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My HT pictures


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This is picture of my HT journey so far. Somehow I feel the density is not there but then it is only seven months down the road. Am I wrong?


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This is picture of my HT journey so far. Somehow I feel the density is not there but then it is only seven months down the road. Am I wrong?

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The total number of grafts was around 600. I expected more visible density. There are many little hair that I hope grow up. If they do, then I will be alright.


Is seven months still in the hatching period?

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  • Senior Member



Hey your improvement is very nice ! I can see a definate widening of your hairline and some density improvement over the "before" pic.


I am a fan of 2 HT sessions for exactly the reasons you bring up..it looks "better" but not quite there yet. I have had 2 HT's and if I did it all over again I would still plan on 2, it gives you time to asess then finish up. BTW 600 is a very small session. I am babbling here a bit, but another 2,000 would give you an excellent improvement in density, I think the hairline itself is good...just a bit more "fill in".


All the best to ya !!


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NW is right. Most men I believe go for 2 sessions. The first one is the huge improvement, and they and their docs see exactly what is possible.

The 2nd HT fine tunes some to give the person the look he wants and the one he (and the doc) now know is clearly achievable.

I think you'll see a lot of the top HT cases presented here had marked improvement with HT #1, went back for another session, go the look they wanted exactly and called it good.



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Oh yeah, I think you look MUCH better, btw. If you aren't quite satisfied, then maybe another HT is right for you. You can still thicken and fill in, BTW, up to about 12 months. Regrown hair sheds a few times and comes back thicker and fuller. I've seen picts of this phenomenon of a guy at about 5 months and then again at 1 year. He was noticably thicker at 1 year.



Knowledge is Power

If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

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A noticeable improvement. Looks natural and with only 600 grafts, I'd be pleased. But I think you are going to be pleasantly surprised in the next 3 to 5 months as your hair shafts thicken up. I saw a vast improvement during the 7-10 month time frame with regard to increased hair thickness/fullness. From what I can see in these pictures, your doctor did a fine job. Looks very good. Hang in there. Based upon my experience, you should see an even better result down the road.


NOTE about my promise to post one year post op pictures. While I'm sure some of you who have asked to see my pictures have probably given up on me, I say, hang in there. This weekend, my girlfriend and I fly to Orlando for a wedding. Weddings mean pictures and I'm sure my girlfriend will get a few of me while she shoots other shots at her friend's wedding. I'll make sure we get a few head shoots for the board.



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First of all, thanks to you all for giving me your insight as well as support.


On my last visit to the doc (i.e., six months post-op), the doctor did find the space between hair (i.e.density lacking). He advised me to see him again in about four months (that will be in August).


So the question is: If the doc agrees with lack of density (afterall he was the one who decided that around 600 grafts will do) should I have to pay for a second surgery by him? What would you suggest? Personally, I don't feel like it due to the fact that it was his decision on the number of grafts.


Thanks again!

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  • Senior Member



I see a better improvement on you than I would expect to see for only 600 grafts. However most "strip removal" docs now days would not do a session so small ? its wasnt a Bosley or MHR by chance was it ?


I would look into one of about a dozen top notch docs, If you go for a 2nd HT.


Good Luck


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>>its wasnt a Bosley or MHR by chance was it ?<<


NO, it is a local cosmetic surgery clinic in Nebraska.

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  • Senior Member


I don't feel you should aggravate yourself. You got what you paid for, which was a fine HT of 600 grafts. Some doctors do small sessions. As you know, others do megasessions successfully. If indeed you want alot more coverage, you may consider another doctor.


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