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Alcohol and propecia


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I know someone asked a while back if alcohol will affect propecia or rogaine results, but the question went unanswered.


I'm a HEAVY drinker. I drink about 5 nights a week, and I usually drink about 10-15 beers a night. Think this affects anything?

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I know someone asked a while back if alcohol will affect propecia or rogaine results, but the question went unanswered.


I'm a HEAVY drinker. I drink about 5 nights a week, and I usually drink about 10-15 beers a night. Think this affects anything?

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Beanstock; I think that you have alot more to worry about then your hair. You drink more in a week then most people drink in a year. No one will be looking at your hair anyways because at this rate your nose will be bigger than pinochino.

Not to be funny but why are you even worried about your hair? For the women? The way you drink wouldn't all women be beautiful anyways?

Go get some help. Your friends and family deserve it and most of all you owe it to yourself.

Life is short and beautiful...




Representative for Hasson & Wong.


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My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


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LOL. I'm in college, people, lighten up. I certainly dont plan to continue drinking like this when I graduate. I simply wanted to know if alcohol affects hair regrowth. I appreciate the concern though

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  • 5 weeks later...
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I think thats a fair question regarding alcohol use and propecia, doesn't look like your ? is bieng taken seriously because of the ammount you drink. I really don't know the effect. I do know that both alcohol and propecia is metabalized in the liver. for a healthy liver i would assume you would have no problem, however if your liver is damaged due to heavy drinking thats another story. I would visit my doctor and have a liver function test done before taken any presciption drug for a extended period of time. As to weather or not the alchohol would effect the effectiveness of propecia, I don't know. Maybe someone here could answer that.

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I just wanted to throw this question out there. I have been taking Propecia for a year and a half, and I transitioned to Avodart about two weeks ago. The only thing I have noticed is that I have had many more blemishes (zits) on my face than normal. Honestly, I have been one of those fortunate guys that has had a very clean complexion since puberty, but ever since I have started on propecia....I have just noticed that I get a fair amount of zits almost regularly. Anybody have any thoughts on this?

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LOL. I'm in college, people, lighten up. I certainly dont plan to continue drinking like this when I graduate. I simply wanted to know if alcohol affects hair regrowth. I appreciate the concern though


Unless this is a prank post, you describe a well established alcoholic by any standards. I would try going at least 1 week without to try to test myself. Please, consider help soon!




[This message was edited by trying2moveahead on September 03, 2003 at 01:23 PM.]

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While i think most would agree 15 beers a night is excessive, I don't believe anyone still has made an attempt at answering his question. I don't think his post here was to get opinions on his drinking habits.




OK, you're right...we did not answer his original question. However, if someone was to ask me if I liked their shoes while a bus was bearing down on them, I would likely yell "get out of the street!" instead of commenting on the shoes! Anyway, how can anyone actually reply otherwise?? I guess we should say; drink-on, cirrhosis man!! icon_rolleyes.gif Seriously though, what is sound advice in this situation? The presumption that this type of drinking is OK because it's "expected in college" is rediculous. We're talking 10-15 beers a night almost every night of the week here...10 TO 15 BEERS!! icon_eek.gif You simply cannot consume alcohol in this quantity without causing serious and (likely) permanent damage to your body, no matter who you are, what you think your tolerance is, or what school you are going to....case closed. Will it have an impact on the effects on Propecia or Rogaine? Give me a break!! icon_rolleyes.gif




[This message was edited by trying2moveahead on September 05, 2003 at 02:53 PM.]

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So i guess you are saying drinking will have an negative effect while using propecia. I think that is all he wanted to know. You sound mad at him, like he's wasting your time. If you knew more about alcoholism and its effects on the "mind" and body you might have realized that his question to him sounds completely valid. But to others without the addiction they sound absolutely absurd. I think a better response may have been to answer the Question to the best of your knowledge and then maybe voice some concern about the consequences of drinking that much while using any medication.


Thats all





PS: I too enjoy a nice cold beer after work as well, not 15 mind you icon_eek.gif but there is some merit to his question, too which we still await an answer.

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I used to work with a guy who was an alcoholic. His face looked terrible, his hair was thin, and he just had an overall real bad look about him. Every now and then when I would consume a few too many a few nights in a row, I would think I don't want to wind up being 45 looking like this guy. Which by the way, he looked closer to 60. I believe his overall appearance of unhealth was directly related to his alcoholism. He finally checked himself into rehab, and then was found dead a few days later when he went missing. Apparently he had fallen down a gully and hit his head. In my opinion, overall healthy habits can only help in all aspects of looking better. That's not to say there aren't plenty of full haired alcoholics, but why put your body at a disadvantage. 15 drinks a day, 5 days a week is a real bad idea. Honest to God, that was a true story.



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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>....You sound mad at him, like he's wasting your time. If you knew more about alcoholism and its effects on the "mind" and body you might have realized that his question to him sounds completely valid....Thats all....




Mad at him? Probably more upset with what has become expected college behavior of constant parties and excessive drinking, especially with each generation trying to out do the previous as far as wild & out of control behavior (I know there are students who do not behave like this). I'm worried about what it will be like when my kids go to college...wondering if I'll get back someone who is ready to enter the professional world or someone who is ready to enter rehab and the liver transplant waiting list.


As far as being to hard on him...well, too bad. May help serve as a wake up call better than some vanilla response. However, harsh words from an annonymous poster on some discussion board is nothing compared to what likely lies ahead in the cold, real world if the behavior does not change.


But, I'll entertain answering the original question as requested. Since everything (including oral medication) is processed through the liver, it is my best guess that alcohol consumption in heavy quantities (especially if liver damage already exists) may be detrimental to the efficacy of a medication. However, this is best answered by an MD...perhaps here on this board (who may be able to then comment on the likelyhood of completing medical school on 50-75 beers a week!).



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Damn, look at this uproar I have created. First of all, the summer is over and I'm back in classes. So my drinking habits arent as extreme (or even close) to what it was during the summer.


And I hate that stereotypical college kid bullshit just as much as you. I hate most college kids. I hate going to their stupid ass parties too. My idea of a good time is hanging out with 10 or so of my close friends and playing cards, bbqing, watching movies, and yes.. drinking. So dont try to pigeon-hole me, because you dont know me.


The reason college kids drink so much is because its the first time in their life that they dont really have any responsibilities (granted you can handle your schoolwork). And for the first time in their lives they dont have to answer to anyone. We dont drink to fill some preset standard that were expected to be. We drink because being drunk is fun and its what we want to do.


I simply wanted to know if anyone had any information on propecia in conjuction with alcohol. To those of you who showed concern, thank you. I appreciate that, honestly. But to people like trying2moveahead that are spending all this time getting worked up over what I do... get a life man. I never said drinking was OK because I am in college. Infact I'm sure you do plently of things on a regular basis that I dont agree with. Perhaps you pick your nose in public, or you change lanes without using a blinker. Well guess what? I dont give a shit. Life your life. I'll live mine.


oh and do me a favor... next time you see a post by me please skip. i dont want to ever have to write another response like this.

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I agree with you for the most part, as I am 29 and partied like an animal in college, and had a blast. I remember when going out five nights a week was just a part of life....which was great. The only thing I would say is that although I drank a lot....if I would have drank 10-15 beers a night.....I don't know if I would have made it. I am not criticizing your behavior, as college is the time to have fun, but I would say that drinking that much that often is a bit above the norm for college students. However, to each his own, so have fun, just be careful.


In regards to your actual question, although I am not a doctor, all I can say is that I do firmly believe that excessive alcohol consumption, although it may not cause hairloss, I certainly believe it may have some negative effects. WHen you think about it, your body is constantly trying to "hydrate" itself and replace lost nutrients. Your body is in a constant state of recovery drinking that much. Anyways, I would recommend you pose this question in the doctor's section, or pose this question to your personal physician next time you are in.

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Originally posted by Beanstalk:

Damn, look at this uproar I have created. First of all, the summer is over and I'm back in classes. So my drinking habits arent as extreme (or even close) to what it was during the summer.


And I hate that stereotypical college kid bullshit just as much as you. I hate most college kids. I hate going to their stupid ass parties too. My idea of a good time is hanging out with 10 or so of my close friends and playing cards, bbqing, watching movies, and yes.. drinking. So dont try to pigeon-hole me, because you dont know me....




OK, point taken. In my own defense, your intial post threw out statements and quantities that could not be discounted in a genuine reply, and a later response read like there was no plans to change until finished with school. It sounds now like those estimates may have been a bit excessive and that it was not an accurate description (apparently far from accurate).


I also understand and appreciate the whole college experience, what it means and even would expect parties and drinking on a not-too-infrequent occassion. I simply could not get past the initial quantities and frequency that were thrown out there! OK, there was a little editorializing on my part about the college party scene (especially with the mental picture the initial post created!), but I offer no apologies for comments that were derived from those intial quantities and from some of the replies from others. If those kinds of quantities do not put up red flags with everyone else here and they think that I'm up on some kind of "cross" or that my comments were way out of line means....I'm getting old and/or I'm a huge lightweight! icon_frown.gificon_redface.gif


Anyway, I truly feel that most posters here have genuine concern over others and post replies that they feel are in the best interests of the thread starter (even if it is not necessarily what they wanted to hear). Same holds true when I reply.




PS, actually, I'm big on the whole blinker thing too. No digging for gold either...at least not in public! icon_biggrin.gif


[This message was edited by trying2moveahead on September 05, 2003 at 11:13 AM.]

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