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My Hair is thinning!! Help

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Ok so heres my dilemma and i hope im posting in the right forum. When i was in 8th grade at age 14 my friends would always tell me how when id use gel and spike my hair up that i looked very bald. I stopped using gel for a few years and now im 19 and sitll have the same problem. My hair is thinning and when i wash it bunch of pieces come out. I have enough hair right now so when its flat i dont look bald at all but i want to make sure it says this way. Even my barber told me that the hair atop my head is much more thin than the hair on the side. Any tips on what to do would be greatly appreciated and utterly amazing. Thanks!


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Ok so heres my dilemma and i hope im posting in the right forum. When i was in 8th grade at age 14 my friends would always tell me how when id use gel and spike my hair up that i looked very bald. I stopped using gel for a few years and now im 19 and sitll have the same problem. My hair is thinning and when i wash it bunch of pieces come out. I have enough hair right now so when its flat i dont look bald at all but i want to make sure it says this way. Even my barber told me that the hair atop my head is much more thin than the hair on the side. Any tips on what to do would be greatly appreciated and utterly amazing. Thanks!


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Many HT doctors do not like to work on such young patients, however, it may be a good idea to talk to several Ht doctors to get their opinions. It's always best to be seen in person rather than a phone consult or just getting opinions from people who can't see you for themselves.

Make sure you research as much as possible and not rush into anything. Try not to listen to a doctor who may tell you what you want to hear but they're opinion differs greatly from the other doctors. Best of luck.

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yeah I kinda had the same problem with gel when I was younger. Try using American Crew holding cream to spike your hair instead of regular old gel. The trick is use a small amount of the cream and apply when the hair is dry. In addition keep the hair on the side of your hair regularly trimmed to offset the thinning up top. If you can grow a beard/five o'clock shadow that also helps with the overall look, I find. There are also some shampoos that temporarily thickens your hair, such as Revivogen shampoo/conditioner.

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jd09, Like Janna said, research as much as you can and don't stop! There's a lot to know about transplantation, what you can take to possibly slow your hair loss down, and if you're ready to get a transplant down the road, you'll have all the facts to make the best decisions. Proceed slowly.

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Welcome to our community.


Being 19 with thinning hair, you should definitely consider hair loss medication first. Start researcing Propecia (finasteride) and Rogaine (minoxodil) that are the only two FDA approved medications for hair loss.


You may also want to consider adding Nizoral shampoo or Revita shampoo to your regime. Many people swear by it.


There are a number of other products out there but from what I have seen, there is no compelling public evidence documenting any success, despite commercial or "scientific" claims.


Please understand, however, that though some products work and others don't...there are no miracle cures out there and medication doesn't work for everyone. But it's worth giving it a try. Spend time researching each medication before taking the plunge.



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I agree with Bill, you should research and consider Fin and/or minox to prevent further loss. They may work very well for you.


One caveat, if you do try either/or, you will want to document the progress with pics. Hair regrowth and/or loss usually occur so gradually it will be tough to tell much change for better or worse without proper documentation.


Best of luck,



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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