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  • Regular Member

Hi fellas


I am booked in for a strip procedure with one of the coalition docs but when surfing the net I have come across websites like this:




I have also found myself getting newsletters from a well known FUE doctor, he really critises strip procedures and points out lots of disadvantages with having one.


I am still planning on having my surgery but these things put doubts in your mind.


Should I be worried?

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  • Regular Member

Hi fellas


I am booked in for a strip procedure with one of the coalition docs but when surfing the net I have come across websites like this:




I have also found myself getting newsletters from a well known FUE doctor, he really critises strip procedures and points out lots of disadvantages with having one.


I am still planning on having my surgery but these things put doubts in your mind.


Should I be worried?

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  • Senior Member

Don't sweat it; you have almost assuredly chosen well. The procedure(s) outlined in that website are in a different stratosphere than what you will be experiencing. The past (present and future, too, unfortunately) of HTs has a good deal of baggage, a wee bit of substance, and mammoth mound of hype.


Fortunately, a select group of clinics perform hair restoration on a level that is truly advanced (natural, potent, consistent, comfortable), and a select few communities exist to aid in revealing -- to the public -- what is essentially out there.


Not knowing your exact situation it is difficult for me to really say whether or not strip or FUE is best for you; however, the doctor spamming you sounds like a total FUEmonger, which really isn't all that rare of a breed these days....in fact, it seems to be the "in" thing for some.....


Unless you are intent on having the option of buzzing your head super-tight I wouldn't even consider the "strip scar" a true disadvantage, either, especially since so many beautiful (trichophytic and otherwise) scars are being pumped out by top docs time and time again.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • Regular Member



When i first considered a h/t i was fully sold on the idea of "Scarless" FUE.

However when you do your research you will find that the growth yield of FUE, even when done by a top doc, is considerably less than a strip, due to the increased chance of damage to the follicle during extraction.


So add this to the huge cost of the procedure, it really is not as attractive as it first appears!!


I went for a strip with DR Feller, confident that the yield would be very high , and the strip scar would be very small and neat. After all you only have a finite number of grafts spare, so why waste them on a lower yield procedure.


All the best.



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  • Senior Member

Strip can just as easily be criticized as FUE, and vice versa. There is always risk with surgery and, with hair transplants, these risks include donor scarring, shock loss, etc. Generally though, if you go to a good doc with a good rep, they will do whatever it takes to get you a good result.


It can be hard to tell the good docs from the bad sometimes though. My advice would be to get feedback about the doc from multiple sources. If all checks out, great. Try to talk to patients and see some in person, if possible. At that point you should go with your gut.

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • Senior Member

dont worry, if you got a coalition doc your in good hands. that guy in the article is a fool. he obviously didn't do his research. i'm not sure when he got his procedure done but the surgical methods used on him are ancient. your doc will be using ultra refined follicular unit grafting. when used by a qualified, experienced surgeon, the method produces amazing results.


also which doctor did you choose? you don't have to be secretive about it. were all in the same boat, people are here to help.

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Guest josh - b



I've seen that site before. Its actually a promotional site for a company that sells wigs.

pay no heed to it.


As was pointed out if you're going to one of the top docs then you'll have nothing to worry about.

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Guest wanthairs

hair of the dog....


I remember finding that website the night before my transplant a little over a year ago and I still showed up to epstein although I was totally freaking out like a mental case. He did his best to reassure me and in the end I just went ahead and did it very reluctantly.


Turns out it was the best decision I ever made in my life and I am going back for more with Epstein in Miami.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks for all your kind and re-assuring words fellas. icon_smile.gif


After over 6 months of research I decided on Dr Alexander, and I was, and still am very happy and confident with my choice.


With regards to FUE, I don't really see it as an option for me as I am looking at 2500+ grafts, add on top of this the reasons Clive mentions. I am happy with strip and haven't buzzed super short since I was at school.

The FUE doctor claims wide strip scars are the norm, that tricho doesn't really work and can kill follicles in the donor area. He also claims strip procedures can create unnatural "hair growth direction problems" around the scar.


I suppose as Spex says though.....if he only does FUE....what would you expect him to say?

It just puts small doubts in the head.

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