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Wearing a baseball cap after ht.


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Does anyone know how wearing a hat can affect the success of transplant. I am planning on having my HT procedure performed in the summer. I am still in college, and work at the same time. I am somewhere between NW2-3, and will have approximately 1000 grafts transplanted in the hairline/temple area only. I will most likely have the surgery on Saturday, which means I have to be back at work and then school on Monday, only two days later. Since I'm getting all FUE transplant only, I am not worried about scarring in the back (or should I). In addition to that my grafts will be very densely packed - will that have a negative impact on the healing process? My main concern is the front - for how long will I have to conceal it. From the pictures I've seen on the website it does not look pretty right after the procedure. Obviously wearing a baseball cap is my only option. From experience - does anyone know for how long will I have to wear a hat, and is it really bad for the transplant? If so, how can I minimize the damage? Unfortunatelly taking off from job or school is not an option. My second question is that I will probably have my HT split into two 500 graft sessions - does anyone know how long one has to wait between the first and second one? Thanks for the replies.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic''. Arthur C. Clarke

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Does anyone know how wearing a hat can affect the success of transplant. I am planning on having my HT procedure performed in the summer. I am still in college, and work at the same time. I am somewhere between NW2-3, and will have approximately 1000 grafts transplanted in the hairline/temple area only. I will most likely have the surgery on Saturday, which means I have to be back at work and then school on Monday, only two days later. Since I'm getting all FUE transplant only, I am not worried about scarring in the back (or should I). In addition to that my grafts will be very densely packed - will that have a negative impact on the healing process? My main concern is the front - for how long will I have to conceal it. From the pictures I've seen on the website it does not look pretty right after the procedure. Obviously wearing a baseball cap is my only option. From experience - does anyone know for how long will I have to wear a hat, and is it really bad for the transplant? If so, how can I minimize the damage? Unfortunatelly taking off from job or school is not an option. My second question is that I will probably have my HT split into two 500 graft sessions - does anyone know how long one has to wait between the first and second one? Thanks for the replies.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic''. Arthur C. Clarke

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When you put on your cap, just be very careful to place it on your head in a manner not to rub or disturb the transplanted hairs. They may bleed.

About 5-7 days, you can start working on the scabs. I'd not "work" on them if I were you, just let them fall off naturally.

It'll take probably minimum 2 weeks for most of the redness to go away from the area. My redness went away pretty quickly. It'll be pink for a while longer.

How fast the area returns to the natural skin color is really case by case, person by person dependent.

Best of luck!



Knowledge is Power

If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

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Oh yeah, about 12 days after my HT, I went to a party without a cap and sutures still in. No one said anything. My hairs hadn't shed yet, so any redness in the recipient area was not really noticable.

Hope this helps.



Knowledge is Power

If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

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  • Senior Member

You said "...my hairs hadn't shed yet". Did anyone comment that you suddenly had more hair and/or did anyone coment that you looked different once the hairs had shed?




Mr. T

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Yeah, my post wasn't complete enough.

The party I went to was with people I hadn't seen in a long time. To them, there was nothing to compare against.

By the time I got to a place where people would notice a difference, 90-95% of my transplanted hair had fallen out and the redness in my recipient area was mostly gone. So no biggy. And that was almost 3 weeks post op, BTW.

The ONLY real concern I had was my donor scar. It is still a very red line at 1-2 months, and my hair could not be kept long for a variety of reasons. I was able to conceal the scar for the most part with a #8.

Hope this helps.



Knowledge is Power

If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thanks for the reply. I am off work for two weeks after the surgery, but then return to the office. It's a suit and tie environment, so there's no option for a hat. I really don't give a sh*t because anything will be better than the plugs/micros/minis that are so clearly visible today.


Mr. T

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Mr T:

That is the attitude you need to have. You have nothing to lose, so damn the torpedos, full speed ahead.

And your new improved hair will earn you respect because you were proactive and corrected previous poor or currently unacceptable work.

And I think most anyone can respect some one who had to courage to "right a wrong" and deal with any other consequences that followed that course of action.

I certainly can respect it.



Knowledge is Power

If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

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