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Slick HT #2 Dr. Paul Shapiro

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Thanks ezduzit. I took a look at your blog and think you will be a happy guy in a few months. Your scar looks much improved and with your hair texture you should get some decent coverage in the hairline. Congrats on choosing a quality surgeon, the work looks very good!

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  • 2 months later...
  • Regular Member

Hey all have seen some good progress the last few months and figured I'd do an update. I'm at 9 months & 1 week and things are looking pretty good in front especially. Laying flat my hair looks very good. If I try to spike the front it's still somewhat see through though. I'd be curious to know what my original density was because the transplant looks to have been placed with good density but with my fine hair I still have a thin look with certain styles. My hair is definetly looking much better, I've been cutting it shorter and have stopped using dermmatch in the front completely. I'm still using it in the crown where I haven't had any work done. 1 more round for the crown and I'd have a full head of hair. No plans to go back yet as I don't want to deplete my donor too quickly. Can see some shorter hairs and even felt a new sprout or 2 in the last few weeks but but dont expect many more sprouts just thickening. I will give Dr. Paul credit, he called me the day after my last post when I made the comment about the low density at 6 1/2 months. We talked for a few mins and he was able to reassure me that things were looking good and wait it out a bit. It put my mind at ease and I appreciated the follow up since I haven't been able to make it back in to SMG to meet personally. My only concern is my scar on the right side looks to have some widening. The pictures dont show it the best but it was noticable after my last hair cut with a #4. Its a bit concerning because when I touch the area it's totally smooth with no stuble at all so I'm not thinking there will be any regrowth. For now I'm waiting it out to see if there's any improvement. The left side and back scar look great even better then the first transplant just the one area looks to have widened. All in all I'm pretty happy and am looking forward to the next few months.

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  • 11 months later...
  • Regular Member

hey all uploaded some pics of my final result to my blog. Some pictures in social settings and also some hi res shots. I have some mixed feelings about my hair but think my result looks ok considering my characteristics. Take a look and please comment



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  • Senior Member

Slick.. you're looking quite good there. I would never have guessed that was a transplant. It's very natural. Enjoy what you have for now. If you feel like you need to go for another round, I'd say wait a few years at least. But a fantastic job by Dr. Paul once again.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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  • Senior Member

Hey Slick! Your looking great mate!!!


Glad to see your overall look has improved dramatically. Sometimes those with thin, light hair just take a bit longer to fully mature....I think at 14-18 months you will likely be fully mature.


On the positive side, those of us with thinner hair look ultra natural in the right hands =)


As far as that scar goes, let Dr. Paul or myself know if it just doesn't come around enough and we'll be happy to take care of it for you. We take care of our patients 100%, so just sit back and relax, worry free.


Good Growing!


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Hair characteristics realy do play a major role in the final result. It's much harder to obtain a real appearance of density with naturally thin, lighter colored hair. That said, I think your hair looks great. You've obviously come a long way and have much more hair than you started out with.


All the Best,



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  • Regular Member

Hey all thanks for the positive replies. I've definitely come a long way and it's easy to lose perspective of that when focusing on my thinner areas. I will admit I'm a definite perfectionist and sometimes overly so. I've posted another pic on my weblog at Matt's request to show my result under more normal lighting. I would say in 90% of situations my hair looks quite good (I do use dermmatch on the crown into the midscalp). However high resolution digicams with flash can be quite humbling. Having a night out on the town with friends and of course the girls love to snap a ton of pics usually at arm's length. That's the 10% when my transplants appear thinner then I'd like. I think with my hair caliber it's unrealistic to expect different. I tried to show this in the cropped pics but they are resized during upload and most of the detail is lost. Alot seems to depend on the angle of light hitting my hair. On a bad angle my temple points totally disappear and I show alot of scalp. A good angle and I have rockstar hair. Overall I'm coming to terms that I don't think I'll ever be completely happy with my hair (unless HM were to come out) but I'm happy with the work done and Dr Paul is a miracle worker considering what he had to work with. Scar on the right side leaves a bit to be desired but haven't decided if I want a revision at this time. The scar seems a bit low in that area and there was some permanent shock loss so I'm not sure how much I'd benefit from one. As far as naturalness I have no complaints. Even I can't tell which hairs are transplanted vs. native so I don't expect anyone calling me out as having a HT. I have gotten some long stares and even people rubbing their hands through my hair to see (I assume) if I'm wearing a toup. I think the most observant ones may notice a color difference from my real hair to dermmatch so that invites some curiosity. I will say that after this transplant a couple people that didn't know me well guessed my age in early 20s so under most circumstances my hair is very convincing.

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