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2 Months update, Curious

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  • Regular Member

Hey all,


I don't have any pics just yet, but will post them soon. I am 2 months post-op and my recipient area is still tender. Not so much to the touch, but if i scratch my head from an itch, or massage shampoo into the area, its tender, sore, and sometimes painful still.


At 2 months, is this normal?


I also haven't noticed ANY growth yet at 2 months. I am to assume this is normal as well? Most people here I have noticed have seen at least SOME small signs of growth by 2 months. I guess I'm just looking for some reassurance if there is any.


I went to Dr. Keene for 2400+ grafts in the frontal 1/3 region of my head. I'm also a diffuse thinner.

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  • Regular Member

Hey all,


I don't have any pics just yet, but will post them soon. I am 2 months post-op and my recipient area is still tender. Not so much to the touch, but if i scratch my head from an itch, or massage shampoo into the area, its tender, sore, and sometimes painful still.


At 2 months, is this normal?


I also haven't noticed ANY growth yet at 2 months. I am to assume this is normal as well? Most people here I have noticed have seen at least SOME small signs of growth by 2 months. I guess I'm just looking for some reassurance if there is any.


I went to Dr. Keene for 2400+ grafts in the frontal 1/3 region of my head. I'm also a diffuse thinner.

Anything worth doing is never easy

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The recipient area typically heals quickly but can be a bit more irritable the first couple of months. The hair follicles underneath the scalp are active and often times, around 2 months is when patients start seeing pimples, which are in-grown hairs that will soon break through the recipient area. Some tenderness, itchiness, and some extended redness is typical


How does your recipient area look? Does it look irritated or does there appear to be any signs of infection?


Be sure to contact Dr. Keene with your concerns as well.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

hey Bill,


No i dont see any signs of infection, but I dont see any signs of growth. I seemed to keep about 20% of my grafts, and shed about 20% of my native hair from shockloss, so i ended up even.


Do you think using toppik can hinder hair growth? I use it during the week while at work.

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  • Senior Member

Hi Heretoday,


I just wanted to let you know that it is not at all atypical to have no growth at 2 months post operatively. We tell patients verbally and in the written post op instructions that you should expect to start seeing the new growth at about 3 months after surgery, but that will only be the very beginning of the growth. Of course, growth rates vary from person to person. Typically you will see significant growth by 6 months, but it will continue to mature and add density for up to a year, and in some cases even after 1 year. I hope this gives you the reassurance you were seeking.


Also, it is okay to use Toppik--it should have no impact on your graft growth.


Minoxidil (Rogaine or any generic) can speed the rate of graft growth by putting your newly transplanted hair into the growth phase, as well as any surrounding hair experiencing shock loss. Hair goes from anagen, or active growth, to telogen, or resting. Minoxidil can put it into anagen. This is a different use of minoxidil because the grafts are permanent whether you use the minoxidil or not. You just might see growth faster by using it. But gradually taper off when you stop using it to prevent hair from entering the telogen phase which could stimulate shedding. You may want to review your post operative instructions to remind you of these recommendations. Please don't hesitate to call Dr. Keene's office with any of your concerns!

I am a medical assistant and hair transplant surgical assistant employed by Dr. Keene


Dr. Keene is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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