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5400 Grafts HT session with DR.Hasson

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Finally I had my surgery on Friday(day before yesterday) by mastero - DR. VICTOR HASSON. Thursday evening I met Dr.Hasson and Joe, and they spent more than an hour with me to discuss about my questions and procedure.

Surgery started at 7.30 am on Friday. I asked doctor to buzz my head all the way. I requested Dr.Hasson to go for as much less scar as possible and he had done really great work with the scar. I am very much pleased with my scar.

As a typical patient I was worried about the scar, but Dr.Hasson did a very good job. My brother accompanied with me. Doctor explained us each and every step in very detail. I have never seen a doctor, who has this much of patience and who engages patients with his process/steps and humor. After removal of strip, doctor gave us a small break. Doctor and his staff started cutting grafts. After break, doctor started making incisions on my scalp. He made first 2500 incisions(he made me count with his counting device).

Had a nice lunch break, after that his staff started grafting grafts. Staff was very co-operative, they had been offering me fruit juices, movies to watch. Around 2 or 2.30 pm doctor made 2000 incisions. He also grafted few grafts and then his staff took over. I had few breaks in this process. Around 4pm Dr.Hasson made his last 1000 incisions.

So the total is 5400 grafts. I was scheduled for 4000 grafts and doctor gave me 5400 grafts. He gave me full coverage till my crown. That was really mind blowing, I am really so thankful to Dr.Hasson.

Dr.Hasson really wants to give the maximum coverage to his patients. I got 1400 extra grafts with out any extra charge. It is very kind of Dr.Hasson.


I had a dinner a break around 7pm. And my surgery was finished at 9pm.


I think I have been on this network for 4 or 5 years, and have been waiting to pick a right doctor. I always knew that if I pick a right doctor, my HT journey would have a great ending. My dream has come true. Now is the tough part, waiting... but I think I can handle this part too because I not only gained grafts but enormous confidence from Dr.Hasson and his staff support.


You can see my pictures, and can see his incredible work. Kudos to Dr.Hasson and his staff.


Last but not least, Thanks for all your support - "HAIR TRANSPLANT NETWORK"


- Kumar

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  • Regular Member

Finally I had my surgery on Friday(day before yesterday) by mastero - DR. VICTOR HASSON. Thursday evening I met Dr.Hasson and Joe, and they spent more than an hour with me to discuss about my questions and procedure.

Surgery started at 7.30 am on Friday. I asked doctor to buzz my head all the way. I requested Dr.Hasson to go for as much less scar as possible and he had done really great work with the scar. I am very much pleased with my scar.

As a typical patient I was worried about the scar, but Dr.Hasson did a very good job. My brother accompanied with me. Doctor explained us each and every step in very detail. I have never seen a doctor, who has this much of patience and who engages patients with his process/steps and humor. After removal of strip, doctor gave us a small break. Doctor and his staff started cutting grafts. After break, doctor started making incisions on my scalp. He made first 2500 incisions(he made me count with his counting device).

Had a nice lunch break, after that his staff started grafting grafts. Staff was very co-operative, they had been offering me fruit juices, movies to watch. Around 2 or 2.30 pm doctor made 2000 incisions. He also grafted few grafts and then his staff took over. I had few breaks in this process. Around 4pm Dr.Hasson made his last 1000 incisions.

So the total is 5400 grafts. I was scheduled for 4000 grafts and doctor gave me 5400 grafts. He gave me full coverage till my crown. That was really mind blowing, I am really so thankful to Dr.Hasson.

Dr.Hasson really wants to give the maximum coverage to his patients. I got 1400 extra grafts with out any extra charge. It is very kind of Dr.Hasson.


I had a dinner a break around 7pm. And my surgery was finished at 9pm.


I think I have been on this network for 4 or 5 years, and have been waiting to pick a right doctor. I always knew that if I pick a right doctor, my HT journey would have a great ending. My dream has come true. Now is the tough part, waiting... but I think I can handle this part too because I not only gained grafts but enormous confidence from Dr.Hasson and his staff support.


You can see my pictures, and can see his incredible work. Kudos to Dr.Hasson and his staff.


Last but not least, Thanks for all your support - "HAIR TRANSPLANT NETWORK"


- Kumar

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  • Regular Member

Congratulations, Kumar! I too had my HT this weekend so I am right there with you. 5400 grafts is amazing and should make a huge difference in your appearance. Please keep us posted with progress pictures. I would love to follow along with someone in a similar situation.


Dr. Hasson has a great reputation and I'm sure you'll love the results.

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  • Senior Member

Glad to hear your happy. 1400 free grafts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy crap thats like anywhere 3-5 grand you just saved and time, thats awesome post some pics..

You only live once...

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It's been a pleasure reading your experience, especially since I've had the pleasure of speaking to you on the phone about your decision.


It sounds like you had quite an experience, especially some excellent news about the 1400 grafts he transplanted for free.


I'll be glad to help you get your photos posted. The best and easiest way to share your photos with us is by creating a hair loss blog and then posting a link in your forum signature. For instructions on doing this, click here.


Get some rest, heal well, and then you'll have some time before the growth starts.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

I always wonder if it is doing anyone any favors by bragging about extra free grafts?


I would feel really cheated if I had recently paid for 5,500+/- grafts and then read that this guy got 1,400 free.


Maybe some things are better off left unsaid.

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Your phone conversations have been very helpful in my HT journey. I really appreciate your support.

I did send pics to your personal email, could you please upload them for me in this thread.



I did not realize about "bragging about extra free grafts". I just wanted to express my gratefulness to doctor and others. I would have done that offline, but I did not mean to make any exaggerations.


And as we all know, final graft count will be known only when they complete cutting all grafts from the strip. Sometimes we are lucky to get more grafts from the strip.

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I wasn't knocking you in anyway. I would love to have free grafts as well. I just wondered if people started questioning the doc's about getting free grafts, maybe the doc's would become less likely to give them.

Good luck with the growth.

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I received your photos, made the file size smaller, and sent them back to you.


Unfortunately, the pictures were a bit blurry and additional photos of the work done would be helpful (like the top of the head), but it's quite clear that yuo are going to have a nice head of hair in 9-12 months.


Keep us posted my friend,



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It was great to have you with us again and I'm super happy for your graft count and that Dr. Hasson was able to work with you regarding your donor requirements. Keep us posted as I look forward to following your progress. Say hi to your brother for me. He was a champ hanging out and supporting you.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Hi Joe,

You are my man, thanks much my friend, thanks for all your support.


Yes, Dr.Hasson did an excellent job, am happy with the whole process.

Right now my eyes are swollen like bulbs though :-)


My brother is very supportive, after surgery he drove me back to Portland, he has lot of patience. It is all team work, buddy!.

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  • Senior Member

Congrats Super8! I know you really worked on choosing the right doctor for you--glad you went to a top clinic!


Anyway, your going to look and feel great in the coming months.


My only questions is (for everyone)--- What's the over/under on when super8 gets hairgreed and heads back in for another round????




Byehair---most docs can fairly estimate what a particular size strip will yield as far as grafts go--- however, there are patients who shock the doctor by yielding some additional grafts---I remember Joe saying something about London_Lad's density when they took his strip.


Anyway, point is, almost every clinic gives free grafts (patient books for 2500-gets 2875, etc...) unless you ask the clinic for as many as possible, payable when they get a final count.


Some clinics negotiate X amount of grafts, then offer a very discounted rate for any over--say 1.00 per graft over (example)


There is no right/wrong way to do it, but IMO, it is always cool to see a guy get treated with extra grafts by a top doc...Dr. Hasson giving an additional 1400 is amazing and a great gesture.



Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Thank you B spot.


I am already thinking about my hairline and temple work :-)

Just kidding. I might at-least wait an year or two to see my native hair patterns.


May be when I see the results, my hairgreed might boost up :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...



The first couple months can be emotionally difficult as we lose the transplanted hair and potentially experience temporary natural hair shock loss. This is why it is referred to as the "doldrums".


My advice? Stay away from mirrors for about 6 months icon_smile.gif.


That may not be realistic, but at least, try not to let it discourage you. It's all part of the roller coaster ride many of us have experienced.


Happy healing and growing.


Best wishes,



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