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Seeing Dr. Rahal April 28th


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Just locked in my appointment with Dr. Rahal. I'm so excited because of the amazing results that I have seen with Dr. Rahal patients. I have been researching this for the past 3 years or so, and finally have enough money to saved up to get a good transplant. I'm planning on at least 4,000 grafts, and maybe more if needed. I want to rebuild my hairline and fill in the balding area on top.


Any advice from former Rahal patients?

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Softwareguy, if you're staying at the Adam's Inn, they have refrigerators in each room, and a microwave in the lobby... so if you want, you can stock up on food the day before. There is a supermarket that is about a 10-min walk from Adams. They sell sandwiches and other food items. There are also a few restaurants that are walking distance from Adams. Also, if you're having a 4000-graft surgery, you are unlikely to be able to walk around on the evening/night of the surgery... plan accordingly... however, for dinner, Dr Rahal's staff is likely to give you a boxed meal.


Good luck!

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Thanks for responses and support guys. This is really great to have other people helping me out here. Thanks for the suggestion about stocking up on food. Although I won't be there that long, it is a good idea to stock up before the surgery so I don't have to go out and scare people! Is there a way to create a hair transplant log on here??

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All the best of luck SWG. You are in the best hands, and great hands create great things!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcH4PY1OxoYFwSDKzAkZRww

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Softwareguy, great choice to go with Dr Rahal. I did after extensive research and made the trip from Toronto, last week.


I received 4506 graphs and so far so good. Dr Rahal, and his entire staff ; Adrian, Mike, Leesa and all the technicians are wonderful, caring and as proffesional as you will find..if not more based on my research. You are in the best hands possible if he is within your geographic reach.



I will be posting pictures and more info soon, but if you need any other info, let me know, I can probably answer alot of your questions.


Good Luck

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Here is the link to create your very own hair loss website:




It's very easy to do and the directions are straight forward. If you have any problems, you can P.M. Bill. Congratulations once again.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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