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2 year update 5000 plus mega H@W pics


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Here is a two year update. I had a 5194 FUT session with Dr. Hasson on 9/16/2003. Additionally, I had a second procedure of 2538 FUT with Dr. Hasson on 11/10/2005. The second procedure was done to fill in and add body to the crown area. I now have a total of 7732 FUT.


To see all of the pre and post op photos for Jupiter23 visit his photo album.

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  • Regular Member

Here is a two year update. I had a 5194 FUT session with Dr. Hasson on 9/16/2003. Additionally, I had a second procedure of 2538 FUT with Dr. Hasson on 11/10/2005. The second procedure was done to fill in and add body to the crown area. I now have a total of 7732 FUT.


To see all of the pre and post op photos for Jupiter23 visit his photo album.

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More of and update. I additionally had a second procedure of 2538 FUT placed in the crown area on 11/10/05 for a grand total of 7732 FUT in two sessions.


After the first session the scare was virtually undetectable.


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same question as Troy. seems like in one of the pre first op pics, your hair even on top looks descent. hard to tell if you even have a bald spot on crown (mayble lighting or light color hair), but if you look at the post second op pic, almost like a different person. They really shaved the whole area. was there diffused thinning on top. if so, did the docs talk about shock loss to the existing hair.



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I beleive they shaved his head for his first procedure and for his second, pictures are available on his procedure if you do a search, try hassonandwong.com look up to the right and click on "stories" then click on "patient websites" (his name is Mark) you will see they shave everyone, you can also look at their main gallery, if you dig around on their website you will find many answers, i will have my top shaved in Feb. for my procedure

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I was very bald and I had an island in the middle of my head that was not transplanted during my first procedure. this was because DR. Hasson felt that the island was pretty healthy.


The reason for the second HT was really to fill the island in. I probably didn't need to do the second HT because my hair really looked pretty good. I decided to go forward because I eventually would have had to do it anyway and wanted a little more in the crown. I feel better now. Looking at the coverage my second HT got I am very happy.


On both procedures they shaved my head.


Here is a picture immediatly after my first procedure. Notice the island in the middle of my head. The focus of my second HT was to fill that area in.




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Congratulations on your dramatic and impressive results. A much easier way to present your photos so they can be viewed from one place is to create a "photo album" on this forum.


To do this click on "New" in the menu and then select "Photo Album" rather than "Discussion". This will enable you to have all your photos on one page in thumbnails that can then be clicked on to display the photos in full size along with your comments.


Thanks for sharing, Pat

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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Given how dramatic your change was I'm curious as to how people reacted to your change and how this transformation has changed your life.


Thanks, Pat

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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Jupiter23 has put all his pre and post op photos from his surgeries with Hasson and Wong in an easy to view photo ablum. To view them click here.

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

My Hair Loss Blog

Sharing is what keeps this community vital. Please join in. To learn how I restored my hair and started this community, click here.

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hey guys, i was just looking at H&W photo gallery(i haven't spent a lot of time previously checking them out). Sure they do lot of megasessions, but even with average sessions, they seem to get remarkably better results then i have ever seen most docs achieve. What's their secret? it cant be just good lighting. even if you look at results from top surgeons like shapiro, true, feller, etc., they fall short. Please give your opinions, and which other docs get reults consistently similar to H&W.



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Thanks Pat,


This site help me a lot in my education about HT especially reading all the posts. It is so important to find the right doctor. A good HT is worth every penny and a bad HT can be equally negative.


The new hair has had a dramatic positive impact on my life, better than years of therapy. Being bald greatly affected my self-esteem and confidence. I started losing my hair at a very young age. When most people were building self-confidence I was developing self-doubt. It is amazing how something like hair can be that powerful. The low self-esteem has affected every aspect of my life.


When my hair started growing in after my HT I felt like I had a major thorn removed. It felt especially great when I realized that the HT was turning out perfect. I was so pleased with my hairline. Instead of being depressed over my hair loss I was becoming more energetic. I started focusing my energy on building my business, spiritual growth and personal relationships. Everything started getting better.


I have only told close friends and family about the procedure. The HT is undetectable. My new girlfriend does not even know. Simply amazing.

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Seeing is believing. I would be skeptical of any pictures, videos or fancy brochures. I researched HT for 13 years before I finally deciding to get one. I saw many great pictures and fancy brochures but when I saw actual patients I was appalled. I saw many hideous HT in person and could not believe how bad they looked. You could spot a bad HT a mile away. I felt so bad for the recipient and lucky to have not made that bad decision.


Finally the technology changed and I discovered H&W. I then met Jotronic in person and could not believe my eyes. After about five meetings and many beers I decided to research H&W in more depth. I met a least 5 other people in person, including Futzhead, Mr. T and many others. They were all happy to share their experiences with me and let me run my fingers thrue their hair. Yep, I decided this was the real deal and I schedule my appointment. Now I am very, very happy.


Do your research. Meet people in person and don't believe pictures because it probably is the lighting.


If anybody wants to meet me for a beer. I live in Seattle, WA

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All of the photos taken in our office are while the patient is sitting under direct overhead flourescent lighting, just like you'll find in any office building. This is the WORST lighting for hair transplant photos because it shows all the flaws. Many times people will see patients in person that they have previously only seen via photos. The comments will usually point to how the patient looks better in photos. I routinely hear the opposite of our patients when people meet them in person, that they look better in person than in the photos.


Our photos for the past two years have been taken under these conditions and with NO flash photography. For hairlines, flash will add what I approximate as 50% more density. I have examples of this on my own website. Type in "Jotronic" in Google and you'll find it.


What you said about understanding densities and what is realistic is spot on. Many times I'll be speaking with someone about what they can expect and they'll ask if they'll have results like Futzyhead or Jupiter etc. They ask this when they are a NW6/7 with fine donor hair and low donor density. People have a tendency to view photos and say "I want that" without understanding that their characteristics, even while having the same hairloss pattern, will lead to something completely different. Hair shaft diameter, scalp to hair color contrast, hair type (wavy, curly, straight) weigh heavily in the final outcome. So much so that one person with 50 per cm2 will look like he has better density than someone with 60 per cm2. This is only one example.


Jupiter's results are phenomenal in person and it makes me extremely happy that he has undergone this transformation. On top of that, he's a damn nice guy too, so I know he means it when he says he'll meet up with any of you for a brew and hair chat. I suggest that if any of you are in the Seattle area you take him up on his offer. Me too, for that matter. I'd be happy to meet with anyone in Seattle or Vancouver.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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