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Very Discouraging

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  • Senior Member

Came across this website. Very very discouraged to read all of this. i am not saying i feel this way, but i just couldn't help sharing it with you guys, getting your opinions.

I guess after this, my question is anyone really happy with their results after one procedure



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  • Senior Member

Came across this website. Very very discouraged to read all of this. i am not saying i feel this way, but i just couldn't help sharing it with you guys, getting your opinions.

I guess after this, my question is anyone really happy with their results after one procedure



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Argh!! You are correct, very discouraging. That guy appears to have been butchered at least a decade ago with hair plugs though. I doubt (hope!) any of the HT surgeons recommended here would do work like that. I get the impression that the majority of posters here who have had recent modern HT's are satisfied.



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  • Senior Member

i have always found the whole" transplanted hair is permanent" claim very very hard to digest. True, even the baldest of the bald don't lose much of the hair in the back, but much of that has to be a factor of that area of scalp, than the hair itself. Most of the top docs, to my knowledge, don't even make that claim.

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Hi my name is Leo I have one procedure done in brazil ,and I'm very happy whith it ,I'm sure that 2500 grafts was enough for me,but depends on how much hair you need, so if you want to get one done, go for the big one.


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Having been on the frontlines in working with hundreds, if not thousands, of hair transplant patients over the past several years and dozens of leading physicians I'd like to add my perspective.


I do agree that the hair transplant profesion/industry has been a very mixed bag. Far too many physicians were attracted to hair transplantation as a means of making quick money. Many patients over time have become casualties of these unregulated clinics and their poor tecniques.


But I also know that thousands of patients have found their way to highly ethical and top notch surgeons and achieve excellent life changing results. The mission of this web community is to help hair loss sufferers find and learn about these credible physicians and quality treatments, both surgical and non surgical, so they can resolve their hair loss issue and get on with life.


Thousands of hair loss sufferers have visited this forum over the past five years. The vast majority who chose a truly ethical physician using truly state of the art techniques typically resolve their hair loss issue and get on with life. Some stick around and help mentor other hair loss sufferers and guide them to those surgeons who will help them achieve satisfying results. These active and informed members are a saving grace to those who seek honest and constructive help.


Then there are patients who have been lied to, disfigured and disappointed by physicians who are not recommended on this site. Some of these patients have been active on this forum for years. They also have helped potential patients make careful decisions by reminding them to commit to treatments only after careful consideration.


Sometimes these unhappy patients are so bitter and so bent on revenge that they blind themselves to the possibilty that others may actually be satisfied with their surgical results.


For example the site linked to in this topic provides links to numerous sites but not this community, despite the fact that its publisher, Arfy, has been welcome on this forum for years.


Another site "The Trouble with Hair Transplants" has never been willing to host any posts or patient experiences that are remotely positive. Such sites are not committed to helping hair loss sufferers find help or the truth. They are bent on revenge and fueled by anger.


I don't believe that blind anger or revenge will help hair loss sufferers. In fact, many hair loss sufferers who could have found constructive help that would have helped them resolve their hair loss issues and get on with life are discouraged from seeking such help. Instead they are locked in a state of fear and negativity.


I've been visiting leading clinics over the past six weeks on the East Coast and Midwest. What I'm seeing is really encouraging. I'm seeing that there are many truly ethical hair restoration physicians and staff members who are very honorable and work hard to provide the absolute highest level of care possible for their patients.


These visits have really confirmed my belief that in the caring hands of a top notch physician patients can consistantly achieve excellent positive life changing results. These top notch clinics and only these top notch clinics are recomended on this site.


The purpose of this site is to help hair loss sufferers find their way toward the light not to huddle in the dark. We deal in reality and strive for the truth on this site. We don't have all the answers or perfect information. But those involved with this community strive to continually guide hair loss sufferers to treatments that are truly positive and the physicians who provide them.

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  • Senior Member

That is one horrid story; from the past.... Really, with all the info out there now and each person's ability to really research and know the facts, hell, even the medical facts are easy to find now, there is no reason for someone to fall prey to this kind of practice anymore. If someone has this experience recently, he would be the laziest moron in the world who was too stupid to do the leg work. The truth about almost ant subject you can think of is getting harder and harder to hide from common knowledge.

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