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just past 4 months,feeling down,anyone else?

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Just past 4 months, from Dr. Ron Shapiro, everything going ok, got lots of little hairs 1/8" to 1/2" seem to be poping up, but I get real bummed as I look in mirror I'm still very bald looking. I guess from 4 to 8 months is when it all gets going, I can see action ,but I hate this waiting. Anyone else get these down and out hair grows too slow wear your cap 24/7 blues? 2500 FU's on a norwood 5 -maybe 6, I might go back for another 1500-1800 FU's in june.

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  • Regular Member

Just past 4 months, from Dr. Ron Shapiro, everything going ok, got lots of little hairs 1/8" to 1/2" seem to be poping up, but I get real bummed as I look in mirror I'm still very bald looking. I guess from 4 to 8 months is when it all gets going, I can see action ,but I hate this waiting. Anyone else get these down and out hair grows too slow wear your cap 24/7 blues? 2500 FU's on a norwood 5 -maybe 6, I might go back for another 1500-1800 FU's in june.

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I felt the same way at month 4 (end of November). The first three months were easy as I was not expecting anything and any progress I had felt like a bonus. However, at month four I began to get anxious as I was expecting great things. But the process is not immediate as we know. I'm showing slow steady progress, with new growth and thickening. I guess we get somewhat impatient at month 4 and start to worry some. I'm trying to be patient. As I said, I'm showing slow and steady progress and know things will turn out great, but the waiting and anticipation is tough.

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I'll echo what everyone is saying above...your feelings are normal...and it can be very frustrating. We all have that whole "instant gratification" desire going on in there...but as hard as it is, be patient and have faith. If you click on the links to my first two HTs, you'll see several posts by me where I was discouraged by shockloss. I know it's a little different, but since everyone has different growth rates, sometimes that frustration just lasts a little longer. Some are blessed with fast growth rates, and some are not. But surely it will grow.



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dood....I wanted to blow my head off at month 4-5. I know it sucks and the only thing that I can do to get my mind off it is to be extremely busy with work so I don't have time to look in the mirror. No one else seems to really care and yet we constantly can't stop checking and waiting for those babies to grow. Man, I'm at 6 months and my hair is basically only a little better than it was pre-HT. But I'm no where near as bad as I felt at 4.5 months.


hang in there man.

0.5 mg Avodart daily since 6/19/06


1950 grafts with Dr. Hasson in the front line 6/19/06.


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Eugene, I remember the 4-month mark very clearly. It sucked. I was seeing lots of sprouts, but I knew it was going to be several more months before I had any length and any groomable results. Since I'm a female and wear my hair longer than most guys (though I still have a fairly short cut) it seemed to take even longer for me to get results that were blending in with the rest of my hair. It wasn't until about 8-9 months out when I started to relax a little. I'm a little over 10 months post now, and believe it or not, I STILL sometimes feel like you do now, becuase I'm trying to grow out the rest of my hair along with the transplanted stuff. I know that within another 2-4 months, I will be feeling a lot better about the whole shmeer.


Short answer, try to be patient and keep busy. By about 6 months out, you'll see more happening, and by 8 months out you'll start to wonder why you were so worried to begin with. It just takes time.

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Guest Cousin_It

What you are feeling is all too common. With most surgeries, including cosmetic, results can be almost instantaneous, and at most a few weeks. With hair transplantation unfortunately it is not the same. Naure can be very cruel at times, first causing us to lose our hair then making us wait for up to a year to see it appear again. We know its in there somewhere, but it just refuses to come out except when its ready to.


All you can do is wait. Watching it everyday and even applying drugs doesn't seem to speed up the process much. Just keep in mind, it will appear eventually.

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  • 4 weeks later...



You may be a slow starter. It's not fun to be in that category when you see everyone else starting to bloom around 3 months...but even late starters yield the same results in the long run as the early bloomers. I can't recall if you have posted your experience, your doc, number of grafts, or photos. If you are willing to share that with us, we'd love to hear about it and perhaps offer you any support and encouragement along the way.



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1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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