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5months update 6903 grafts with DR Hasson on 5 november 09


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hi there, new pics at 3.5 months.

I m very pleased so far with the growth i have and waiting for more to come.

1 thing that worries me a bit is my hairline seems bit unstraight one temple with another, hopefully when it all grows it look ok.

They asked me from greek forum to post my scar,i post the left side the right is bit better,thats shaved 2 weeks ago in 7 mm so in that pics is somewhere 8-9mm i guess.

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Did you know you would get 6900 grafts BEFORE the surgery ?


I'm asking because my budget cannot exceed $17,000. So if they get more than 4500 grafts out of my strip then I will not be able to afford it. They would have to hold me hostage (lol)


Did they make you pay all $25,000 at one time ? Did you know you would spend that much money before the surgery ?


Also, can you please tell your age and do you take Proscar to stop further hairloss ? I ask because my loss pattern is similar to yours and I am 41 years old. I have less loss than you, on top I am normal density and crown is not as bad -- so I will probably only need 5000 grafts.


I think you are wise and have one of the best looking transplants I have seen yet. It looks like for a very long time (10 years or more) you will not have to worry about future surgeries. This is the same approach I want to take. My loss is stable and I want 1 surgery to last me for 10 years or more before I have to come back!


Thanks for your time !!! Your result will be AWESOME - I can see it already !!!!

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labrat before my travel to vancouver we had talked with dr hasson i told him what i want and he said he ll try to get at least 4500 grafts. When i went there he said that my laxity and my density in donor is very good so we agreed to go for more.

I paid 12000 3 weeks before my surgury and the rest i send few days after. If u cant afford more he ll go for less grafts,thats up to u,but my opinion is that u take as much as u can and u need. 17000-20000 $ for instance is not much difference but in hair it is!!

I have no idea dr hasson could take so much grafts from me, i was thinking maybe 5000-5500 so the cost in my mind was bit less.

i m 32 years old and i m on proscar for 4-5 years.

u r welcome and thank u ,i hope it all goes well and wish u all the best

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Thanks so much !! Dr. Hasson is the one for me, I will not go to anyone else no matter the cost. He makes people look like they never had any balding in their life, and the hair looks like movie stars !! It looks natural and you cannot tell anything was done, simply amazing.


I've had 1 other in person consult with a good doc in USA and he said my laxity is very, very good and my donor density is 90 per sq. CM so I am excellent strip candidate. I am sure Dr. Hasson could get 2.5cm strip from me too, but 1.75cm will probably be enough to get 4500-5000 grafts.


I did the math on your strip and your donor density seems to be 95 per sq. CM -- so we are very close! I will need 4500-5000 I am sure. My hair quality is also normal like yours, not coarse or thin. I think this is the best to be in the middle because coarse gives better coverage, but I hear in some the hairline can look not natural. But medium caliber hair gives good coverage and looks very natural on the hairline, no one can tell not even your girlfriends (LOL) !!!!!


I look forward to seeing your final results at the 1 year period. You will look like James Dean I think !!!


One last question: are you bothered by the scar ? Can the people in Greece see it and ask you about it ?

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Hey omar,


Your ht gave me a lot of courage since I live in Turkey and you show me to discard the distance and go for the best! Eventhough 25,000$ can be considered expensive, it's nothing if you get your life back. If someone make me to choose between having a Ferrari for free or have a great ht for 25k , I'd definetely choose ht because what's important is how we feel, not what we have.


Maybe someday when I come to Europe (I'm in Europe a lot for work) i'll see you personally.

Best wishes ,and by the way your results looks phenomenal but don't you think scar is too big??

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in some cases (such as mine) hair loss really effects the social life ,self confidence and ego. It gets very very depressive mostly. I mean that a free ferrari could not give me the same confidence as I prefer having a great hair.

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labrat ,my hair already looks very natural noone can imagine its transplanted hair, i m sure u r making the best choice and u you ll have excellent results.

I have my hair very short and shaved so far and the scar is obvious,when i want to go out i use dermatch and its ok.

Those who i wanted to show my scar see it,those who dont didnt see it by using dermatch or hat

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azazelgs, i have seen so many bad results of transplants here in greece so my options were 2. Either i m not gonna have a surgury or i m gonna go to the best.

Distance is not problem,i like traveling anyway,so i stayed 2 weeks in vancouver to see around.

Sure anytime u r in greece we can meet.


The ferrari is gonna be red i guess? thats so difficult!! LOL

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Yeah, the only HT clinic I know of in Greece is DHI. You were VERY SMART to avoid them. I am sure they would have ruined your life and raped your bank account!


The internet has been the saviour for so many of us !!!


I am also glad to hear that you are not much bothered by the scar. So many on here will not do strip surgery because they fear the scar so much. But I always have felt if you get back your hair in the front why worry so much about scar ? Just grow hair in back to 1" or longer and none will ever see it !!

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forgot to answer this azazelgs, what u mean by big scar?

width? length? both?

length is not important,either its 30 or 20 or less cm u have to let your hair grow same.

Labrat its not just DHI there r others also, in older post i have say that they should be in jail, they ruin young kids life and soul. The funny is if u go to their sites they dont have any results posted,cause they dont have even one good result to show.

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