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Womens Hair Loss-Dr. Geoffrey Redmond, MD.--New York City


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Hi Everyone


I understand that there are mostly men on this forum, but wanted to post this for any female hair loss sufferers, and also to keep "my guys" updated!


I promised a few people an update on my meeting with Doctor Redmond, female hair loss and hormone specialist. Well, today was the big day. I awoke early (5 am) to head to NYC. 2 train rides, and a cab ride later, I arrived at the office at about 9:30 am for an 11 am appointment. (whoops, a little early!).


So I strolled around Manhattan a bit, and found a beautiful old Catholic Church. I went inside and spent about an hour praying for everyone that is troubled in life with a hair loss problem, and also for the people close to those who are suffering from hair loss. I also prayed for everyone that has helped me on this forum, without your support I seriuosly think I would have done myself in.


After my emotional hour in Church, I journeyed (spelling?)back to Dr. Redmond's office on 73rd & Lexington.


I was really surprised with the office atmosphere, I thought it would be really Ritzy, but it was the complete opposite. Very plain, and simple.


When I finally met the doctor, I proceeded to remove the one-inch thick binding of medical paperwork I had in my backpack, and began to tell my story.


I mentioned to him that "I was probably a rare case" being a 24 year old healthy woman that is "going bald".


He responded, "Not at all, I see girls as young as fifteen!!" I couldnt imagine! Anyway, after reviewing my paperwork and doing a physical exam, we discussed my problem. He said there is no doubt that I have AGA (female hair loss). (I hate hearing that!! Although I alreay know it!!)


He was very kind, and very thorough. He told me about the improvements he has seen in women he has treated with AGA, and also discussed the fact that my hair loss as well as my other symptoms (oily skin, mild acne) were due to my high testosterone levels, and that most dermatologist dont know how to treat AGA in women.


He went on to prescribe me Aldactone(Spiro), Yasmin BCP's, and Retin A micro for my mild acne. He was kind and caring enough to ask how this has effected me personally and emotionally. Well!! that got me going!! I gabbed for about 20 minutes how this has caused me to lose my concentration at work, and lose my boyfriend, along with most of my normal life.


Dr. Redmond was really surprised that my boyfriend had left me. He said "You are the first woman I have ever met who's boyfriend has left them due to their hair loss." (I couldnt helped but crack up hysterically!!) I immediatley thought to myself "God HE IS a LOSER!!" (my ex) lol. But after I told the Doctor this story, he said he was concerned about my depression, and wrote me a script for an anti-depressant.


This was surprising since I had BAWLED my eyes out to my family Doctor, OB GYN, Dermatologist, and no one even offered a tissue!!


(Sorry....I tend to get a bit side tracked...kinda like to give the whole experience!!!)


Back to the point...Dr. Redmond said to come back and see him in about four months. Then, you see him twice a year after that. (Its puts quite a dent in your wallet).


To summarize my long winded story...I would highly suggest any woman who is suffering from hair loss to go see this man! He knows what he is talking about. After seeing 5 different doctors, he was the FIRST one to realistically TREAT my hairloss.


It is best that a woman with hair loss see him as soon as possible after initial notice of hair loss. AGA tends to progress rapidly in some people. I am almost bald in one spot right in the front of my head, (and this whole hair loss ordeal only started 7 months ago for me!!)


I also would urge all woman to explore the treatment options that are right for them, and possibly begin treatment if they are able.


The office visit was $500 dollars, but you can submit the claim to your insurance for partial/if not full reimbursement. The total cost of my trip: $650. (Round Trip Amtrak from Philly/NYC, Cab Rides, Local Rail line, and Mickey D's) (lil fatty!! lol)


It is definatley worth it for a woman to save every penny and take this trip. I believe Dr. Redmond is one in a small handful of Doctors that will treat Andrgenetic Alopecia. Believe me I am NOT RICH!!! I saved the money to do this for myself. And let me tell you it was worth every cent of my $650!!!



I wanted to post this to let everyone know that we have to stick together and have hope. Remember that I keep all of you in my prayers.


My best to everyone


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Thanks for sharing your experience openly and honestly with others.

Posts like that help other people avoid suffering and depression. You take the hopelessness away from them and empower them to take action.

It is a noble effort. I can't understate how important it is for people to know yes, life sucks at times, but it can be dealt with and overcome through knowledge and action. You give them strength, and in the end, that is the required ingredient for success in life.

Thanks -- efforts like yours make all the difference.



Knowledge is Power

If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

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  • Senior Member

Dear Jenn,


We talked about Dr Redmond awhile ago, I am very pleased to hear the trip was worthwile & that you have at a minimum a place to begin. Dr Redmond had a forum spot on thebaldtruth.com, however I dont think Spence sponsors the site anymore ?? Arfy Do you know if Spence has dropped the on-line forum for good ??


Jenn - keep us posted, your success for females will help several others down the road & I know how happy anyone is when they get their hair back.


All the best to yaz !!!!

NW icon_wink.gif

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-I always appreciate your posts. You seem to have the most eloquent way with words. Your posts always seem to "boost" my spirit! Thank you so much for appreciation and recognition!!


I deeply feel that helping others emotionally get through the same issue is now a significant path in my life. I hope to continue down that path in the future!!


Hope you are doing well



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Thanks for elaborating on Doctor Redmond with me in the past!! It was definately a worth while trip. Thanks again for your help, and i will keep you posted if I see any progress!



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Joe!! lol


Thanks for your post. As you are well aware, I have been in the "fetal position" MANY TIMES!! LOL


Who knows, I may even still find myself that way in the future.


But there are only three things that I can think of that have allowed me to rise up from my overwhelming sadness in this paticular situation:


1.)My Dad-who is so loving a supportive

2.)My Job-I have to go to work to pay for my treatment!! LOL



--Your unconditional friendship could not be replaced, and it will never be forgotten as long as I keep living on this earth. It is because of people like you that I am able to find strength at all, and in turn give back the favor.


Thanks so much-and you can think of yourself as the "big brother" I never had!!



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Hey honey,

I am happy that you got some treatment finally. I am on antidepressants now too - oh well it is probably best for us. I thank you for all your help Jenn. I was sooooo depressed that I thought about...... I look a mess, but I have hope again.


love ya,


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Great post. I agree it is impressive to see you do the necessary research and take the bull by the horns.


Next trip, consider taking a SEPTA train to Trenton, then switching for NJ Transit train to Penn Station New York.


It takes slightly longer (not really) and you will save about 50 bucks (or more). Round trip is only 28 bucks, I believe.


If you want, I can tell you how to do it even cheaper... round trip tour bus from Chinatown Philly to Chinatown NY for 20 bucks round-trip. One of those tall mega-busses with the mounted TVs, etc, very comfy.

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