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Hair Transplant w/ Dr. Hasson.


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Hello Everyone,


I have been a frequent reader of this forum for the past year, and I have found it to be a MUST for anyone considering a HT. Lots of great info and advice on here.


I have been researching HT's for over a year and a half now, and finally decided to go with Dr. Hasson in Vancouver. I'm nervous about the procedure, but excited at the same time! I met with Mike Ferko at the Hasson & Wong office in Seattle back in April and we had a great consultation....he scheduled me for September 8th...which is coming up fast.


I am 30 years old, and I've been on 1.25mg of Proscar daily for the past 6 months...which I'm hoping will help keep the hair I still have. I am a NW4, and hope Dr. Hasson can get at least 4000 graphs from my donor area.


My biggest concern is the quality of my donor hair. During my consultation I was told that my donor hair was a 5 on a scale of 1-10. I guess I'm hoping I can still achieve my desired density/coverage with "5" donor hair. Does anyone have any advice or info on what my expectations should be with "5" donor hair?


I've seen countless photos on this site, but very little info on the donor hair characteristics of the hair that was used.


Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself...and hope to get a blog up and running after my procedure.





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Hello Everyone,


I have been a frequent reader of this forum for the past year, and I have found it to be a MUST for anyone considering a HT. Lots of great info and advice on here.


I have been researching HT's for over a year and a half now, and finally decided to go with Dr. Hasson in Vancouver. I'm nervous about the procedure, but excited at the same time! I met with Mike Ferko at the Hasson & Wong office in Seattle back in April and we had a great consultation....he scheduled me for September 8th...which is coming up fast.


I am 30 years old, and I've been on 1.25mg of Proscar daily for the past 6 months...which I'm hoping will help keep the hair I still have. I am a NW4, and hope Dr. Hasson can get at least 4000 graphs from my donor area.


My biggest concern is the quality of my donor hair. During my consultation I was told that my donor hair was a 5 on a scale of 1-10. I guess I'm hoping I can still achieve my desired density/coverage with "5" donor hair. Does anyone have any advice or info on what my expectations should be with "5" donor hair?


I've seen countless photos on this site, but very little info on the donor hair characteristics of the hair that was used.


Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself...and hope to get a blog up and running after my procedure.





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  • Senior Member


By choosing Dr. Hasson you made a good choice.. In my experiences being nervous is normal, most people are before surgery. Just relax everything will be fine and once you are finished you will wonder why you were even nervous to start. I will actually be there that day assisting an italian patient that is having surgery with Dr. Wong.

In my opinion being a 5 ( I assume that is diameter of hair shaft) can produce a very natural result. Although you may need a bit more density at the end the results look fanastic. Once again I am not a doctor this is only my opinion.

See your there.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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  • Senior Member

Relax wazzuhair..you'll be in good hands. Not sure what '5' means..but on a scale of 1-10 i'd assume it means average! There's alot of people with avg donor hair that have got really good results. Good luck and congrats on deciding to get an HT.

- badger

3279 grafts with Dr Gabel - 06/12/08


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Gabel

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You've made an excellent choice in selecting a world class surgeon.


Hair characteristics including donor hair density, hair shaft thickness, and color will play a major role in your hair transplant.


Donor hair density and scalp elasticity will ultimately determine how many grafts Dr. Hasson will be able to harvest. Transplanted hair density in a single session will depend on the bald area to cover and your goals. For example, most surgeons will create more density in the front and taper off going into the back in order to create the most natural and cosmetically pleasing result. After all, most people see you from the front view.


Patients with thicker hair shaft diameter will present a great illusion of density even if the number of follicular units and hairs per square cm are the same. Also, the less hair / scalp color contrast, the more coverage and density you will appear to have (though not in actuality).


I assume that Dr. Hasson was using a "5" in a scale of 1-10 regarding your donor density to indicate that your donor is somewhere in the middle between exceptional and poor (in other words, average).


Be sure to ask Dr. Hasson approximately how many grafts he feels he can safely extract and how many sessions you may need to accomplish your goals with your current hair loss. Also know that future hair loss could mean the potential for subsequent surgeries which is why many patients take Propecia to try to slow down or stop the progression of male pattern baldness.


I hope this helps.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

Hey Wazzu. I did a consult with Mike as well. I believe he gave my donor hair a 4 rating. My hair is fine. I'm about 7 months out from a procedure with Dr. Wong. Even though I don't have ideal donor hair, you can't see my strip scar with a 6 clipper setting. I could go shorter if it weren't for a low Bosley strip.


Rest assured, you're in good hands. The facility is great. I would recommend staying in town the night of the procedure and going back for a shampoo the next day. Also, make sure you're doing your scalp exercises. Good luck.

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Geez, I WISH I was a five. Mike called me a three and I only got 8000 grafts since


I think it might be time for Mike to re-evaluate his donor hair scale then icon_smile.gif. Either that, or you had exceptional scalp elasticity.


Members and guests should be aware that 8000 grafts is not considered below average in terms of available donor, in fact, it's considered above average. Exceptional would be those rare breeds who have recieved over 10,000 grafts to cover their entire scalp.


I hope this helps patients establish realistic expectations so you are not disappointed if you don't have as much donor hair available as JoTronic icon_smile.gif


Best wishes,



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