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Prog on TV


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  • Senior Member

There was quite a depressing prog on tv a few nights ago called bald. It was on channel 4 in the UK; did anyone in the UK see it? For those that didnt it basically showed the lifes of 5 bald men and their different ways of dealing with it. One of them went to advanced hair institute and despite the negativity about them, he seems to be happy. I think the most depressing case in the show was of a man called Martin who wore a hair piece. He hadnt had a date in 2 years and as he was walking down the street the song of 'just the two of us' was played by the show. I imagine it was referring to him and his toupe. The cameraman further ridiculed him and said after martin had washed his hair piece; 'going to impress the ladies tonight then martin?' It went on like this and eventually he was at a singles night where their were mainly men; he didn't pull. I hope none of us end up like martin. There was only 2 guys happy with being bald on the show; one was 28 going on 40 and didnt look very good to be honest. The other looked okay bald and was a model; unfortunately only for gay magazines, I dont mean that in a homophobic way but why is it bald men are usually seen to be attractive to gay men? Anyway it was a depressing show overall.

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  • Senior Member

There was quite a depressing prog on tv a few nights ago called bald. It was on channel 4 in the UK; did anyone in the UK see it? For those that didnt it basically showed the lifes of 5 bald men and their different ways of dealing with it. One of them went to advanced hair institute and despite the negativity about them, he seems to be happy. I think the most depressing case in the show was of a man called Martin who wore a hair piece. He hadnt had a date in 2 years and as he was walking down the street the song of 'just the two of us' was played by the show. I imagine it was referring to him and his toupe. The cameraman further ridiculed him and said after martin had washed his hair piece; 'going to impress the ladies tonight then martin?' It went on like this and eventually he was at a singles night where their were mainly men; he didn't pull. I hope none of us end up like martin. There was only 2 guys happy with being bald on the show; one was 28 going on 40 and didnt look very good to be honest. The other looked okay bald and was a model; unfortunately only for gay magazines, I dont mean that in a homophobic way but why is it bald men are usually seen to be attractive to gay men? Anyway it was a depressing show overall.

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Here's a post I found on another website. Although I personally opted for an HT - the guy does raise some good points. I hope this positive message will make up for the depressing TV program. I found the post on thebaldtruth by:



Junior Member posted May 08, 2003 09:39 PM


"Just wanted to say hello to everybody because i just found this site a couple of days ago. i could not beleive the people out there that were like me, insecure to the level that i was about my hair. i am a norwood 3 and just turned 26 years old. The main reason i wanted to post was because of my experience with hair loss. i began losing my hair when i was 19 and it was my first year of college. i was blown away that this was happening to me just like it has to all of you. At that point in my life i struggled with what was happening to me, none of my other friends in college were experiencing this. i decided at that point to take a good look at the future, because once it starts, it doesn't stop. So i decided to take fate into my own hands. At 19, i was 6'3 175 lbs, pretty much tall and skinny. i always noticed these huge wrestler types who were bald and huge and noticed that the first thing people noticed about them was not the baldness but the bulging muscles. So i started to work out, hard! It was my mission in life and it was something that kept me busy so i wasn't worried about my hair. I concentrated on that and school and nothing else, basically in my own world. I was going to become a machine and make up for my insecurities and if they didn't like it, screw em. I am now 26 years old and am 6'3 250 lbs at 5% bodyfat. I look like a guy in a muscle and fitness magazine with a shaved head. When i go out on the town, people come up to me and ask me questions, women stare at me and walk by and "accidently" touch my but or my chest. My last girlfriend was a model and i have no problem what so ever picking up beautiful women anywhere. I am not bragging here, but just giving the younger guys hope that they can do something that makes them feel great and look great too. You should see my head too, i have a dent in the middle but it doesn't matter. Focus on something that you can control. My last girlfriend let me in on how women felt about guys with muscles. It basically came down to that they feel the same way that we do about women with great bodies. I did all of this without steriods and actually hated god for a while because of what he did to me. I took that hate to the gym and it paid off. I now have a great relationship with god and have a great life inside and out because i would not let baldness keep me from being myself and not enjoying all of life. So all of you young guys out there, give this lifestyle a thought. You control your life and your dreams, don't let baldness control who you are or who you want to be! I wish all of you the best and don't let it get you down."


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic''. Arthur C. Clarke

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  • Senior Member

Thanks micro that was an inspiring post. I have been thinking about going to the gym a lot more recently. I have some equipment at home so i may start using that as well.

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That was a great post because it shows that things other than an HT can work awesome.

As to women, a big, strong man is a symbol of confidence and security for her. Remember, women are really big on finding a man who can provide them with security.

Another thing to point out, though, is that you've got to see how the weightlifting thing works for you. For me, I seem to never be able to get "bulky", but definitely a little bigger and better size overall. I can walk a little taller and such.

And all that extra happy hormone running through you doesn't hurt either!

Adding 75 pounds and dropping a lot of fat is possible, but you'll probably have to work out religiously to do that -- and that is a huge time commitment. To each his own.

I work out regularly but not religiously, and the result is satisfactory so I'm happy.

You've got to try, though.

Oh yeah, BTW, if I were to concentrate on JUST ONE muscle group for times sake, I'd concentrate on your ARMS. Women LOVE nice arms peering out of a short-sleeved shirt. If you are short on time, concentrate on that muscle group mostly and you'll definitely get a lot of positive attention from the women.

Being taller helps too, BTW. A tall man is perceived as a more confident man, all other things being equal.

You've gotta use what gifts you've got to their fullest.



Knowledge is Power

If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

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  • Regular Member

It seems Hair loss affects men differently. How many times have you heard you shouldn't feel bad about losing your hair ... so and so doesn't?


And don't even mention the .05% of men who look good without hair (ie Sean Connery). On a looks scale of 1-10 they were probably 12's before they lost their hair.


Research shows many men really don't care but it also shows many men do. I wish I was one of the former but like most of you ... I am not.


Here are some SHORT summaries (a paragraph or 2 each) of scientific research that indicates what men really feel about the subject and also how if affects their lives and in some cases their jobs. Titles ... Losing Hair - Losing Points, Does Fortune Favor The Bald?, Effects of Self-Perceived Hair Loss, and Quality of Life Issues in Male Pattern Hair Loss. See http://pilc.com/newsArticle1.htm .

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