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consultation with Dr. Cooley (Charlotte, NC - 8/7/08)


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My consultation with Ailene and Dr. Cooley lasted for about an hour and a half. Ailene answered all of my questions, including some I didn't know I had! Dr. Cooley then came in and checked me out. He said I had a "phenomonal" donor area at about 100 follicluar units per cm2. He recommended 1800 grafts, and Ailene explained that I could be conservative and go with 1500, or max it out at 2000. Suggestions?


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  • Regular Member

My consultation with Ailene and Dr. Cooley lasted for about an hour and a half. Ailene answered all of my questions, including some I didn't know I had! Dr. Cooley then came in and checked me out. He said I had a "phenomonal" donor area at about 100 follicluar units per cm2. He recommended 1800 grafts, and Ailene explained that I could be conservative and go with 1500, or max it out at 2000. Suggestions?

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  • Senior Member

Spex is so right about hair greed so so so right.

Screw the conservative "look" that usually shows all scalp under light and the sun and no hardly any hair

It screams transplant to me. Others may not notice though . 2000 would look great.

Some guys have no choice but it seems like you do.

Cooley does great work and if you choose him youll be happy but just look at Dr Alexanders hairlines and then someone like the great Dr bernstein and you will see the difference.

Both great doctors with Alexander being more aggressive when appropriate.

He seems to understand the one and done term and the see through fact a little better even though Bernstein is considered a pioneer in this field

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  • Senior Member

Do the 2,000 man.


I could've done more in my transplant but opted to stay more on the conservative side. My thing is that I'm 42; and I didn't particularly want such a dramatic change that would accompany 3,500 to 4,000 grafts. I'm still a little on the fence, but now that I'm seeing it come in I must admit I sort of wish I had added 1,000 grafts or so to my crown.


Also, don't be fooled about Dr. Cooley's abilities. While their clinic doesn't post pictures on the internet sites, he has some catalogs in his office with results that look as good an anyone's, imo.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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  • Regular Member

You've right. I looked through two huge binders of photos and Ailene even found a previous patient with a very similar hair texture to mine. She referred to him by name to Dr. Cooley, and the doc immediately knew who she was talking about. Nice.


I wonder...if I went with 2000 grafts, would I get a denser result in the area he mapped out...or would it alter the hairline somewhat? That's probably a question for Ailene.

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You will be in the best of hands with Dr. Cooley.


Depending on your age, risk of future hair loss, and whether or not you are on any hair loss drugs to prevent the progression of male pattern baldness, you could consider a smaller or larger session.


From the look of the photo, you have minimal hair loss and could probably get away with a smaller sessino of 1500 and still have a nice new hairline. Be sure to speak to Dr. Cooley about long term goals, finite donor hair, and the risks of future hair loss.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

Thanks for all your comments. I've been on Propecia for about 10 years now, ever since I started thinning at 19. While the hair loss didn't stop completely, it's slowed to a glacial pace. My two younger brothers are losing their hair at a significantly more rapid pace than I (even today), and they've never taken Propecia. Dr. Cooley said I had really good donor hair, so do any of you think that going with 200 grafts extra (he recommended 1800) would make a big difference either way? I definately want to use my donor hair wisely...my dad is a NW6 or 7 and I really don't want to go down that road.

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