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Price per graft or fixed Quote?

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  • Regular Member

Hello all,


Is a price per graft just an estimate as to the final payment? Before surgery the Dr. May say they are planning on taken say 4000 grafts, so you would know the price prior to the surgery. If after surgery the Dr. was able to take more grafts than originally predicted, (Awesome for me) are you going to have to pay for the extra grafts. I imagine this may work the other way if less grafts are taken?


Do I have to work on the assumption that the numbers of grafts are unpredictable so therefore so will be the costs?


After surgery I may have to explain to my wife that it is actually 8 years and not 6 until she can have another holiday!!


Cheers for any comments...........

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  • Regular Member

Hello all,


Is a price per graft just an estimate as to the final payment? Before surgery the Dr. May say they are planning on taken say 4000 grafts, so you would know the price prior to the surgery. If after surgery the Dr. was able to take more grafts than originally predicted, (Awesome for me) are you going to have to pay for the extra grafts. I imagine this may work the other way if less grafts are taken?


Do I have to work on the assumption that the numbers of grafts are unpredictable so therefore so will be the costs?


After surgery I may have to explain to my wife that it is actually 8 years and not 6 until she can have another holiday!!


Cheers for any comments...........

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I think you will find that this will vary from Dr to Dr!


I went to Dr Feller, and he prices his sessions in categories (See his website for prices) i initially paid for 3000 grafts, but due to a sparser than anticpated donor strip, fell down a bracket, so was refunded $1000.


I have seen posts on here where people have paid for a set number, and have actually got free grafts if their Doc was able to harvest more.


So do your research, and when you make your choice, i'm sure your doc will price them up front.


All the best.



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Clive is right, it varies.


I've seen some docs who only charge 1/2 price for any extra grafts and some give them for free. It seems most clinics charge by the graft, but there are some who go by 'small', 'medium', etc.


Personally, I understood the per graft quotes better so that's what I went for. By the way, I got 250 extra grafts above my initial session and they were put in for free.


I imagine there is a clinic or two who would throw them away, which would be a shame in my opinion. Ask them, and you'll find a doc on here that you can trust completely.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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"I imagine there is a clinic or two who would throw them away, which would be a shame in my opinion. Ask them, and you'll find a doc on here that you can trust completely."



name the clinics who throws away donor hair.. thats not just shameful.. its a crime!!!

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As you will no doubt hear on this site again and again, do your research and make your own choice of the surgeon YOU feel is right for you.


I had a consult with Dr Farjo, and he was very helpfull and skillfull, and as you can see from his posted work on here, (Via Mick ) his results are excellent. However my choice was Dr Feller, and i feel that was a good choice for me.


Consult with at least 6 surgeons before you decide, and don't let distance put you off.


All the best.



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  • Senior Member

Always get price per graft and number of grafts prior to surgery during consultation. DO NOT get price per hair as this inflates the overall price.





MSM/Saw Palmetto



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