Hi all.


I've been lurking on these forums for a while, and posting for a while too. I've been around and learned which physicians people seem to think are the best. From what I've read, I've narrowed my choices to two very talented doctors.


The first, Dr. Hasson, I have an appointment to meet with on Oct 1st. I'll be flying out from Tampa, Florida to Vancouver, Canada.


It's not a cheap trip, but a HT is a decision that will affect the rest of my life and I want to make absolutely positive that I have done every bit of research I can.


As a side note, I own a web design company and plan to make a website to document everything I've done from research to taking the big plunge, if and when I decide that's the right choice for me.


I've even talked to a few of the regular forum members, and some of them (like Bill) have been kind enough to agree to meet with me in person and share their experiences.


This trip is a month away, but before I went I wanted to ask the forum: does anyone have any questions they would like me to ask Dr. Hasson when I am up there?


I'm bringing my digital camera and will be sure to snap lots of pictures. I hope to view at least 2 live surgeries (although I will probably not be able to take pictures of those, understandably, without the permission of everyone involved).


Also, if anyone has already made this trip and has any travel advice, I'd be much appreciative.



I don't work for a doctor.

Got 2700 fu from Ron Shapiro, 11-30-7

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As the trip gets closer and if you still want to try to get together, we can discuss the details of when and where to meet.


Regarding questions to ask...it's a matter of what questions you still have that you need answering. I recommend compiling a list of unanswered questions and bring that list with you to the consultation.


Dr. Hasson is an elite surgeon and personally I am ecstatic about the results from my third hair transplant. If you choose to have your HT with him, you will be in great hands!





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I made the trip from RI for my procedure with Dr. Wong. Vancouver seemed to be a pretty nice area, and H&W arranged for my stay at the Granville Island Hotel [nice place to stay, as it's close to H&W and the surrounding environment was enjoyable]. It reminded me of a typical college town area.





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Guest wanthairs

hey emu....


could you ask specifically about the average number of hairs versus the number of grafts issue. Dr. Epstein told me that his smaller graft sessions usually result in many more hirs being transplanted than some docs much larger graft sessions because they slie the pizza more times. I am considering using Hasson for my second procedure, but dont want to spend way more money for the same amount of hairs I may get from Epstein. Mhy results are coming in good from my first operation......Good luck pal...

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This was going to be the first question I asked =)


I remember bringing this up in another thread and talking about it with Bill I believe... I think he said he had heard about that too, but he went to Hasson for the sheer "WOW" factor that he had seen in other patients. He talked about Sub-Follicular unit grafting I believe in this thread:




I for one am very curious about it. I have been for a while (as you can see from the date of the thread...lol). It will be nice to talk to the Doc himself about it.


Rest assured, I will get an answer for this one!



I don't work for a doctor.

Got 2700 fu from Ron Shapiro, 11-30-7

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Guest wanthairs

hey emu.....thats great.....


there may be some truth to this. With the 2900 grafts I recieved , I seem to havemore coverage than anyone other pic I haveseen with the same number of grafts. ( my frontal third and mid right up to my crown) but it may not be as denslet packed but it looks really good at only under 4 months, compared to the shiny runway I had before.....Also I read Pats original article about his visit to hassons office, and while he confirmed he saw the most amount of skin removed , he said something to the effect of much more grafts cut into ones and twos. I still have no doubt that Hasson is one of the best and , Im considering seeing him for round two.....if I dont go back to Epstein...

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Not sure if this implies that the FU's are being cut ( which generally is a no no).. However, whatever H & W is doing looks damn good so , so be it.. You are in good hands!



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • Senior Member

Hey EmuSteve,


You are being wise visiting, yes its expensive I remember the same dilemma...ramen for a month and visit Dr.Hasson, or eat well and roll the dice? I am glad I did make the visit; it helped re-assure me I was making the right decision. Remember HT's have a long road to success the excitement you have leading to a procedure helps push you through the doldrums, it's tuff but the reward is large. As for the sub graft endless debate, it has some merit... but in the end you will debate numbers in a HT forum.... you will wear your results on your head... I choose Dr.Hasson for the latter. I still believe...if you put a gun to my head and said you have one shot at a HT... who you going to take?...Dr.Hasson....he is like a German train...never late....never early...never fails. Others can say what they want, not a person I know thinks I had a HT (luckily I began to shave my head six months before so people would get used to the look after my HT)...funny people tell me now I look better with hair.


Virgin scalp + Dr.Hasson = Wow.


Ok, make Doug show you around Vancouver if you have time, he is very nice and knows great place to eat and party....and more importantly is a hot chick magnet so if you get him to show you around you will run into some cuties...and that's never a bad thing. Have fun Vancouver is a great.

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You say that you have narrowed your choices down to two doctors.


Who is the other one?


Since you are in Tampa I assume it's Dr. Paul Rose?


If you decide to go with Dr. Hasson, can you please ask him for your hair counts from your surgery?


In addition, can you please ask Dr. Hasson what are his criteria to determine whether or not it's safe to extract the donor "beyond the ears" on a particular patient.


bayscholar, your weblog link is not working. I would love to see your results if you care to share.


Thank you.


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hey pr,


I am going to re-launch my blog after round-2 w/Dr.Rahal. I just wanted a break to enjoy where I am for six or eight months. In that time Bill went from 1.5k post to 4k...was I in a coma?...congrats Bill on the asst moderator position. Also Dr.Rose and Dr.E are two of the best and they are in FL.

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Bayscholar, why Dr. Rahal? Why not Hasson again? Just curious.


And no, the other was Dr. Shapiro. I have heard great things about Dr. Rose, but I don't think he does the size session I need on a regular basis. I could be wrong.


Powerranger, I'll add it to my list of questions. Thanks. =)



I don't work for a doctor.

Got 2700 fu from Ron Shapiro, 11-30-7

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Moving to the east coast very likely for me around the time I have free for a HT. Focus this round - hairline and crown ( I feel Dr.Hasson is better at the crown swirl -Dr.Rahal the Hairline-IMO) so I compromised knowing I did not want round three for a while after round 2... I choose hairline over the crown as the major point of emphasis knowing what I wanted to see in the mirror I went with Dr.Rahal. With that said I will be going for both, my hope is that Dr.Rahal can harvest around 2-3k going for 1-2k crown and 1-1.5k in the hairline (his feathering approach to hairlines was the clincher). With that said I feel I made a very good choice going with Dr.Hasson in round 1 and would recommend him to my close friends and forum members alike.

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Actually Poweranger, I didn't visit Dr Rose. I visited his website and seriously considered visiting (heck, I still may), but he has no photos on his website of his past work... the only ones I was able to find were on here.


I know this may sound silly, but that really made me nervous. I talked with Pat in a PM, and he said Dr. Rose is good but if I wanted a larger session I might wants to do to Shapiro's main clinic, as they do larger sessions.



I don't work for a doctor.

Got 2700 fu from Ron Shapiro, 11-30-7

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