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1850 grafts FUE


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Good post Bart--- glad to see you hanging in there.


I remember your trials and tribulations vividly--- glad to see your looking very dapper this days!!!




Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Bart...you received two treatments of FUE?


Its seems pretty clear that the before picture posted on here is before ANY treatment.


If you have had more than one treatment, please provide the details. Did you see Dr. Jones or Dr. Ilter first? If there are interum shots that you aren't showing, your results are deceiving!



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Your post op picture is so dark, it's really hard to determine the level of improvement. Do you have a picture with similar lighting to the pre-op picture?


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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Sorry for the confusion, but I used to have my story in my signature (which I changed and forgot)



2001 1800 grafts strip surgery in Belgium, hairline, frontal 1/3

2003 2100 FUE dr. Jones, placed frontal all the way up to crown



In the picture here :

Just before going in FUE with dr. Ilter, last year november. Up to that point I really had to use my skills to make my hairstyle cover my head to make it look the best it can be.

Now it is easy to make my hair look look.


The right upper pictures is immediately post OP dr. Ilter


The after pics where taken under a TL light, I do not feel they misrepresent the reality in any way.


I thought it would be my last surgery cause of donor depletion. To our own suprise the doc gave me tumbs up for another +- 1500 grafts if I ever wanted it. That would put my FUE counter on about 5500 grafts, very good considering I also had a strip session which left me a big scar.


I have 2 blogs that show the progres of both my FUE session:



Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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So there is no confusion, can you show us the following:


1. A picture of your head before you received any surgery

2. A matured post op picture after your first surgery in Belgium

3. A matured post op picture after your second surgery with Dr. Jones

4. a matured post op picture after your third surgery with Dr. Ilter - angled down pictures in similar lighting as your pre-op photos above


This will help eliminate any confusion.



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MY concern with Fue is always the donor area. I would like to see a photo of this if possible. Thanks Just checked out all the photos--looks great.






Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Here are some pics of me before any HT

Bverotti before HT


Bverotti minutes before HT with dr. Jones


Me 10 months after FUE dr Jones

The results of dr. Jones where excellent. But remember this is a HT, not full density. One must comb his hair in a certain why to get more illusion of coverage.

After my densification with dr. Ilter it has become much much easier to style my hair.


Maybe it is not very visible on the pics, but people around me have noticed a serious improvement.


Please don't try to spin my results, I don't see any reason to doubt my integrity.

If you are willing to come over and see my results in person I am treating a nice Belgian diner :-)



Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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Thanks for the detailed history. If anyone does not believe that your results are an impressive change, they should not consider a Ht themselves.





Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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The pictures posted above do not represent a true before/after picture from your 1850 FUE grafts with Dr. Ilter.


No matter how you see fit to explain your situation at this point, it is obvious from your first post on this thread that your intentions were to deceive.


Only after you were called on it by respected member "Please Grow Please" did you fess up and admit that you had FUE surgery with Dr. Jones in between your "before/after" pictures above.


Your story and pictures found here give a more accurate picture of your situation.


The after results in the picture below taken from the above site show how you truly looked before your FUE session with Dr. Ilter.






I'm getting tired of this game. You were previously warned about trying to "win" people over to FUE by smearing strip surgery and now you intend to deceive perspective patients by posting misleading before/after pictures.


This is a problem.




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In fact what you are saying is that I am a liar, no more no less. If you stand by that, than I suggest that you should step back as a moderator because it is becoming more and more evident that you have an agenda. If you feel you need to ban me for this comment it will only confirm this.


To my defence : (I should point out that I have rarely seen anyone here posting pics being harrased as I have lately)


On this very weboard you may find my experience reports of my procedure with dr. Jones, why should I hide this?


My pics are honoust as can be, in fact my story has been documented in great detail. I can not see how you can feel I deceive anyone.

The pics above (first post) are what they are, taken just before my procedure with dr. Ilter, just minutes after the session and 9 months later, period.


The picture of the final result of dr. Jones you have posted are indeed my results, having a perfect haircut and hairstyle. I looked quite different in the morning, and this is true for many HT patients. We need to style our hair in a way to make optimal use of the available hair. Today this has become much much more easier by just having more hair.


Last but not least : I may have lost some grafts over the years. As you know the grafts from my strip operation also contained some miniturized follicles that I may have lost over the years. Some of dr. Jones grafts may have been take a little outside the safe zone, creating some loss of hairs over the years as well. There exist no perfect HT technique today.

I stand by the pics I posted above, they are true and have not been altered in any way to intentionally deceive anyone.



Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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Cool man. If infact what you are saying is accurate and I personally will give you the benefit of the doubt, you do have to admit something:


1. For the pre photo, you chose a particular shot that displayed the worst case and could have substituted with some of your other photos that didn't look quite as bad.

2. The post photos are in darker lighting so this opens you up to being questioned.


You are marketing for your clinic so you have to understand that you will be scrutinized. I can show you several threads where Jotronic is under the gun.






Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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We always take pics of patients right before going in for the session, there is no difference in my case. That morning I looked like that.

The only difference being that I did not wash my hair nor style it ... it was going to get buzzed anyway.


The after pics are taken under a TL light. But I have nothing to hide and I will take some more pics, under similar lighting conditions as my before pics.


And if that is not enough Pat can comment on my results, we met about 2 months ago.



never used dermatch or toppic in my life to improve my results, not a single pixel in my photo's are faked.


Make no mistake, my hair is growing and gives me a natural result. However it is NOT comparable to my orginal hair thicknes, not even close after almost 6000 grafts. It gives the impression of more hair then what the eye sees. My balding area is just too big to go for high density all over the place.

What is important is that it gives an illusion of hair under normal conditions.

Thinking of it, we usually have a 1000W lamp pointed at people when taking pics, that is surely not a normal condition, maybe we should just use TL light instead?

Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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I do have an agenda...


I have an agenda to educate and help fellow hair loss sufferers make educated decisions based on accurate and truthful information.


I have an agenda to ensure that hair transplant clinics are presenting accurate representations of their work.


I have no agenda against you personally.


I have put others under the microscope in the past because I've felt they were not painting a truthful picture - and this was before I was a moderator.


In my opinion, this particular before/after picture does not provide an accurate representation of the work performed.


However, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are not trying to be deceptive.


In the future, please provide a more accurate representation of your clinic's work by providing pictures in similar lighting and angles to eliminate any confusion.





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