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DHT and baldness


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  • Regular Member

If we all go bald due to DHT then why do mainly older men go bald? surely your body would produce less DHT as you get older. Thanks for any feedback.

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Good question, kid. I thought of the same thing because it makes sense that if your testosterone level decreases with age, then so should your hairloss.

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It is all genetics. Just like genetic decides when you'll turn grey and how quickly you age.

As a man ages past his 30s, his testosterone levels steadily decrease. So it is true that with less testosterone, there should be a correlation to less produced DHT.

Sounds good in theory. You'd have to ask a doc, but I bet there are exceptions.

But the main thing is the genetic code implanted (interesting choice of verbs for an HT forum) in your hairs tell them when they should become victim to DHT.

Some people have that code that screws them early in life and other have it much later on.

Your DHT levels could be through the roof yet you have a thick pelt because your hair has not reached its time to become vunerable to DHT.

The main thing to remember is you personal genetic code is paramount. After that, then and only then do DHT levels become a concern.

We know that a man who is vunerable to hairloss will be so firstly because of his genetics and then that hairloss will be aided by his DHT levels.

Hope that helps.



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  • Regular Member

do you mean that it may have little effect using minoxidil products and propecia/avodart that reduce DHT if our hair has a genetic code which will make it fall out?

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Propecia is a DHT blocker.

Minoxidil promotes blood flow to the scalp.

Both have been clinically proven effective to either halt hairloss or even regrow hair in some cases.

If you are balding, then those drugs "should" help. They don't help everyone, mind you, but they help most balding men.

Propecia has almost regrown my entire crown to pre-thinning levels. I no longer look balding there. Needless to say, I'm pleased.

I have to say still, genetics is king. That decides also how effective a treatment will be (among other things, of course).

What we do know is MOST balding men will respond to those treatments.

So why not give it a try? At least you'll know for yourself if it works for you.

Better to know than not to, I figure. Better to try and fail then never try and never know if you might have succeeded.

My results have been worth the effort. That's all I can say on that.



Knowledge is Power

If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

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